In which our heroes ...
Orhan 3 Day 17 TE 6056
We have a little surprise party for Imre's birthday. His mom sends him
her heart and all her love. Haeraan goes on a quest to Danarchis. he'll
be back in a month.
Orhan 3 Day 25 TE 6056
Kyrik does a lot of investigation into Shards and Lats.
Oathar messes around with temples of Neela and the like.
People go to the summer games in SelKai.
Orhan 4 Day 16 TE 6056
Haeraan returns.
Orhan 4 Day 17 TE 6056
We head out to Kelphor's Landing on Oathar's new flagship, the Naristral.
We remember to bring cold weather gear since it'll be winter soon.
Orhan 4 Day 62 TE 6056
We arrive at Kelphor's Landing. We spend a couple of days dealing with
our silver mines and stuff. Imre deals with out Lugraki buds while Kyrik
distracts Alynna. Imre gets quite drunk on Lugraki drinks. Gosh, they
seems to let our pet Lugraki into town these days without killing them.
In fact, Imre seems to party down with him. The Lugraki drinks him under
the table and Imre passes out in the bar after lot's of drunk. Quite the
Orhan 4 Day 64 TE 6056
We head up the coast to get into teleport range.
Orhan 4 Day 69 TE 6056
We teleport to Quellbourne. Then we march off to the North through winter.
Bah. It's darn cold up here. Brrr... AT 8 furs for all! Burrr.. Damn elf.
Oathar makes a bunch of Heat Solid rolls. Brrr...
Orhan 5 Day 29 TE 6056
We march through the bitter cold. Many deluxe tents are cast. Suddenly,
we come upon a little villiage here in the frozen north. It seems dark
and quiet. No fire smoke or anything. Very strange. Haeraan detects enemies
in the villaige. Actually, he gets a single zombie. Well, perhap sonly
part of a zombie. It's very strange.
Inside the villiage, a strange cyborg like undead comes for us. Oathar/Haeraan
analyzes it and decides it's some sort of strange cyborg like not-undead
creature. But then two more show up, once of which is clearly undead too.
They're a bit scary. We fight.
Oathar determines they had active spells which were cast by "alien
beings from another dimension", but doesn't share this right away.
Active spells is "preservation" with 50 weeks duration.
The cyborgs open up with explosive missile attacks vaguely similar to
elven splodey powder. Oh dear. More combat. We win!
Oathar casts more crazy spells and determines the name of the cyborg's
creator is: Jaron Gath.
Yuk. We take some parts and stuff. Blech. We spend a while discussing
the various analysis results and don't really get anywhere.
We decide to follow the trail it appears they left when the finished
sacking the town....
We follow the trail for the rest of the day and then camp.