Session 68

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 2 Day 63 TE 6055

Oathar notices a hubbub moving through the city towards the temple compound. It's a cloaked figure surrounded by four Changramai. Soldiers try to stop them on occasionm but the death monks smite them and the man keeps walking undisturbed. Finally, priests confront him and he stops and pulls back his hood. He puts up a big dispell channeling sphere to keep them from annoying him while he speaks.

It's a man with black hair. "I am the Nameless One. I have come here to give you a warning. That which you hold most dear deep in the bowels of your temple, shall not be yours." Most priests are confused, but a few of them look shocked and run off to the sun temple. "Your doom shall be upon you, the city shall be in flames." Several more priests start casting at him. Then he teleports out, and the four death monks scatter. (We remember that Oathar's death stick is in the sun temple, and the prince is in the serpent temple.)

Guards come to tell Oathar that the priests are agitated and he shouldn't rile them up. Oathar sends word to the party to hasten their plan. They head in. Yay.

The agitated priests are wandering the streets. The party starts kidnapping them, looking for one who can get them into the Serpent temple. They find out that any serpent priest attuned to a torc can stand on the temple and say, "DOWN!"

They teleport their prisoners something like 70 miles away, and then disguised and in possession of their new Torcs, they stride up to the top of the snake temple, stand on the magic platform and say, "Down!" It starts going down. To the prince! We go!

Unfortunately, as the squad is heading down the corridor, several guards are alerted by some priests D attempts to blow by. They come for the party. The party eliminates them after some difficulty. D. is cursed by the priest to be blind, and unforunately moves passed the destructive pillars with her protective amulet without the party leaving them "possibly" trapped in the room. Imre heads through the threshold, and resists the pillar spells. Kyrik leaves D. back to the rest fo the party, who proceed to pick her up and then follow Imre into the room ignoring the pillars. Combat continues with the priests who blinded D. Kyrik is blinded as well though. Haeraan cures Kyrik's blindness and then fixes D, as the death monk deals with the priests. We win again! Kyrik and Alynna get protective torcs off of the priests and off the party goes.

Deeper into the temple they go, and search for the prisoner, leaving Haeraan at the top of the stairs for security. More guards, but this time they are easier. More corridor. More guards. We get them too. Woo hoo! The prince. He's in pretty bad shape, but we're here to rescue him!

Imre and Haeraan blows the rest of their power points teleporting everyone back to the base camp. (No, not safe teleport, merely 20 iterations of regular teleport.) Imre heals the prince, and all is well, except for Oathar who is, of course, still captured. For reasons unclear, Kyrik gives one of the prisoners his +15 demon slaying sword. The prisoner turns out to be General Tarron, who Kyrik recognized, explaining why he gave him a sword. It turns out even later, that he was mistaken, but that's neither here nor there. In any case the general says, "I was leading the resistance and was recently captured. You are not pokanti, why have you rescued us?" He's impressed that we resuced the prince before rescuing Oathar, and offers to assist us.

Orhan 2 Day 64 TE 6055

The party awakes still alive and mostly recovered. Oathar reports a good commotion was genereated by the escape that morning. Oathar arranges a meet between D. and a slave for the evening. What do you know about the current security? "Um... there are guards and priests everywhere?"

Orhan 2 Day 65 TE 6055

Right, the party flies invisibly and rushes the top of the sun temple. Well, first they discuss it a lot. Then they do it. Flying invisible people charge through the city, and head to the sun temple. They pick up the slave guide to help them. When they get to the sun temple, Imre summons a Greater Angel of Eissa! Are you ready to rumble! The little old lady with huge black wings throws away her cane and draws her eight foot switchblade scythe. Oh yeah! The priests start to die. And their souls get sucked up too. The guards flee.

The party lands on the platform and start heading into the temple. The angel swoops over and follows the platform down. Now, she's in the temple with them. Woo! The angel "distracts" people as the party moves about the temple. They do occasionally stop to take key rings from the people they find lying dead around the places where granny angel has passed. Oh, the party finds a priest, but they are invisible so they get a shot on him. He is pretty much destroyed on the first shot. It's pretty grim. More fighting follows as others arrive. We win a lot.

Look! It's the high priest. He casts on everyone. They all resist. Then they attack him. Many fate points are spent again and again. ON BOTH SIDES! D. goes down. The priest goes down. Everyone tries to recover from his exit fireball. Blarg.

They teleport the guide out. People fly invisible long door up and head to Oathar's room. We fly to the camp. Yay!

We head to the boat and steal it. We head up-river.

x2 PPM for clerics is the ring we got off the guy.

Orhan 2 Day 66 TE 6055

Oathar, fearing his curse, sacrifices his first magic item to Neela underwater, and prays for deliverance. The collar disolves in the water.

Oathar teleports the party to freedom. Yay!
