Java Debug Interface

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReferenceType
com.sun.jdi This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities. 
com.sun.jdi.event This package defines JDI events and event processing. 
com.sun.jdi.request This package is used to request that a JDI event be sent under specified conditions. 

Uses of ReferenceType in com.sun.jdi

Subinterfaces of ReferenceType in com.sun.jdi
 interface ArrayType
          Provides access to the class of an array and the type of its components in the target VM.
 interface ClassType
          A mirror of a class in the target VM.
 interface InterfaceType
          A mirror of an interface in the target VM.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return ReferenceType
 ReferenceType Location.declaringType()
          Gets the type to which this Location belongs.
 ReferenceType TypeComponent.declaringType()
          Returns the type in which this component was declared.
 ReferenceType ObjectReference.referenceType()
          Gets the ReferenceType that mirrors the type of this object.
 ReferenceType ClassObjectReference.reflectedType()
          Returns the ReferenceType corresponding to this class object.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return types with arguments of type ReferenceType
 List<ReferenceType> VirtualMachine.allClasses()
          Returns all loaded types.
 List<ReferenceType> VirtualMachine.classesByName(String className)
          Returns the loaded reference types that match a given name.
 List<ReferenceType> ClassLoaderReference.definedClasses()
          Returns a list of all loaded classes that were defined by this class loader.
 List<ReferenceType> ReferenceType.nestedTypes()
          Returns a List containing ReferenceType objects that are declared within this type and are currently loaded into the Virtual Machine.
 List<ReferenceType> ClassLoaderReference.visibleClasses()
          Returns a list of all classes for which this class loader has been recorded as the initiating loader in the target VM.

Method parameters in com.sun.jdi with type arguments of type ReferenceType
 void VirtualMachine.redefineClasses(Map<? extends ReferenceType,byte[]> classToBytes)
          All classes given are redefined according to the definitions supplied.

Uses of ReferenceType in com.sun.jdi.event

Methods in com.sun.jdi.event that return ReferenceType
 ReferenceType ClassPrepareEvent.referenceType()
          Returns the reference type for which this event was generated.

Uses of ReferenceType in com.sun.jdi.request

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request that return ReferenceType
 ReferenceType ExceptionRequest.exception()
          Returns exception type for which exception events are requested.

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request with parameters of type ReferenceType
 void WatchpointRequest.addClassFilter(ReferenceType refType)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose location is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes.
 void StepRequest.addClassFilter(ReferenceType refType)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose location is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes.
 void MethodExitRequest.addClassFilter(ReferenceType refType)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose method is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes.
 void MethodEntryRequest.addClassFilter(ReferenceType refType)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose method is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes.
 void ExceptionRequest.addClassFilter(ReferenceType refType)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose location is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes.
 void ClassPrepareRequest.addClassFilter(ReferenceType refType)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to be the preparation of the given reference type and any subtypes.
 ExceptionRequest EventRequestManager.createExceptionRequest(ReferenceType refType, boolean notifyCaught, boolean notifyUncaught)
          Creates a new disabled ExceptionRequest.

Java Debug Interface