Session 149

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 23 TE 6061

We head back to the bandit camp, but Lt. Thorn is taken prisoner and dragged away.

Haeraan solicits opinions on what to do. Lt. Thunderbrow doesn't have any ideas. Abby things that we should probably go rescue him.

Abby sneaks into the camp, but critically fails her roll and get caught in a net. The guards take her to the bandit leader's tent. The bandit leader doesn't want to be disturbed. Finally, she sticks her head out to see what's going on and Abby can see that in the tent, Thorn is tied up to the bed, fairly unclad.

The bandit leader decides that she'll interrogate Abby later and goes back into her tent. Abby is tied up and guarded.

The bandit leader finally decides to threaten both Thorn and Abby with death should the other get uppity or escape or anything.

At nightfall, noone returning, Haeraan decides to go in himself.

A few safe teleports later, everyone is silently rescued and teleported back to camp. Shhhh!

Orhan 5 Day 24 TE 6061

The next morning Haeraan asks Thorn to take a dispatch.

Dear Lord Admiral Oathar etc. etc.,

Regret to inform you of some setback with Thorn, the result of which he shall be broken in grade to corporal until his performance will improve.

Your servant,

Grand Marshal Haeraan, etc. etc.

Then comes the debriefing. Abby and Thorn sidestep around the horrible truth. Luckily, Haeraan doesn't push so hard.

Haeraan prepares for another assault on the bandit camp, this time teleporting directly to the center tent in the late morning.

Tragically, the camp has moved, so Haeraan teleports us to the last known location where Abby and Thorn find a little arrow with a box, and a little parchment.

The Parchment Says:

Dearest Pet,

I'm so sorry we had to end it this way. I'm certain that I'll always be in your dreams.


In the box, there's Cpl. Thorn's scrunchy.

Abby and Haeraan try to bluff Haeraan, but he sees through it. However, he doesn't press just yet.

"And you Cpl. Thorn, are you satisfied with the booty you received on this adventure?"

Orhan 5 Day 25 TE 6061

We head back to the garrison to reequip. Then start once more for the crossroads.

Orhan 5 Day 27 TE 6061

Strangely as we get closer to the crossroad, we don't find any Lankani forces, as if everyone had cleared out.

As we get closer we begin to see the smoke of a lot of campfires and the evidence of lot's of people and animals tromping around in the area of the crossroads. The encampment area is huge. All of the nearby farms are stripped bare.

We disguise ourselves as quiet Lankani soldiers. We come across a patrol. The patrol questions us. Thunderbrow explains that he's escorting 'prisoner" Haeraan. They are suspicious, but let him pass. We march on, and find a priest with a bloodstained altar. He's reminding people to get sacrifices as soon as they can.

Before they get up to the priest, Haeraan leavings away. We get up to the priest who questions Thunderbrow. He gets through, but sadly, someone recognizes our lack of a prisoner now. Oh dear. Thunderbrow accidentally commits heresy. Perhaps he should be sacrificed.

And so the fight begins. Abby and Thorn pretend to be on the enemy side for the first round to sew confusion. General melee breaks out. Our proto-paladin kills the priest and we all start hacking at soldiers. We are grim in our slaying and soon their morale is smashed. Many surrender and the rest flee. We tie them up while Thunderbrow interrogates them.

Thorn loots stuff. He manages to find a slate with writing. Sadly, he can't read it. So he wraps it up again. Haeraan reads it and finds it's almsot real time communication. It says a courier is en route to this place. We really want that message.

Haeraan posts 1 doobie in each direction. Thorn is the lucky one who intercepts the courier, "To the Lord High Commander, you are hereby ordered by the Holiest of Holies, and the Kurtung of Lankonok, to gather your forces and proceed East towards the capital of Nuyom Kom." while the spell would have made you read South to the Border of Ardenia. We are unsure what to do, but think about relaying the message to the main camp.

Haeraan pulls out the Vorrig Kye scroll, and casts Commune True, and asks Rianne for help. Rianne says, "Forward it on to the camp."

Haeraan forwards it on to the camp.

We flee!

Haeraan dictates his final dispatch from the front.

To Lord Admiral Oathar etc etc,

Interesting results to be delivered in person. have located enemy camp onteh crossroads. First Corporal Thorn distinguished himself and I recommend that he be promoted to Ensign.

Field Marshal Haeraan etc etc.

We finish!

Final kill scores:

  • Thorn: 13 mooks, 2.5 named
  • Abby: 15 mooks, 1.5 named
  • Thunderbrow: 11 mooks, 2 named
  • Aidar: 20 mooks, 1 named

Next time Pocantos....