In which our heroes ...
Orhan 3 Day 64 TE 6064
Across from the doorway is a parcel wrapped with black cloth, a set of
bracers acorn motif, a headband, a small box, a metal tube. The parcel
contains a sword. Hilt, is wrapped in leather bound in gold wire. Scabbard
is made of yellow tinted laen. The sword inside is a bastard sword of yellow
laen, leaf shaped with an oval hole at the longesr point. A light flickers
within. Etched on the blade in Eilar is written "Bringer of the Absense
of Cold". The tube contains the paper of water.
The powers of the scabbard appear to be keeping the sword form killing
us, and masking the sword from its companion.
We long door to Kraxanor. We find the inn. The innkeeper tells us about
the donkeys in the area. We get rooms. We spend five silver and get hot
fish stew.
Orhan 3 Day 65 TE 6064
We wake up at the tiny little in in the morning, and request the services
of a navigator. One appears two rounds later.
An hour later, a navigator shows up to take us to Za'ak'a. A tall leggy
blond Cypharian.
She teleports us (in that creepy ridin the flows way) to Za'ak'a. Well,
just outside. She indicates that the closest permanent obelisk is in Zarakatapur.
There are two inns in this town. The Fisherman's Rest and The Blue Tree.
We order some meads and ales.
Oathar is set upon by house cats. He sends them away. One goes to Imre,
and sits on his lap. The bar wench shoos it away. Imre starts feeding cats.
We order some foods and start eating. We hang out, and then head to our
rooms. During the first watch, there is a soft knock at door number 1.
Imre answers it. There is a dark cloaked female figure there. "What is
the name of the bookstore?" "The Parchment Dawning." She holds out her
hand with a loremaster ring. She's Vaana Nastarath, the missing loremaster
animist. (Erlin, 5-10, brn hair, green eyes, 81).
She asks after her ferret, and then asks us to brief her about Rapata.
We tell her about the sword. She's already talks to the Winter's Light.
The brotherhood has been much more active recently. Ulor sent a new representative
to kick the brotherhood into action. This person is name Shentira. She's
a Dyar pushing the brotherhood into action.
The Nang and Kaedue were the ones who ambushed Vaana's at her house. The
nang are demon/humna hybrids created by Kadaena. They've got a powerful
acidic spit attack.
Orhan 3 Day 66 TE 6064
We teleport back to the lighthouse. Then we go and teleport to the Isle
of Lost Magic. We search it. It's got nothing. Then, all the way at the
top is a circular platform with a ritual pattern carved in it. Six spires
ring the platform. Oval crystal portal doors. A rune of the six elements
are above the doors. Disks with six symbols on each and hexagonal holes.
We try to memorize the location, but Alynna teleports out through the
north air panel, so we have to follow her before we are done. We emerge
in the high chamber out of the panel between earth and fire.
Turns out the purple crystal activates the dodecahedron in the center
of the high chamber.
We put the purple crystal in. A platform descends and a large blue stone
We activate the throne chair. We obtains five books, but the ice one is
Some of the books are broken. But we have the pages, so we put the missing
pages in and then the books are fixed!
Then from in front of each of the windows, a crystaline panel slides out
and turns black. Then there is a sparkleing inside the blackness.
then we rush around and fill the pattern with jewel well goo. A 3-D image
shows up of the dead guy. He speaks, "Greetings. I am Tevi-um. Congratulations.
To tap into this magic for certain uses, other keys are needed. I also
pass on to you a great gift and two of the keys you need to those of you
who can solve the riddle of the vault. Go there, then north south east
west (stuff we already did).
Once we get up there, everyone gets all power points back.
But we don't have enough crystals. So we turn it all off and go back to