
Graduate Student Ambassador in Discovery Park at Purdue University

Ten of the top Purdue University Graduate students at the Birck Nanotechnology Center are selected as "Ambassadors". These student researchers assist with Birck and Discovery Park outreach and engagements efforts, including tours and special events. At the end of each year, a banquet is held to recognize the graduate student ambassadors for their efforts (see picture).

Some of the feedbacks:
"Your tour was very informative, you strike the right balance between informing those of us who know so little about nanotechnology while at the same time not simplifying it so much that it becomes meaningless." (James L. Mullins, Dean of Libraries, Professor of Library Science at Purdue Univ.)

"I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for leading the Nano Ice Cream activity with our 4-H Stem it UP and Biotechnology youth on Wednesday. The youth really enjoyed the activity and the icecream (they came back and let me know what I missed). I appreciate you taking your time to teach this with our youth!"(Erika D. Bonnett Extension Specialist-4-H Science Initiatives 4-H Youth Development at Purdue Univ.)

OSA/SPIE Purdue Student Chapter

The purpose of the chapter is be to promote the discipline of Optical Science and Engineering through the organized effort of this group in study, research, and discussion; to disseminate knowledge of the field of Optical Engineering; and to further the professional development of the students. In the period from 2011 to 2015, Mikhail was at the forefront of the OSA and SPIE Purdue Student Chapters: launched both of the chapters and served there as a key officer (president and vice-president). At that times, the dedicated team of officers was successful in developing the chapter and maintaining it in good conditions for several years. Mikhail has been involved in organization of all the chapter activities, which include annual travelling lecturer seminars, scientific lectures, industrial tech & demo talks, callouts, research competitions, officer meetings, trips to visit other chapters, social and outreach events. The chapter still exists and continues to thrive. Growing number of student members, increasing number of activities and their quality, as well as raising chapter funds serve as evident indicators of the significant chapter progress and excellent work of the officers. For more information please visit Facebook page of OSA/SPIE Purdue Student Chapter.
Involvement in other student orgnizations: President of ECE Graduate Student Association (ECEGSA) in 2012-2013 and President of Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC) in 2013-2014.

Educational videos:
In order to raise public awareness of the importance of optics and photonics technologies, we have created a short video "How has Optics enabled a wireless optical mouse?"

Outreach articles:
Jeopardy Game Contest "So you think you know well about Purdue & Optics?"
NanoDays 2013 & joint activity with the chapter from the University of Notre Dame