In which our heroes ...
Orhan 1 Day 30 TE 6060
We rest and heal.
Then we set off on the little boat once more.... We follow the coast.
After a few hours, one of those flying metal patrol craft comes by to
see us.
We hide from it.
Orhan 1 Day 35 TE 6060
We sail along.
Orhan 1 Day 36 TE 6060
We are caught out at sea by a large vessel. Sort of a coast guard cutter
kind of deal. They're confused because they have us on radar, but we're
When it's clear they know we're here, we teleport to their wheelhouse
and start getting them. Not fitting in the wheelhouse, Alynna and Imre
land on deck and start figting guys with guns.
In combat, we find that it's difficult to deal with M-16s and pistols
when we have melee weapons (Oh my god!). Ugh, M-16's are horrible. Sadly,
Imre finds out before we do.
We show them the wonders of mind control and morning stars. Imre goes
down. Alynna pretends to go down to avoid further gunfire. Kyrik stands
them back up while Haeraan and Oathar try to clean out below decks.
Oh the decks run red with the blood of the unworthy. And us too.
Sadly, they do manage to scuttle the ship. We grab charts, life rafts
and some ammo. We loot the captains cabin as best we can for all written
materials and cash. We bug out as the ship sinks.
We escape with a couple of prisoners. We true charm them and start the
interrogations. Many, many interrogations.