The Controlroom

This is an extensive terminal room, filled with humming equipment and bright computer displays. The walls are lined with monitors. Most show scenic views, of windswept seas and cascading waterfalls, but some show familiar places: Lobby 7, the Infinite Corridor, the gigantic nightlight.

The president of Megalith Corp is sitting here, watching you with worried, yet completely unafraid grey eyes.

"You may have heard rumors that Cyberspace is not really made of computer code, bits of electrons and silicon binary switches," he says, evenly. "That is correct. Cyberspace is more like the Science Fiction entity of Hyperspace. It is a space that exists in parallel to the one in which Earth and human society resides --- but it is only through the newest in technology that you can enter it. And enter it you do. That is the breakthrough of Megalith's Cyberspace Transporter System! Through our CTS system, we can transport the essential elements of any person into Cyperspace. And it is only through computers that we can enter or leave Cyberspace. You're a hacker, of a sort. Don't you find this fascinating?"

He pauses, as if expecting enthusiastic agreement. Getting none, he continues.

"With the right equipment, we can even bring in trees, plants, creatures. It takes far more time, but it can be done. And thus we can build safe, living museums of such things, away from human destructiveness, away from harm. Away from people!"

"Can you imagine what would happen if Cyberspace becomes filled with people?" he asks. "See what a mess humans have made of their limited little planet. Think of what a mess they might make of Cyberspace!"


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