javap - The Java Class File Disassembler

Disassembles class files.


javap [ options ] class. . .


The javap command disassembles a class file. Its output depends on the options used. If no options are used, javap prints out the public fields and methods of the classes passed to it. javap prints its output to stdout. For example, compile the following class declaration:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class DocFooter extends Applet {
        String date;
        String email;

        public void init() {

                date = getParameter("LAST_UPDATED");
                email = getParameter("EMAIL");

        public void paint(Graphics g) {
                g.drawString(date + " by ",100, 15);
The output from javap DocFooter yields:
Compiled from
public class DocFooter extends java.applet.Applet {
    java.lang.String date;
    java.lang.String email;
    public void init();
    public void paint(java.awt.Graphics);
    public DocFooter();


Prints out line and local variable tables.

Adds the private methods and fields information to the printed output.

Prints out disassembled code, i.e., the instructions that comprise the Java bytecodes, for each of the methods in the class.

-classpath path
Specifies the path javap uses to look up classes. Overrides the default or the CLASSPATH environment variable if it is set. Directories are separated by colons. Thus the general format for path is:

For example:
Generate code which can be put into a C language header file.

Generate verbose output.

Run the verifier.

Prints out the javap version string.


Used to provide the system a path to user-defined classes. Directories are separated by colons, for example, For example:


javac, java, jdb, javah, javadoc