Professor Oral Buyukozturk was elected as a Fellow of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI). Read more.
Professor Oral Buyukozturk received the Mustafa Inana Special Award for Excellence in Science and Engineering from Istanbul Technical University (ITU). Read more.
Professor Oral Buyukozturk received the Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovation in Computing. Read more.
Professor Oral Buyukozturk was elected as a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Research on new techniques for investigating oil well cement hydration with additives highlighted on the ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) webpageRead more.
Research on water dynamics in cement paste with nano-additives showcased in the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) webpage Read more.
Research on how new tools could improve the way cement seals oil wells highlighted on Engineers Journal of Engineers Ireland.
Research on how new tools could improve the way cement seals oil wells highlighted on MIT News.
Professor Oral Buyukozturk was selected as the recipient of the George Macomber Professorship, MIT Endowed Chair.
From March 10 – 13, Professor Oral Buyukozturk delivered the plenary lecture at the 2019 Gulf Conference in Kuwait entitled "Roadmap for Sustainable Built Environment: a science-based multidisciplinary research." The conference was the result of the successful completion of the first MIT – Kuwait multidisciplinary signature project in which Buyukozturk was the Principal Investigator involving a total of 61 researchers, 24 from MIT and 37 from Kuwait. Buyukozturk led a group of 3 faculty members and 5 postdocs and students who presented 8 technical papers in the conference. The group held 3 international workshops on sustainable materials, energy, and infrastructure sensing and monitoring. The conference also featured MIT Associate Provost Professor Richard K. Lester, who presented the opening plenary talk.
James Long defended his PhD thesis titled "Autonomous Planning and Resource Allocation in Reconfigurable Samrt Sensing Networks." Congratulations Dr. Long.
Undergraduate student Rayna Higuchi and research scientist Dr. Kunal Kupwade-Patil's research on Use of Biomass Ash for Development of Engineered Cementitious Binders was highlighted by MIT CEE news.
Graduate student James Long attended a workshop organized by NAM where researchers from MIT, TU Delft and University of Pavia showcased their ongoing research.
Research on particle size effect of volcanic ash towards developing engineered Portland cements was highlighted in the JEOL Newsletter July 2018.
Prof. Buyukozturk received the 2018 George W. Housner Medal for Strcutural Control and Monitoring from the ASCE fro his "pioneering and transformative developments in video-based structural sensing and identification, interferometry-based data analytics, high-efficiency generic wireless networks, and their integration with groundbreaking engineering mechanics research and practice for enhancing civil infrastructural resilience and sustainability" Read more.
Prof. Buyukozturk was honored with the CEE Distinguished Service and Leadership Award at the CEE Senior Celebration and Awards Banquet 2018. Read more.
LISS members Stephanie Chin, Rayna Higuchi and Jackson-Lee Jewett received awards at the CEE Senior Celebration and Awards Banquet 2018. Read more.
Research on sustainable additives in concrete structures was featured on MIT News, Newsweek, and Inverse Innovation.
Research on reusing plastics as concrete additives was featured on MIT News, Science Daily, and Architect Magazine.
Steven D. Palkovic defended his PhD thesis titled "A Multiscale Computational Framework for Cement Paste." Congratulations Dr. Palkovic!
Reza Mohammadi Ghazi defended his PhD thesis titled "Inference and Uncertainty Quantification for Unsupervised Structural Monitoring Problems." Congratulations Dr. Ghazi!
Research featured on MIT News - "A concrete solution". Read more
Prof. Buyukozturk gave an invited lecture on "Designing for resilience from atoms to structures" at the Workshop on Advanced technologies in structural engineering for more resilient communities. The National Academies of Sciences, engineers, Medicine; Irvine, CA.
The collabolarative MISTI workshop entitled “ Energy Based Structural Analysis and Sensing ” was succesfully held from July 10-14, 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey. Read more
Group members Reza Mohammadi Ghazi and Murat Uzun won the best paper and presentation awards at the EMI conference. Congratulations Reza and Murat! Read more
Prof. Buyukozturk gave an invited lecture on "Multiscale modelling for sustainable and durable concrete" at the 1st International Conference on Construction Materials for Sustainable Future, Zadar, Croatia.
Graduate student Steven Palkovic profiled on MIT News. Read more
Research was featured in Fox News - "MIT researchers make buildings smart enough to 'sense' internal damage over time". Read more
Prof. Buyukozturk delivered a Plenary Keynote lecture on "Towards Inexpensive, Durable, Easy-to-Pour and-Cure, Functionalized Nuclear Grade Concrete" at the Conference on Nuclear Beyond LWRs, Cambridge, MA.
Research on building monitoring was featured in ScienceDaily, ScienceNewsline Technology, Yahoo! News, Business Standard, Tech Briefs, and other ~30 social media.
MIT Freshman Stephanie Chin Awarded MIT Freshman Award. Congratulations to Stephanie! Read more
Justin Chen defends his PhD thesis titled "Video camera-based vibration measurement of infrastructure." Congratulations Dr. Chen!
Prof. Oral Buyukozturk and Research Scientist Dr. Kunal Kupwade-Patil attended the Kuwait-MIT Signature Project Outreach Day.
Graduate students James Long and Reza Mohammadi and Postdoc Dr. Hao Sun presented papers in the 2016 SPIEÂ Smart Structures/NDE conference held in Las Vegas.
Graduate student Justin Chen and Postdoc Dr. Hao Sun presented in the Sixth annual CEE Research Speed Dating event held in MIT Media Lab.
LISS participated in the CEE department hosted ILP conference, "Infrastructure Innovation in a Changing Environment". LISS students presented five posters and Prof. Buyukozturk gave a lightning talk and hosted a session.
MIT Freshman Cheahuychou Mao Receives Award for Distinguished Achievement in Research. Congratulations to Cheahuychou! Read more
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