Wayne O'Neil who received his Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin in 1960, is Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has worked since1968. Prior to that he taught at Harvard University, the University of Oregon, and Duke University. His current interests include second language acquisition and the role of linguistics in general education. O'Neil's relevant publications are (with Maya Honda) “Triggering Science-Forming Capacity Through Linguistic Inquiry,” in The view from Building 20 (MIT Press); “Linguistics for Everyone” (1998 Applied Linguistics Association of Australia and Australian Linguistics Society plenary address on line at http://www.cltr.ug.edu.au/als98/oneil.html); and (with Maya Honda) Understanding First and Second Language Acquisition (Indigenous Language Institute).
Linguistics K through 12 | LSA.210
with Maya Honda
TR 4:50-6:30
Three Week Course | Second Session