Session 351

In which our heroes ...


Orhan 5 Day 7 TE 6065

We continue the fight.

It's ouchy.

Oathar with his last remaining hit points, takes out his dudes. But then he gets healed so does not go down in his own Firestorm. Alynna takes out the last of hers, Imre. Kyrik and Haeraan catch up and we finally finish them off.

Kyrik promtly falls over, Oathar dispels his firestorm.

Haeraan collects the heads of the breathless while Imre deals with the wounded.

Orhan 5 Day 8 TE 6065

We return to the Inn and Alynna presents to the jewel knight a bag full of heads. He counts the heads and asks what we wish. We tell him we want access to a jewel well. Sadly, he doesn't necessarily have one available at this time.

He says we can talk to his friends when they return tomorrow for understanding of how they store jewel well energy.

Haeraan asks if they will help him at the apocalypse, but they engage him in a philisophical debate about the meaning of life and strife and why he is bothering. He eventually persuades them that they should help battle the weilder of the Shadowstone. They agree that if we get the order of Viglinn (Andraax) they will aid, but only when he tasks them to do so.

Imre writes some poetry while he goes to sleep.

That night, Haeraan gets a dream. He's at home talking to Luna about bopping people on the head with her wand. Then there's a knock at the window and Haeraan's order guy from Kaitaine is knocking on the window. They chat. A new factor has entered into the divinations around Kaitaine, centered around us or our friends. Apparently, Haeraan will be involved in something and it's clear to them that the Alliance knows that we ar eplanning something against them. Now that we know they know that the Alliance knows that, the Alliance presumably knows that. The Kaitaine people think they don't really know what that thing is. If they do whatever they are going to do at the same time Kaitaine is invaded, we are more likely to succeed, but Kaitaine will fall. If we attack before, they will have free forces and we'll have a harder time and possibly fail. Now that we know that they know, they still can't actually guard every place we might strike. We must therefore decide whether to wait for Kaitaine or not. Plus, if we don't succeed at attacking whatever we are attacking, we will not get a second chance. If we wait, Kaitaine will have a harder time holding out, but we'll have an easier time raiding the place we might be thinking of raiding. Good luck, and don't inform us of your decision.

Orhan 5 Day 9 TE 6065

We head down to breakfast to talk to the jewel knights.

There's an unfortunate encounter with Blinky, but we all act like we have no idea what he is. He fades away and we head to some nearby caves to continue our secret meeting.

They are willing to hunt down a jewel well with us and share it. They demonstrate how they store the power of a jewel well. The second one (Porthos) takes off his tabard and beneath it is a glittering crystal suit of armor. They can channel the power of the jewel well and store it in crystal form, which also protects them as armor. The crystals are almost pure essence not unlike essecrystia. Is this a skill one can learn? Potentially, yes. But they don't really want to teach us.

They send someone to talk to Andraax (Viglinn), but he claims not to know us now. Darn. His split personalities are acting up again apparently.

Haaeraan casts voice of conviction on on eof the jewel knight's with permission. "I believe that your master and our is the same. Ours is damaged and manipulating time. He has charged us with the battle to save the world." This convinces them to help us find a jewel well, but not teach us special essence storing technology.

We head around with the Jewel Knights looking for Jewel Wells. There's a lot of wandering lost in the desert.

A jewel well start rumbling up from the earth and we all make observations rolls. Off to the North, the breahless come. Along with an Althoi and a bunch of tresh.

We buff. The Althoi parks above the battlefield and watches. Then the tresh (AT12 DB90) attack! One grabs Kyrik flips his sword around and kill shim with it (dies in 12 rounds). One goes for Haeraan and gets a few grapples, but shakes free, though he is poisoned.

The breathless ignore us and attack the four jewel knights. We fight the tresh. It's not so good.

We kill the tresh (though Kyrik is dying) and turn to assist with the Breathless. Oathar salutes the Althoi as if to say, "Well played, sir. Wel played indeed."

Five Jello Shots for us!

Imre saves Kyrik. He'll need nine days to recover.