The Controlroom

The president of Megalith Corp is looking straight at you as you walk in. He looks as you remember him, in his expensive suit and diamond tie tack. His grey hair is combed strategically to hide the balding spot on his skull.

"I've been expecting you," he says.

This is an extensive terminal room, filled with humming equipment and bright computer displays. The walls are lined with monitors. Most show scenic views, of windswept seas and cascading waterfalls, but some show familiar places: Lobby 7, the Infinite Corridor, the gigantic nightlight.

"I applaud you for having come this far," he continues. This strongly reminds you of almost every action-adventure movie climax, where the bad guy sits and tells the hero all his plans. As if to strengthen that impression, the suit says, "I suppose you wonder what all this is about?"


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