Session 58

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 3 Day 60 TE 6054

We pile ourselves up with spells and do the teleporting invisible assault. Oh woe.

Tent with big demon, lot's of little demons, evil dancer with four arms, and other bad stuff.

Before anything clever can be done, Kyrik falls to the will of his sword and attacks.

Battle commences. It's a terrible place in that tent. Kyrik is filled with claw wounds but fights on. Imre heals folks. Haeraan is quite inspirational, but can't engage the main foe due to all of the little guy son him. Oathar fills the entrance way and any reinforments' paths with a big pile of Earthen Spikes.

The woman with four arms summons another of her number. Haeraan slays the newly arriving evil dancer woman the round she arrives. In frustration, the demon leaps through the top of the tent and makes himself seen to the lugraki hoardes. Oh dear.

The demon appears to be fleeing actually. Oathar calls some of his artillary out of the sky, but it seems to have no effect on the large demon. We kill the rest of the stuff in this room. We watch while Haeraan cleans out everything else in the tent.

Oathar transforms Haeraan to the lugraki and Haeraan commands the lugraki hoardes to kill the merlogi. They love that and start combat within the ranks. Oathar drops more elemental bombs on the lugraki standing around the demon, while Alynna deals with any lugraki approaching the tent.

Kyrik jumps into the air and turns invisible "Give me five rounds and then clear a landing zone!" Oathar says sure. Oathar also teleports Haeraan and Alynna in to help Kyrik, and has his bird haste them on arrival. Imre and Oathar wonder what they should do while left behind in the tent.

We do manage to kill the demon and then teleport out from under a pile of lugraki. The lugraki and merlogi merrily kill each other. Gosh.

From our hillock, we watch the merlogi/lugraki battle commence. The army of 1000 is reduced to an army of 400. They seem to be reestablishing camp there in the valley.

Come nightfall, the remaining lugraki break camp and head down to the village. Drat.

We ride to the villiage. As we ride to the villiage, we find a little peasant army set up around the villiage with volunteers from Santa Vallandra and all the other surrounging villages. "We are here to defend our homes."

We arrange the people into a vast army, and get them to hide behind the walls. When the lugraki pile up behind the walls, the mages will let go with what they have left and then it'll be hand to hand. Alynna asks if she can hold her guts in while still fighting.

The lugraki attack! Well first they cnat a bunch and then they charge. A few guys resist, the lead lugraki eventually get to the wall. We rain flaming death on them. then we try to hold the wall.

We have killed about 130 lugraki, while losing 50 of our peasant army.

In the second set of moral checks, the lugraki break and are routed. During the rout, Imre drops his bombs on them.

In the end, about 40 of our hundred casulties die, and we save the other 60. Yay! A great cheer goes up.

We sleep. The villagers keep watch.

Orhan 3 Day 61 TE 6054

Well, yesterday was exciting. Many burials and ceremonies. Then we discuss the disposition of these lands.

Orhan 3 Day 64 TE 6054

We get back to Santa Vallandra.

