In which our heroes ...
Orhan 3 Day 70 TE 6060
We set sail to the far south.
En route, Kyrik tells us that the area we'll be passing through is controlled
by Morloch, the Ordainer. Near the area where the Black Dragon Lord of
Thule. Oh dear. Thule seems to be junk. Why are we going there? Oh right.
We're stalwart.
Luckily, we're going to the uninhabited part. Cause it's so inhospitabel
that the Ordainer can't live there. Sigh.
We hear that the Ordainer's influence has been waning of late though,
as other powers are moving in on its territory.
Orhan 4 Day 15 TE 6060
We sail to Kaitain to resupply. (The great port city of the south.) We
go to the Spinning Coin, a well to do Inn. We each check in with our least
secret masters.
Imre goes and volunteers his healing at the temple of Eissa. Haeraan
goes to a temple of Reanne and looks for the holy intelligence reports.
Oathar looks for a templ eof Neela but only finds a temple to Shaal with
a little Neela shrine. That's just not right. Oathar prepares planning
the overthrow of the temple of Shaal.
Alynna goes to the temple of Cay. She looks for information about travel
to the pillar. Few people have gone there and returned so they have a
hard time helping here, but there is at least one guy she can talk to.
When scouting locations, Oathar finds an old abandoned temple. It seems
to have been used as a warehouse. Haeraan finds some old decorations indicating
it may have once been a temple of an old local god of the sea with some
influences of Shaal. Oathar finds it is abandoned for tax debt and buys
it off.
So now we have.... Diana, High Priestess of Neela in Kaitaine. Huzzah!
She attempts to seduce Oathar, but he turns out to be faithful. Rah!
Meanwhile Imre is being hazed by the priestesses of Eissa. They seem
to feel sorry for him. Or suspicious, or something.
Oathar hire a young female bookkeeper to handle the affairs of the church
here. 1 silver a day (35 gold a year). Kara.
Orhan 4 Day 20 TE 6060
Oathar and Imre teleport back to Sel-kai, to deliver the 1600 gold matching
black pearl necklace and earings Imre bought for Nusmoi. Really, Oathar
can teleport to Selkai and back.
Orhan 4 Day 20 TE 6060
On to Thule!