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MTN Issue 5, Winter 1991

User defined aliases and factorization over finite and algebraic number fields
Greg Fee and Michael B. Monagan
This article documents Maple's alias facility and improved performance of univariate polynomial arithmetic over the integers mod M.
Recipes for Solving Definite Integrals Involving Exponentials and Logarithms (part II)
Tony Scott
This article shows how, starting from the standard integral definition of the Gamma function, methods of generalisation can be used to solve definite integrals involving exponentials and logarithms.
Indefinite Summation with MAPLE
Anu K. Pathria
This article explores the topic of indefinte summations and shows how this tool maybe used to solve problems involving recurrence relations.
Three ways to get Stirling's formula in Maple
Bruno Salvy
This article shows how Stirling's formula is known to Maple, and how Maple can be used prove this formula using generating functions or Mellin transforms.
Numerical Solution of a Differential Equation presented in the problem section of the American Mathematical Monthly
Greg Fee
This article presents numerical solutions of the given differential equation.
Application of Variational Principles to a Simple Quantum Mechanical Problem using the Maple System
Tony C. Scott
This article solves a simple example typical of problems often encounted in many-bodied quantum mechanics.

HTML written and contributed by Clive Nicolson (Thanks Clive!)

Last modified: 96/11/08 (reidmp@mit.edu)

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