In which our heroes ...
Orhan 2 Day 19 TE 6064
We track the bad guy into the wastes. That night, the watches see occasional flasshes of power in the distance. Necromantic power... Haeraan dreams of 2001 a space oddysey, with undead. At midnight, Alynna turns into a paladin of Cay. Next time, battle!
Orhan 2 Day 20 TE 6064
When we wake up, we see a large dust cloud in the distance. Haeraan examines it, and it appears to be a strange stationary cloud of some sort.
Alynna give us all one of her amazing pep talks. Quickness bonuses go to 14.
We trudge into the windy area. It howl and fills our clothes with sand. We start taking A Impact crits.
As we go in, the winds keep rising, but Alynna and Oathar start supressing the winds in an effort to get us through with no more crits.
Finally we break into the eye of the storm, only to find giant masses of undead.
There's some sort of skeletal man dragon thing in the center. Oh dear. Sort of a skeletal-dragon-centaur-guy. Oh dear.
Oathar notices that the wind seems to be uncovering various treasure across the desert map. Oooh, shiny.
We attack!
The skeletons start to go down. Then the dragon-guy buffs them and they grow about 6 inches and their weapons start to glow. Oh dear.
Oathar grabs some treasure using Haeraan as cver and the dragon buffs his guys again. Then Oathar and Haeraan telepor tto more treasure while the rest harass the rest of the undead.
More fighting followed by more lootz followed by more buffing.
Then blonky shows up and people give him some fate points and so he starts distracting the dragon and not so much of the buffing happens.
The fight goes on. Oathar keeps gathering loot and teleporting his bodyguard Haeraan around. The rest keep killing skeletons. Blinky keeps dragoning.
When the last of the skeletons goes down, Oathar has acquired:
- medium sized pile of mithril and platinum coins
- small pile of silver coins
- large pile of gold coins
- chest
- shield of Oathar
- scroll