In which our heroes ...
Orhan 1 Day 36 TE 6052
We wander right up to the front gate and Oathar says "In the name
of the Destroyer". The door opens, steps aside. We all go in.
We are spotted almost instantly by a hooded figure. It's Mr. Garrison.
The crazy guy with Mr. Hat. We bluff him a bit and then leave him in our
dust. Except that he follow us. So we get some ale and decide to go to
his house first.
There are four kids sitting around in his house waiting to sing. We attack.
Three kids go down. Mr. Garrison curses Kyrik into next Tuesday. Oathar
kills Kenny. Kyrik gets hit with another channeling spell. Mr. Hat retreats,
"I'll get you yet!" Everyone prays to get the curse removed,
but their gods don't care. Kyrik is all cursed. He can't attack anything,
he loses a power point every minute.
We leave. People are watching, but we go right through them. We go to
the T intersection. As instructed by D., we head to the right, into the
faculty wing. There appear to be no traps, so we go right through. We
lock the door behind us and head wown the hall. We are intercepted by
the Butcher, but he is taken down by D. and her amazing Mind Shock.
We move on. Kyrik is fixed by the God Construct who ends up being a cleric
of Eissa. We continue down the hall and Haeraan detects a vampire just
beyond that there door. D. picks the lock and Haeraan flings the door
open. Beyond is a two part room. The near part is a throne and stuff.
The far part slopes down to two coffins in the dirt. Two figures rise.
He's a vampire. She's a pale lass. He is 11/80. She is 4/70.
We attack. The woman mind controls Oathar, "Kill your friends!"
Oathar attacks, so D. skewers him. He's bleeding all over the place. Meanwhile,
we hit the big guys with stuff and it hurts just a little. Not so much
though. It's pretty sad. We fight on though. Oathar gets another attack
but muffs it and instead of hittin Haeraan and Vallandra, he hits Kyrik
and his dark mistress! It's tragic! Kyrik gets a good hit in on the male
vampire and he turns to mist and starts heading for his coffin. Imre casts
Air stop and freezes him. The rest gang up on the woman.
She goes down and the vampire stops being mist formed and runs for his
coffin. D. beats him there though. She open the coffin and sees his black
pillow silk lined coffin. She grabs the Key of Eissa! Chase ensues. The
vampire grabs the key! He runs, but Vallandra teleports the key to her.
Chase ensues! D. makes the key invisible! Kyrik is still burning! It's
Oathar recovers from his stun, sees his dying mistress on the ground
and fireballs the room. The vampire falls.
First aid all around. D. ties Oathar up and takes his staff. Vallandra
tries to attune the Key of Eissa. Suddenly, Vallandra goes all spacey on
us. But then she's healed! Imre says no, don't play with that. Hilarity
ensues. Looting reveals a pair of rings and a black chit.
Oathar (still out) and Kyrik are turned invisible and people prepare
to start leaving.
We head out, but Mr. Garrison and Kenny (both zombies) start following
the party. Instead of leaving, we go to Mr. Garrison's house. There are
two powerful people there, interrogating the kids. The kids point: "They
did it!"
Continued after a brief hiatus.....
Battle commences. Imre is the man. He's the Channeling Cancelling, light
wall building fool! We escape. Oathar wakes up just in time to flee a
lot. Much fleeing ensues.
More fleeing. The giant undead gate er... skeleton chases us for hours.
So we arrange an ambush. We kill it! (Right after it pounds Haeraan.)
Post-Jack Watch Schedule
First Watch
Second Watch
Third Watch
Orhan 1 Day 58 TE 6052
We get back finally. We go to the high priest of Eissa, and give her the
Key of Eissa! The high priest of Eissa prays a bit and then the Key glows
and a portal opens behind it. A womans voice says, "Congratulations
Champions, Come." We go through since Imre seems compelled to
obey. The mists fade and we are standing in a garden with fountains and
blooming flowers and stuff. The water runs through the fountain and then
spill sout and turns into a stream. In the sky is a big blue green globe.
Holy Eissa! We're on Orhan!
The woman's voice says "Come." Feeling a bit out of
place on Orhan, we follow along meekly. There's a black cloaked elven
woman. "The mistress awaits you." We get lead through the garden.
A figure holding a crystal staff with a keychain with five crystal keys.
She's sitting on a stone bench near a pool. We head over. Holy Eissa! That's
Eissa! The Key of Life floats up and she puts it on the staff with the
others. "Sit." We do so.
"Thank you oh champions. It is unfortunate that the unlife was
able to do what it did. But it shows that events are once again stirring
upon the face of the shaow world. We will need more of your kind in the
days to come I'm afraid. But for now, come and enjoy Orhan. You may partake
of anything in the garden of life, but you may only stay a short while."
She turns to Imre. "Welcome my son. The rest of you may go. Stay
a while my son."
We leave Imre behind. We explore Eissa's private park. We sample the fruits
of Eissa's gardens. We get either: +2 misc stat bonus, 15 dev points spend
right now, or 3 fate points.
After a few days of garden of life, a servant comes over and says, "It
is time to return." We all take a few leafy tokens, and are returned
to Rakhan. The priests all rush up and worship us.
Orhan 1 Day 68 TE 6052
We return to Griffin College and get a level.