In which our heroes ...
Orhan 4 Day 3 TE 6064
We get the treasure, but we'll figure out how that works later, since Dave is back and it's time for the final battle and empowerment of the chosen one.
Orhan 4 Day 4 TE 6064
We get the Salufa juice and the jello shot to Fiden Fae and give them to Sheridan.
When we do this, we are drawn to an earthnode in a nearby town. There's a giant temple built around it. Within the earth node all spells are half cost.
We start the ritual, but expect that the bad guys will show up nigh-immediately. So we set up for massive defense.
The battle starts and there are crossbow bolts all over the freaking place. Sigh.
Tragically, about 10 guys teleport in every round. It's quite annoying, as they can all attack the ritual participants, while we can't really do anything about dozens of widely separated guys.
For the first half of the battle, nothing changes. They teleport in archers, we kill them at about the replacement rate, deflections all around.
That's when the big bad shows up. Or at least, the first of them, who teleports in in long flowing robes of doom with a black aura, with black glowing orbs around him.
Oathar taunts the bad guy and he sucks the souls out of all of his remaining minions. How odd. Well, it's just us versus him. He casually bounces all teh spells we cast at him, and the terrible Sorcery of him causes us to realize what an evil sorcerer actually is.
Next, round 7.