In which our heroes ...
Orhan 1 Day 36 TE 6060
We escape with a couple of prisoners. We true charm them and start the
interrogations. Many, many interrogations.
We decide to start leaving. we take most of the survivors and wipe their
memories so they can't report. Then we start hiking inland with our two
prisoners interrogating them as we go.
Five Nations: 100,000s - a million in the largest country
Ozyrin ruled by Kyjariis;
Sotar-ki ruled by V'Jarin;
Wojak ruled by Dijarka
Goath ruled by Two brothers Jeral and Jeraniis
Kytan-Kur ruled by K'Thaalhir
We're technically in Ozyrin.
Tech levels: (scale 1 to 17) Kulthea is about 5-6 (early-late renaissance).
Typical tech level here is 6-8. (8 is electronic age) Lords of essence,
who rule the five nations, have tech up to 15 (late matter-energy age).
Giant metal robots with destruction beams. Planes, etc. Personal or core
military is higher tech. Mass production stuff is modern level.
On patrol they are looking for spies. It's sort of a cold war between
the nations. More like a competition, though. There are open conflicts,
but no escalation. Ozyrin has about a dozen cutters, then there's a core
battle fleet with some battleships and larger, though no carriers. On
land there are levies locally, regular army are armed with WWI-WWII infintry,
not much mechanized units. Air force is much more elite. Super elite corp
of spaceships, but he's never seen one himself. The spaceport is guarded
by an Ogre III.
We get a geography briefing too. There's a big blast crater ring of mountains
opposite Thule.
Religion: They worship only the Lords of Essense. Though there are secret
cults. The low ranking guy speaks of the resistance. Apparently, they've
been slowly gathering strength. They're organized in cells. The reisitance
leader of his cell is Martin, a dockworker back at base. It's also said
that the Lord's second son, Karriis sympathetic to the cause.
The base supply officer is head of Internal Security.
Orhan 1 Day 37 TE 6060
Haeraan has a dream about Karriis. The Lord of Essense has a kid and
the lord and the chold go underground and head into a lab deep underground.
Inside are three ovoid capsules. The Lord puts the child in a pod and
gets himself into a thrid one. Much time passes and then the ovoid things
open up and out step the lord and the baby and another child. They ascend
to the top. Later the lord i son a throne. The two children are playing.
The second son becomes gradually disgruntled and seems to be a vaguely
nice guy.
We quest the poor ensign and try to convince him to help us. He's resistant
to our charms.
Orhan 1 Day 40 TE 6060
We arrive at the fishing villiage. In the bay is another cutter.
Orhan 1 Day 45 TE 6060
We arrive at a smaller but ungarrisoned villiage. We sneak in that night.
Smash their radio and steal a ship. Johann thinks we're crazy, but he
sticks with us. We create a ruckus, but we broke the talking box, so we
hope it's OK.
Orhan 1 Day 47 TE 6060
We encounter a cutter hunting "pirates". We bluff it out and
they let us pass, but we figure time is limited.
Orhan 1 Day 51 TE 6060
We encounter another cutter. We try to bluff it through, but they're
too clever. Oathar points and shouts and everyone turns to look. when
they turn back, we have teleported away. Then our underwater seal team
moves in and sinks the cutter and the fishing boat and get away in our
little canoe.
Orhan 1 Day 54 TE 6060
We are getting closer to civilization so we encounter more fishing boats
and stuff. But then we encounter another cutter. It starts towards us,
so kyrik goes to sink it. He gets two holes in it, when they start depth
charging him. He gets mashed. We send Haeraan out to save him, but the
cutter goes down that's three!
Orhan 1 Day 56 TE 6060
We continue on and encounter a destroyer. Oh dear.
Orhan 1 Day 60 TE 6060
We get as close as we're gonna get on sea. We are driven ashore and have
to proceed the rest of the way on land. We appraoch a villiage and disgused
as elves get a general store manager to set us up with mules and clothes
for our servants, and food, and sandals, etc. It will cost a few gold,
and we'll pick it up tomorrow.
Orhan 1 Day 61 TE 6060
We get our little caravan together and we start out for the port city.
Orhan 2 Day 6 TE 6060
We get to the port city. We book passage on a ship to the capital and
go looking for Martin. We contact him in a bar and try to get him to open
up to us a bit. He tells us to go to the Yellow Rose and ask for Joe.
He also gives us a little package to give to Joe. We thank him and leave.
The next morning we book passage on a ship to the capital.
Orhan 2 Day 15 TE 6060
We get to the capital. Where is the Yellow Rose?