This table lists information extracted by ExifTool from JPEG images.
APP6 is used in by the Toshiba PDR-M700 to store a TIFF structure containing
PrintIM information.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0xc4a5 |
PrintIM |
undef |
--> PrintIM Tags |
This information is found in APP8 of SPIFF-style JPEG images (the "official"
yet rarely used JPEG file format standard: Still Picture Interchange File
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0 |
SPIFFVersion |
N |
2 |
ProfileID |
N |
0 = Not Specified
1 = Continuous-tone Base
2 = Continuous-tone Progressive
3 = Bi-level Facsimile
4 = Continuous-tone Facsimile |
3 |
ColorComponents |
N |
6 |
ImageHeight |
N |
(at index 4 in specification, but there are 2 extra bytes here in my only
SPIFF sample, version 1.2) |
10 |
ImageWidth |
N |
14 |
ColorSpace |
N |
0 = Bi-level
1 = YCbCr, ITU-R BT 709, video
2 = No color space specified
3 = YCbCr, ITU-R BT 601-1, RGB
4 = YCbCr, ITU-R BT 601-1, video
8 = Gray-scale
9 = PhotoYCC
10 = RGB
11 = CMY
12 = CMYK
13 = YCCK
14 = CIELab |
15 |
BitsPerSample |
N |
16 |
Compression |
N |
0 = Uncompressed, interleaved, 8 bits per sample
1 = Modified Huffman
2 = Modified READ
3 = Modified Modified READ
4 = JBIG
5 = JPEG |
17 |
ResolutionUnit |
N |
0 = None
1 = inches
2 = cm |
18 |
YResolution |
N |
22 |
XResolution |
N |
The "Adobe_CM" APP13 segment presumably contains color management
information, but the meaning of the data is currently unknown. If anyone
has an idea about what this means, please let me know.
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0 |
AdobeCMType |
N |
The "Adobe" APP14 segment stores image encoding information for DCT filters.
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0 |
DCTEncodeVersion |
N |
1 |
APP14Flags0 |
N |
Bit 15 = Encoded with Blend=1 downsampling |
2 |
APP14Flags1 |
N |
3 |
ColorTransform |
N |
0 = Unknown (RGB or CMYK)
1 = YCbCr
2 = YCCK |
APP15 is used by GraphicConverter to store JPEG quality.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'Q' |
Quality |
N |
This information is extracted from the JPEG Start Of Frame segment.
Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
BitsPerSample |
N |
ColorComponents |
N |
EncodingProcess |
N |
0x0 = Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
0x1 = Extended sequential DCT, Huffman coding
0x2 = Progressive DCT, Huffman coding
0x3 = Lossless, Huffman coding
0x5 = Sequential DCT, differential Huffman coding
0x6 = Progressive DCT, differential Huffman coding
0x7 = Lossless, Differential Huffman coding
0x9 = Extended sequential DCT, arithmetic coding
0xa = Progressive DCT, arithmetic coding
0xb = Lossless, arithmetic coding
0xd = Sequential DCT, differential arithmetic coding
0xe = Progressive DCT, differential arithmetic coding
0xf = Lossless, differential arithmetic coding |
ImageHeight |
N |
ImageWidth |
N |
YCbCrSubSampling |
N |
(calculated from components table)
'1 1' = YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1)
'1 2' = YCbCr4:4:0 (1 2)
'2 1' = YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)
'2 2' = YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
'4 1' = YCbCr4:1:1 (4 1)
'4 2' = YCbCr4:1:0 (4 2) |
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Oct 5, 2007
<-- ExifTool Tag Names