Session 92

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 52 TE 6058

Oathar and Haeraan wait at the palace to keep up appearances, while the rest of the crew heads off disguised to visit Alynna's brother.

They get challenged and it all goes horribly awry. Combat begins. Alynna is paralyzed by angst for a long time so it goes poorly for poor Imre and Kyrik.

Eventually, people manage to stop fighting and get down to talking. They don't really believe our stories. So, they ask for a test of goodness. Alynna, Imre, and Kyrik are instructed to head to the city jail and order the release off the prisoners.

Confusing many guards, Imre releases the prisoners. This causes Alynna's brother to trust them enough to believe their outlandish tail. Alynna offers what assistance she may in battling Evil Oathar. He suggests that perhaps she can stay here? Oh? Is that all? Sure, Alynna agrees to stay here with him and fight the battle. Sigh.

Alynna talks about their family. Apparently, Alynna went away and then came back and scourged their family.

Alynna sends the other two back to tell Haeraan and Oathar the bad news about Alynna staying and being mind controlled.


Oathar spends the evening dealing with the treasury and his evil fiance.

Alynna finally returns.

We pray to Eissa. We spend lot's of fate points. We pray. Nothing happens. Damn fate points.

We head back to dedicate Oathar's new ship. Oh look, it's a ghost ship. Sigh. Complete with the skeletal crew. It's called The Black Pearl. Ghostly forms glide back and forth across the ship. There are a bunch of priests in black cowls around on the dock. "Very Impressive"

The undead crew gets inspected by Oathar. He manages to keep it together. "Truly, you shall be the scourge of the seas!" Oathar takes the opportunity to confirm that Shaal is evil.

Orhan 5 Day 53 TE 6058

Imre talks to Alynna about her plans. She plans to go hang out with her brother. She tries to convince Imre to stay too. His mother is nice here after all.

Meanwhiles, Kyrik goes to defend his title in the great Blamch tournament. Poor guy.

Oathar goes down to the waterfront to pray to Neela. A fish comes by and leads him out into the water. It leads him to a mound with a hole in the top. The hole leads him to an underwater cavern filled with mermaids and mermen. Oathar shows them Neela's holy symbol and is lead to an altar to Neela. Who knew! They offer him a potion and they understand each other.

Oathar briefs the mermaid on his problem. They suggest that if we are trying to gain the attention of Eissa, we could just die and plead our case when we come before her. An interesting suggestion... The mermaids will pray for Oathar to Neela, but have to good advice.

Meanwhile, Kyrik is winning his tournament and makes it to the final rounds and battles Mog, the half-high man/half-lugraki. Those great guys. They throw a riot on his behalf and wenches his way though the city. Oathar arrives, shakes his head and sends some water elementals to deal with the worst of the fires as he wanders back to Eidolon.

They discuss various plans and do the daily prayer to Eissa. It doesn't work. Almost, but not quite.

Imre disguises himself and wanders the poor part of town ministering to the poor.

Oathar goes and asks Arisia what her plans are. Destroy her enemies and live decadently. Hmm... Good plan.

Orhan 5 Day 54 TE 6058

We pray.... Nope. No joy.

Orhan 5 Day 58 TE 6058

We try waiting a few days, but the temples of Scalu and Orgiana are getting impatient with our lack of progress on the demon ritual.

Orhan 5 Day 59 TE 6058

We pray.... Nope. No joy

Orhan 5 Day 60 TE 6058

We pray.... Nope. No joy

Orhan 5 Day 61 TE 6058

We pray.... Nope. No joy

Orhan 5 Day 62 TE 6058

Xin the Kind finally shows up. She is dragged before us in chains. We instruct the guards to depart so we can enjoy ourselves. We remove the chains and give her another robe and clean her up a bit.

Imre tries to reason with her, but she doesn't speak to him. Sigh.

We offer to let her cast Detect Evil on Imre unresisted. She takes us up on the offer but casts Absolution instead. He dies. Oathar is pissed at her and is trying to break her into tears. She doesn't really feel anything for Imre though, cause she's a jerk.

Meanwhile Imre is dead. Sigh.

Imre debates ethics with the various angels. Finally, he gets to talk to Eissa.

Suddenly, Imre wakes up. We see an image of a tall dark haired being touch him on the forehead and he wakes up.

Imre's mother prays for a while and Xin gets a vision of Eissa. She must speak with us all together, so Kyrik has to go get the surly Oathar.

Eissa has given Xin a ritual plan to send us back. As early as tomorrow. We discuss.
