Donca Steriade is a phonologist with interests in the phonetics-phonology and phonology-morphology interfaces. Her recent work investigates mechanisms that may allow learners to induce correspondence constraints and their rankings from knowledge of perceptual similarity relations among pairs of sounds and sound sequences, as well as from lexical information. She received her Ph.D. from MIT in 1982 and is Professor of Linguistics at MIT. Relevant recent publications include Phonetically Based Phonology, Blackwell 2004, co-edited with Bruce Hayes and Robert Kirchner, "The phonology of perceptibility effects: the P-Map and its consequences for constraint organization," in Sharon Inkelas and Kristin Hanson (eds.) 2004, On the nature of the word, MIT Press, "Knowledge of similarity and narrow lexical override" in P. Novak and C. Yoquelet (eds.) BLS 29, "Directional asymetries in place assimilation: a perceptual account" in E. Hume and K. Johnson (eds.) 2000 Perception in Phonology, Academic Press.
Phonetics in Phonology | LSA.140
with Edward Flemming
TR 10:10-11:50
Three Week Course | First Session |