Class Options

  extended byorg.python.core.Options

public class Options
extends java.lang.Object

A class with static fields for each of the settable options. The options from registry and command line is copied into the fields here and the rest of Jyhton checks these fields.

Field Summary
static boolean caseok
          If true, Jython will use the first module found on sys.path where java File.isFile() returns true.
static boolean deprecatedKeywordMangling
          Setting this to true will support old 1.0 style keyword+"_" names.
static int divisionWarning
          Enable division warning.
static boolean importSite
          When false the will not be imported.
static boolean pollStandardIn
          Setting this to true will cause the console to poll standard in.
static java.lang.String proxyDebugDirectory
          A directory where the dynamicly generated classes are written.
static boolean Qnew
          If true, enable truedivision for the '/' operator.
static boolean respectJavaAccessibility
          If true, JPython respects Java the accessibility flag for fields, methods, and constructors.
static boolean showJavaExceptions
          when an exception occurs in Java code, and it is not caught, should the interpreter print out the Java exception in the traceback?
static boolean showPythonProxyExceptions
          When true, python exception raised in overriden methods will be shown on stderr.
static boolean skipCompile
          To force JIT compilation of Jython code -- should be unnecessary Setting this to true will cause jdk1.2rc1 to core dump on Windows
static int verbose
          Set verbosity to Py.ERROR, Py.WARNING, Py.MESSAGE, Py.COMMENT, or Py.DEBUG for varying levels of informative messages from Jython.
Method Summary
static void setFromRegistry()
          Initialize the static fields from the registry options.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean showJavaExceptions
when an exception occurs in Java code, and it is not caught, should the interpreter print out the Java exception in the traceback?


public static boolean showPythonProxyExceptions
When true, python exception raised in overriden methods will be shown on stderr. This option is remarkable usefull when python is used for implementing CORBA server. Some CORBA servers will turn python exception (say a NameError) into an anonymous user exception without any stacktrace. Setting this option will show the stacktrace.


public static boolean skipCompile
To force JIT compilation of Jython code -- should be unnecessary Setting this to true will cause jdk1.2rc1 to core dump on Windows


public static boolean pollStandardIn
Setting this to true will cause the console to poll standard in. This might be helpful on systems without system-level threads.


public static boolean respectJavaAccessibility
If true, JPython respects Java the accessibility flag for fields, methods, and constructors. This means you can only access public members. Set this to false to access all members by toggling the accessible flag on the member.


public static boolean importSite
When false the will not be imported. This is only honored by the command line main class.


public static int verbose
Set verbosity to Py.ERROR, Py.WARNING, Py.MESSAGE, Py.COMMENT, or Py.DEBUG for varying levels of informative messages from Jython. Normally this option is set from the command line.


public static boolean deprecatedKeywordMangling
Setting this to true will support old 1.0 style keyword+"_" names. This isn't needed any more due to improvements in the parser


public static java.lang.String proxyDebugDirectory
A directory where the dynamicly generated classes are written. Nothing is ever read from here, it is only for debugging purposes.


public static boolean caseok
If true, Jython will use the first module found on sys.path where java File.isFile() returns true. Setting this to true have no effect on unix-type filesystems. On Windows/HPS+ systems setting it to true will enable Jython-2.0 behaviour.


public static boolean Qnew
If true, enable truedivision for the '/' operator.


public static int divisionWarning
Enable division warning. The value maps to the registry values of

Method Detail


public static void setFromRegistry()
Initialize the static fields from the registry options.

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