Session 21

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 58 TE 6051

We survived the night. The Lugraki party all night long, but we manage to get some sleep. Come morning, it is time to head out. Imre spends the morning practising his evil overlord mojo on the lugraki. They mostly want to sleep, so we consider setting off in the late afternoon instead.

We set off at sunset. Moving quickly, travelling only at night.

Orhan 4 Day 60 TE 6051

A wyvern is being riden by a man, who lands at the head of our column of orcs. We get tense. The man starts berating the orcs for leaving their border post. Bisshybosh and the man get into it a bit. He tries to convince them to go back. Bisshybosh tells him off. He asks why they were making light. " burn food and other things to. Like smell."

Finally, the man is convinced and leaves. We get back on the march. Imre slaps the orcs around some more and we head out.

Orhan 4 Day 63 TE 6051

We arrive at the Citadel. We start arguing about the plan. There seem to be fore main ideas, so we let destiny decide. Sleath, trickery, honesty, or assasut: STEALTH is the victor!

We try to narrow it down a little with rats, but they don't seem to know anything. So we decide on the flying invisible people plan. Rakinishu gives Imre a bone charm bracelet "for good luck". Oathar detects channeling on it and thinks it's bad.

We take off and fly up to the central tower which has several floors and a flat roof. Jack starts intuiting which window is best. If we fly in this window, seven guardsmenpick up their window attack. If we fly in that window, we find his bedroom. If we fly into this other window we find a sitting room. If we fly into that there window, we find more guardsmen. So much for the fifth floor.

On the fourth floor: This window, a conference room. That window, two guards. Other window, two guards.

Third floor: All windows: a library

Second floor: no windows.

The sixth floor, has sealed windows so we can't tell. But if we try to crash through them, we will bounce.

The windows glow on the sixth floor to power perception. Oathar freezes the lock and Imre shatters it. We go in. It's a torus room with a chair in front of each of six windows. But nothing else of interest except the central core. We sneak down to the fifth floor landing. The group of four guards hear us. "Who goes there?" Imre drops two of them. The other two get ice bolted. Melee commences. Haeraan takes out two of them, but the sleeping ones waken.

We prep for the incoming other ones, and Oathar fills the stairs going down with an earthwall. Most of us hold this area, while D. and Haeraan loot the bedroom and sitting room. Sadly, they find nothing. Kier starts an emergency ritual to find the sword.

While the emergency ritual is going on we find 50 gold pieces worth of gems.

Kier says, "It must be on this level!" We portal through the earthwall and start again with combat. More combat, and then Jack explodes his head! He almost takes out Imre, but luckily, Imre resists. Jack however, is out for an hour.

We get rid of the guards, and Haeraan starts opening doors. One is locked. Imre casts Undoor!

It is the land of loot!!! But we hear a rumbling from behind us. D. dives into the loot Uncle Scrooge/Daffy Duck style.

There's a huge detonation behind us, a cloud of dust, and a man walks in. He's 6.5 feet tall. He's redish brown hair with amber eyes. He's quite excessively muscular.

We all drink our potions!!!

"I see I have some visitors."

Oathar says, "Oh no, the might and puissant dragon lord has arrived, we're doomed!"

We stall for a few moments. "I'll make a new door." The Dragon Lord summons a Pale V demon who says "Yes, my Master." The demon walks in.

Kier makes a grab for the crown, but bounces off of the glass. The dragon lord stuns everyone for large numbers of rounds for no reason. Some guards come and disarm us and take all of our stuff and marches us off to our doom...