Session 74

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 46 TE 6056

We decide to bring him back to Griffin College with us. We teleport and stuff and head to the top of the place. Yeah, we get to the entrance. We open the door and look outside. Nothing to ambush us! Woo!

We load stuff up on the cart and horses and start the month's journey out.

We start heading out of the desert. Woo! Oh look, there's a body. We head over to check it out.

Strange, a dead lugraki. We wonder what killed it. Haeraan determines that he was running, though there were no tracks of anything chasing him. Very strange. Imre thinks he died from massive internal damage. Disruption or the like.

Imre studies the Lugraki and finds he's got a little book of prophesy. (Perhaps it's the prophesy of Lugrako Shang.) Gosh. Imre reads them.

Oh look he's got a prophesy saying we'll come and defeat them. Wacky. They shall be the key to ruling over all Lugraki. We and the people allied with us shall apparently triumph over all others (Lugraki). How strange.

Orhan 1 Day 47 TE 6056

We find another dead lugraki. Gosh, they just seem to die themselves these days.

Later that day. Look! A bunch more dead lugraki. They all seem to be of the same badge. There was a fight. They died. One of them is a little shaman guy. He's got an evil wand. Imre thinks it's a wand of disruption. It's out of charges. Wacky. We press on.

Haeraan does some track reading and we follow tracks to dozens of dead lugraki all over the place. Many were ritually sacrificed. There's a pile of Lugraki heads around a little altar. Yup, that'd be Scalu. Oh dear.Haeraan does the holy morning star against the altar thing. The altar smites him back a little so he gets pissed and smashes it to bits. Burned papers. Gosh. One corpse has its tounge cut out and there is writing on his chest. "Death before slavery!"

Again we find tracks of a large band of victorious Lugraki heading off.

Orhan 1 Day 67 TE 6056

We arrive at teleport range to Griffen college. We teleport! Anton isn't there. Haeraan get's Alarin to come down and deal with us. King Mornan Zaon is alive! Ack! Zarris comes down. Oh dear. Many difficulties. For some reason this seems to disturb them all.

The rest of us teleport in and as soon as the King arrives he says, "Hmmm... I feel a rightness about this place." Oh dear. King Mornan strides up to Alaran. "I am king Mornan Zaon of the True Line of Zor." They welcome him to their institution of learning and comtemplation. "Will you help me obtain the Griffin Crown and restore Zor." The faculty says, "Come, you must be tired, let's go in and talk." Very strange.

Anton says, "Next time the gods tell you to do something, check with the Loremasters first!"

After Zor was destroyed, Andraax and Tethior redefined its boundarys. It covers Griffin College now. This is why kept Fralik from bringing a large force through the area. They disappeared at the end of the wars of dominion.

Everyone goes off to debrief the king. Imre is our spy in the debriefing. They introduce everyone and the kings starts out with, "So, where's the crown?" Then they explain about the crown and how it's being used to defend the area.

They go back and forth for quite some time. "The Emporer of Rakhan claims Zor AND U'Lyshak AND Soralis! Bah."

At dinner, King Mornan comes and tells us that all is worse than he imagined. He could make us all Dukes and Duchesses if only we will help him.

Orhan 1 Day 68 TE 6056

Haeraan dreams about the god's plan for Mornan Zaon. He gets and image of a man standing at the base of a mountain. He starts climbing the mountain. Every so often he slides down and has to start climbing again. All during the time, others are standing on the mountain side and shovel stuff in front of him or gives him a hand up. Every so often there's a different person helping or hindering him. The vision zooms out and we see that he's barely made it up. Sometimes people follow him up the mountain too.

Haeraan tells him that he'll help fight the foul creatures up there but can't say much about the crowns or Zor. Oathar promises to investigate the crowns and see what can be done about the crowns and will keep him apprised. Others are similarly inclined. He is greatful but must find his own adventurers to assist him. He goes off.

Anton suggests we get out of here before things get all riled up further. "Perhaps it's time you visited Karalon once more." We agree.

Orhan 2 Day 15 TE 6056

We teleport to the port and sail to SelKai where we drop off the pads and do some quick checking in before heading off to Karalon. Nuyom Kom is still losing. Nom Rul has finally fallen. The overland trade route is established but slower. Strone is stabilized and trying to regain territory by fighting the amazons of Sarnak. Reports from up in north Jaiman indicate that bio-mechanical creations are ravaging the land. They are known as the iron wind. Some are half undead mechs. Others are half slaves/half mechs. It's all bad. There is active resistance in Pokantos. Yay! There was a plague down in Itannis. It caused many warlocks to lose their mentalist powers.

Orhan 2 Day 26 TE 6056

We get to Karalon to report and train. Other trainees think we're cool. Old Loremasters think that young loremasters are junk. Sigh.

Orhan 2 Day 38 TE 6056

Oathar declares that "This is no longer my place." Oathar is lead to a room to meditate for the night and others are told they may attend the testing of Oathar if they wish.

Orhan 2 Day 39 TE 6056

Oathar is tested by seven Loremasters. He is barraged by questions but answers them with aplomb. He gets a rest and then has to answer questions about three differeing fields. He stumbles a little but passes that section. (Two fate points spents.)

Then an assistant brings out a chest of esoterica. (Mummified hands, wands, books and stuff.) He uses his many spells to check things out and seems to pass. Whew. Another break.

Then they bring Oathar out to a field and there's an obsticle course. Oh dear. People shoot at him while it all goes own. Wacky. He drags himself to the end in a heap. Splat.

"You have passed the tests. We now declare Oathar Mealoreous a Loremaster." Yay!!

Kieron Tathon sends a note of congratulations and a small party ensues that evening.

Orhan 2 Day 40 TE 6056

The next morning, Kieron Tathon and the senior loremasters present Oathar with his Loremaster ring, and congratulated everyone. Oathar gets a brief attuning to Kieron Tathon's staff. It holds the entire contents of the Loremaster libraries. Gosh. Finally, Oathar gets the secret of how to sail a ship to Karalon. He claims it's self encrypted knowledge, and he can't actually explain it to anyone.

Orhan 3 Day 6 TE 6056

Back to SelKai!

Orhan 3 Day 16 TE 6056

We arrive in SelKai and our villa is finished. Woo!

