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To run BayCEST you will need:

Running BayCEST

BayCEST can be called from the command line with the following information:

BayCEST also has a few advanced options:

Poolmat: the pool specification matrix

It is necessary to specify details about each of the pools that you wish to include within the model, including the water pool. The key details required are:

This should take the form of an ascii matrix where each row corresponds to one pool, and each column is a parameter in the order: Frequency | rate | T1 | T2 .

The first row should refer to the water pool and the freqeuncy should be in Hz according to the field strength, otherwise a ppm value is expected. The exchange rate value for the water pool will be ignored, but should be included, i.e. enter a zero in that column.

Example poolmats:

Dataspec: data specification

Each individual volume in the data should contain a single sample from the z-spectrum. It is necessary to specify in the dataspec matrix for each sample:

The data specification matrix should be an ascii matrix with one row for each volume in the data and the columns representing (in order): Frequency | B1 field | No. pulses .

For example:










In this example the first point is unsaturated, the second occurs at the APT centre frequency and the final sample is symmetrically placed at the other side of the water centre. Here it has been assumed that only a single pulse has been applied, e.g. continuous saturation.

Ptrain: pulse specification

The pulse shape used for saturation should be discretized into a series of approximate segments that are then used within the model calculations. This is provided to BayCEST as an ascii matrix where each row is a time point in the approximation, the first entry in the row is the the magnitude of the pulse at that time (in relative units, i.e. the largest value at the peak of the pulse should be 1.0, the whole pulse is scaled by the B1 value specified in the dataspec matrix) and the second entry is time value (in seconds). It is assumed that the pulse starts at zero at time zero. Only a single cycle of the pulse scheme need be specified, BayCEST will automatically produce a pulse train using the number of repeats specified in the dataspec matrix (and in a computationally efficient manner).


The primary outputs of BayCEST are estimates of the various parameters in the multi-pool model. These can be found within the output directory all beginning with 'mean_'. Each of the pools are labelled by a letter in the order they appear in the poolmat matrix. The parameters returned are:

A modelfit image is also generated which can be compared to the data to visualise the fit of the model to the data.

2017-04-20 13:30