In which our heroes ...
Orhan 4 Day 20 TE 6060
On to Thuul! We set sail! Heading through the gap is pretty tricky. Oathar
unfortunately gets too close to the opposite shore while trying to avoid
the Ordainer, and ends up running into a small underwater reef. There
are some holes in the ship which Haeraan starts working on. Of course
he breaks his hammer. The crew tries to repair the hammer while the party
is trying to fix the ship.
While making repairs two ships are spotted in the distance. Haeraan identifies
them as Lugraki warships. We decide to lure them in. Oathar splits them
up by having tradewind fireball one sail. Imre and Kyrik jump in the water
and wait for them to come by. When the warship passes over, Kyrik portals
Imre opens a "corridor" down the length of the hull and one
ship starts going down. The other galley starts with rescue operations.
Kyrik considers going after the second ship. But instead we come about
and charge the lugraki.
Haeraan, Kyrik, and Alynna butcher the lugraki. Imre and Oathar stay
on the ship and do a little looting, a little ballista firing.
Oathar and Imre investigate the chest.
Kyrik and Haeraan start getting attacked by sharks. Get out of the water!
Oathar uses his ocean animal control statue and stops the shark attacks.
Orhan 4 Day 40 TE 6060
We sail on and in the distance we see the pillar of Thuul. Oh dear. Haeraan
dreams of the approach and thinks that the Current will get stuck
if we sail it too close. Oh dear. We decide to leave the ship at the Guardian
Orhan 4 Day 41 TE 6060
We row the longboat towards the pillar. Suddenly it gets stuck. We get
out on the strangely hard water.
We start marching towards the pillar. A pair of fairys show up and start
talking to Alynna and Haeraan. They warn us of the seven deadly terrors
We sense a reality warp. Blinky the Agathu thing shows up. All BAR rolls
are +50, all Directed spells are +100, all spells are 8 levels lower.
All physical OBs are -100. We press on.
Another reality warp later 8 giants appear 50' away. They attack! WE
smite them with ou ramazing magics! Unmind! Word of Pain! Mass Flesh Destruction!
We have another reality warp. Spells are 8 levels higher, BAR rolls at
-50, Directed spells -100, +100 physical OB.