Session 361

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 50 TE 6065

We split to the four winds.

Oathar goes to Izar, Haeraan goes to Orian, Alynna goes to Lys, and Kyrik goes to Dynax.

They get p0wned.

Orhan 5 Day 61 TE 6065

Haeraan takes delivery of his Holy Water Sprayer. 100'x10' spray, as narrow as 25'X40', or anything in between. Three shots before it exhausts its supply. Reload between shots.

Byron wants to call it the Holy Water Sprinkler System, but is looking around for a better name. Luckily, Haeraan has been stockpiling holy water.

Orhan 5 Day 66 TE 6065

Imre examines Simon at school. When he tries for bunnies, he gets vorpal bunnies. It's probably a gift.

Then he goes over the plan:

1) Find an isolated hilltop.

2) Put Simon on the altar at sunset.

3) Keep the demons from getting to him for 25 rounds.

4) Confront the spirit of his evil father. Defeat him.

Imre reminds himself of his three doses of powdered demon blood.

We start preparing a tiered defense area where this is going to occur on an island outside of Selkai.

Orhan 5 Day 70 TE 6065

Imre prays to Eissa. 94 prayer roll. Eissa promises him one non-damaging use of the demon blood.

Orhan 1 Day 8 TE 6066


Complete with Alynna's inspiration. And hundreds of power points of buffs and circles.

Orhan glows in the west, Charon gloes in the east. Simon sits upon an altar in the middle. The sky swirls... Suddenly a breath of brimstone and sulphur sweeps across the area on the wind. Air shimmers and demons step out of the night all over the map...

Round 1: Fight! A couple dozen type 1 demons materialize.

Round 2: We fight! Demons start dropping. Imre: "I'm not casting spells at Type I demons. It's demeaning."

Round 3: A couple dozen type II demons materialize! We fight! Well, most of us. Imre Imres.

Round 4: We fight!

Round 5: A couple dozen Type III demons materialize! We pause!