Functional MRI
FEAT - model-based analysis, e.g., for task FMRI
MELODIC - model-free ICA-based analysis, e.g., for resting FMRI
FABBER - dual-echo (ASL/BOLD) perfusion FMRI
BASIL - quantitative resting perfusion analysis from perfusion ASL FMRI
Structural MRI
fsl_anat - general anatomical pipeline script that calls most of the below tools to provide a "one-stop" comprehensive integrated structural analysis
BET - brain extraction
FAST - tissue-type segmentation
FIRST - segmentation of subcortical structures
FSLVBM - voxelwise analysis of multi-subject grey-matter density
SIENA & SIENAX - longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of structural changes
Diffusion MRI
FDT - diffusion MRI preprocessing, tensor fitting and tractography
TBSS - voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion MRI datasets
EDDY - improved eddy-current and head motion correction for diffusion MRI datasets
TOPUP - improved distortion correction for diffusion MRI datasets
Perfusion MRI
BASIL - perfusion quantification using arterial spin labelling
Randomise - permutation-based inference, including TFCE
PALM - permutation-based inference, including multivariate and handling of surface data
Dual Regression - Generating subject-specific maps from a group-ICA
Other tools
FSLView - 3D/4D image, timeseries and surface viewer
Nets - various tools relating to network/connectivity analysis
FDR - false discovery rate thresholding
Mm - mixture-model thresholding
Cluster - various cluster-based analyses including GRF-based cluster inference
Fslutils - miscellaneous command-line programs (including fslmaths and fslstats)
Atlases - various atlases included with FSL
SUSAN - nonlinear image noise reduction
FUGUE - fieldmap-based EPI distortion correction
MCFLIRT - head-motion correction
FLOBS - flexible haemodynamic basis functions
Miscvis - programs for making summary pictures
lesion_filling - tool for filling lesion masks with non-lesion intensities
POSSUM - FMRI/MRI image simulator
Atlasquery - tool for reporting atlas labels for masks or single coordinates