Class PyMethodDescr

  extended byorg.python.core.PyObject
      extended byorg.python.core.PyDescriptor
          extended byorg.python.core.PyMethodDescr
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PyMethodDescr
extends PyDescriptor
implements PyBuiltinFunction.Info

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.python.core.PyObject
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.python.core.PyObject
Constructor Summary
PyMethodDescr(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class c, int minargs, int maxargs, PyBuiltinFunction func)
Method Summary
 PyObject __call__()
          A variant of the __call__ method with no arguments.
 PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1)
          A variant of the __call__ method with one argument.
 PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args)
          A variant of the __call__ method when no keywords are passed.
 PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args, java.lang.String[] kws)
          The basic method to override when implementing a callable object.
 PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2)
          A variant of the __call__ method with two arguments.
 PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2, PyObject arg3)
          A variant of the __call__ method with three arguments.
 PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2, PyObject arg3, PyObject arg4)
          A variant of the __call__ method with four arguments.
 PyObject __get__(PyObject obj, PyObject type)
 int getMaxargs()
 int getMinargs()
 java.lang.String getName()
 java.lang.String toString()
 PyException unexpectedCall(int nargs, boolean keywords)
Methods inherited from class org.python.core.PyObject
__abs__, __add__, __and__, __call__, __cmp__, __coerce__, __coerce_ex__, __complex__, __contains__, __delattr__, __delattr__, __delete__, __delitem__, __delitem__, __delslice__, __delslice__, __dir__, __div__, __divmod__, __eq__, __findattr__, __findattr__, __finditem__, __finditem__, __finditem__, __float__, __floordiv__, __ge__, __getattr__, __getattr__, __getitem__, __getitem__, __getslice__, __getslice__, __gt__, __hash__, __hex__, __iadd__, __iand__, __idiv__, __idivmod__, __ifloordiv__, __ilshift__, __imod__, __imul__, __int__, __invert__, __ior__, __ipow__, __irshift__, __isub__, __iter__, __iternext__, __itruediv__, __ixor__, __le__, __len__, __long__, __lshift__, __lt__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __neg__, __nonzero__, __not__, __oct__, __or__, __pos__, __pow__, __pow__, __radd__, __rand__, __rdiv__, __rdivmod__, __repr__, __rfloordiv__, __rlshift__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __ror__, __rpow__, __rrshift__, __rshift__, __rsub__, __rtruediv__, __rxor__, __set__, __setattr__, __setattr__, __setitem__, __setitem__, __setitem__, __setslice__, __setslice__, __str__, __sub__, __tojava__, __truediv__, __xor__, _add, _and, _callextra, _cmp, _div, _divmod, _doget, _doget, _doset, _eq, _floordiv, _ge, _gt, _in, _is, _isnot, _jcall, _jcallexc, _jthrow, _le, _lshift, _lt, _mod, _mul, _ne, _notin, _or, _pow, _rshift, _sub, _truediv, _xor, asInt, asLong, asName, asString, asStringOrNull, dispatch__init__, equals, fastGetClass, fastGetDict, getDict, getDoc, getType, hashCode, implementsDescrDelete, implementsDescrSet, invoke, invoke, invoke, invoke, invoke, isCallable, isDataDescr, isMappingType, isNumberType, isSequenceType, noAttributeError, readonlyAttributeError, safeRepr, typeSetup
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PyMethodDescr(java.lang.String name,
                     java.lang.Class c,
                     int minargs,
                     int maxargs,
                     PyBuiltinFunction func)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
Specified by:
getName in interface PyBuiltinFunction.Info


public int getMaxargs()
Specified by:
getMaxargs in interface PyBuiltinFunction.Info


public int getMinargs()
Specified by:
getMinargs in interface PyBuiltinFunction.Info


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class PyObject


public PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __call__ method when no keywords are passed. The default behavior is to invoke __call__(args, keywords) with the appropriate arguments. The only reason to override this function would be for improved performance.

__call__ in class PyObject
args - all arguments to the function.


public PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args,
                         java.lang.String[] kws)
Description copied from class: PyObject
The basic method to override when implementing a callable object. The first len(args)-len(keywords) members of args[] are plain arguments. The last len(keywords) arguments are the values of the keyword arguments.

__call__ in class PyObject
args - all arguments to the function (including keyword arguments).
kws - the keywords used for all keyword arguments.


public PyObject __call__()
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __call__ method with no arguments. The default behavior is to invoke __call__(args, keywords) with the appropriate arguments. The only reason to override this function would be for improved performance.

__call__ in class PyObject


public PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __call__ method with one argument. The default behavior is to invoke __call__(args, keywords) with the appropriate arguments. The only reason to override this function would be for improved performance.

__call__ in class PyObject
arg1 - the single argument to the function.


public PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1,
                         PyObject arg2)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __call__ method with two arguments. The default behavior is to invoke __call__(args, keywords) with the appropriate arguments. The only reason to override this function would be for improved performance.

__call__ in class PyObject
arg1 - the first argument to the function.
arg2 - the second argument to the function.


public PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1,
                         PyObject arg2,
                         PyObject arg3)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __call__ method with three arguments. The default behavior is to invoke __call__(args, keywords) with the appropriate arguments. The only reason to override this function would be for improved performance.

__call__ in class PyObject
arg1 - the first argument to the function.
arg2 - the second argument to the function.
arg3 - the third argument to the function.


public PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1,
                         PyObject arg2,
                         PyObject arg3,
                         PyObject arg4)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __call__ method with four arguments. The default behavior is to invoke __call__(args, keywords) with the appropriate arguments. The only reason to override this function would be for improved performance.

__call__ in class PyObject
arg1 - the first argument to the function.
arg2 - the second argument to the function.
arg3 - the third argument to the function.
arg4 - the fourth argument to the function.


public PyException unexpectedCall(int nargs,
                                  boolean keywords)
Specified by:
unexpectedCall in interface PyBuiltinFunction.Info


public PyObject __get__(PyObject obj,
                        PyObject type)
__get__ in class PyObject

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