Please do not cross-post; pick only one mailing list to contact.
If you are a user in the MIT community, please contact MIT IS&T to get help about Kerberos. The MIT Kerberos Team does not have the resources to support individual MIT end users.
If you are a user at a site using Kerberos, please contact your site's support organization for help. If you are a user in the MIT community, please contact MIT IS&T for assistance with Kerberos.
If you are using a version of MIT Kerberos shipped with another vendor's product, please contact your vendor directly for support. The MIT Kerberos Team does not have the resources to support individual end users.
If you are installing or deploying Kerberos, the
list is appropriate for questions and discussions about Kerberos
in general, not necessarily limited to the MIT implementation.
Please note that replies to questions are not guaranteed.
Postings to the kerberos
list from non-subscribers
are moderated; you may find it useful to subscribe to the list
before you send. This is a public list: any mail you
send to it is archived and visible to non-subscribers.
list is a developers' mailing list primarily focusing on the MIT
reference implementation. It is a reasonable place to direct
questions if you are developing a third-party application using
the MIT implementation, adapting the MIT implementation for your
own use, or intending to include the MIT implementation as part
of your own product.
list is a developers' mailing list primarily focusing on the MIT
Kerberos for Windows (KfW) implementation. It is a reasonable
place to direct questions if you are developing a third-party
application using KfW, adapting the KfW implementation for your
own use, or intending to include KfW as part of your own
Postings to these lists from non-subscribers are moderated; you may find it useful to subscribe to the list before you send. These are public lists: any mail you send to them is archived and visible to non-subscribers.
The e-mail interface to our
bug-tracking system
is the
list. Please make sure that your problem is actually due to a
bug in the implementation before sending mail here. If in
doubt, you can always send e-mail to the
list first. Bug reports sent here are available to the public:
please don't send anything confidential or sensitive here. See
our Security Contact information below.
If you need to send sensitive information, please send it to
our security contact address: