Maya Honda received her Harvard Ed.D. in 1994 and is Associate Professor of Human Development at Wheelock College (Boston), where she teaches courses on child development and language acquisition. Prior to Wheelock College, she worked at Harvard University's Educational Technology Center. Her areas of work include cognitive development, language development, and the role of linguistics in the school curriculum. Honda's relevant publications are Linguistic inquiry in the science classroom: ‘It is science, but it's not like a science problem in a book,' (MITWPL Occasional Papers, #6); (with Wayne O'Neil) “On making linguistics useful for teachers: What can you learn from plural nouns and R?,” in Papers of the Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association/Actes du Colloque Annuel de l'Association de Linguistique de Provinces Atlantiques, (York University Press); and (with Wayne O'Neil) Understanding first and second language acquisition (Indigenous Language Institute).
Linguistics K through 12 | LSA.210
with Wayne O'Neil
TR 4:50-6:30
Three Week Course | Second Session