In which our heroes ...
Orhan 2 Day 20 TE 6064
When the last of the skeletons goes down, Oathar has acquired:
- medium sized pile of mithril and platinum coins
- small pile of silver coins
- large pile of gold coins
- chest
- shield of Oathar
- scroll
Having defeated the last of the skeletons, the winds die down, blonky takes off, and it's just us against the giant dragon-like thing. Now that his minions are gone, he's smaller. He's actually a bald man with a big black gem in his forehead. He's a little shriveled. At the waist, he's attached to the neckbones of a skeletal dragon. He offers to spare us if we leave. We think that's a good sign that he's scared, so we defy him. Then he summon a Bone Storm!
Jagged Bone Shards fly! Alynna takse a B and F crit. Oathar takes and I and J crit. Haeraan takes a I and D crit. Imre takes a G and H crit. Ouch.
Seven and a third fate points later, the fight begins! We attack! He attacks! Oathar vanishes in a puff of insvisibility.
He casts a terrible spell every round, but we mostly resist. We do hm several slaying crits around, but he mostly shrugs it off. Damage is slowly starting to mount though.
After three round, he calls forth another Bone Storm. Alynna takes a I, Haerann and Oathar take H's, Imre takes a C.
Three and two thirds fate point slater, the fitght continues!
Oathar gets annoyed. At the end of the next round, Oathar says, "You should be honored. I was saving this for Ondoval." He unleashes a lightning storm backed up by a JELLO SHOT! The bone dragon is destroyed in a storm of lightning doom!
Gitan puts the Black Pearl into a protective box and invites us back to his place in Fiden Fae. Oh cool. We're told that there magic laws are Utility and Informational are fine, but Force spells will likely lead to immediate duels.
We decide to take the Black Pearl to one of the great volcanoes on Emir. We descend into the crater and come up to the lava pool.
In the center is a quartz stone crytsal that we rescue that has about a dozen uncut gems and a metalic base. The metal is a mix of star iron and titanium. We put stuff into a bag.
Orhan 2 Day 21 TE 6064
We head to Master Gitan's place and he puts us up and feeds us, etc. Then we chat. Next is a little bit of a break. We tell him of the coming apocalypse.
We tell him about about Ondoval, the Lord of Essense. We speak of boogey men and figures of shadow and legend. He doesn't think it likely we will raise a great army.
We discuss the various sets of alliances here on the continent and how to get them to the apocalypse.
After much discussion of the many divisive peoples of this continent, we decide to contact Sheridan, leader of the White Orchid. Getan makes some inquiries.
Orhan 2 Day 25 TE 6064
Ivanova of the White Orchid arrives to question us. We snow her but good, and she decides we are "good" enough to meet with the great Sheridan.
Rianne sends Haeraan a dream in which he's seeing an idland in the ocean. The bird lands on the island and then the ground shakes and the whole thing gets eaten by a whale and it's all gone. He takes that to be a good sign.
Orhan 2 Day 27 TE 6064
Ivanova of the White Orchid returns and teleports us to one of the secret houses of the white orchid.
We meet with Sheridan. He tells us of the prophesies of the Wizard of Life. There are all sorts of prophesies. "Elixir from the Well of Life". "Elixir from the Well of Power." "The center of the focus of storms or power."