The Controlroom

This is an extensive terminal room, filled with humming equipment and bright computer displays. The walls are lined with monitors. Most show scenic views, of windswept seas and cascading waterfalls, but some show familiar places: Lobby 7, the Infinite Corridor, the gigantic nightlight.

The president of Megalith Corp is sitting here, watching you with worried, yet completely unafraid grey eyes.

"At first, Cyberspace was not purely ours. Other places had also discovered it, and were using crude code to bring themselves into it. Granted, they could not see Cyberspace clearly because of the imperfection of the transfer process, but what they could do was more than enough.

"The early MUDs that utilized Cyberspace produced nothing but messes," says the president. "Think of it! Thousands of college students putting off their homework, instead playing games of violence! Bloody bodies lay everywhere --- dragons, trolls, elves, fuzzy things. And the alternate type of MUD was even more abhorrent --- humans dressed in furry personas, sitting around giving each other backrubs all day, all night! And then --- and then the corporations started getting interested.

"Imagine corporate board meetings occupying vast, ornate chambers in Cyberspace. Imagine lawyers buying entire open sections of Cyberspace and turning them into overfertilized golf ranges. The horror!"

You stare at him skeptically. This guy is the president of a huge corporation, right?

"We had to stop it," says the president. "So, using all the legal and monetary power we had, we eventually gained control over the rights to Cyberspace. We built a base here. And since Cyberspace is a place and not just code, we were able to start linking our base to all the other projects that all the other programmers had started to build."


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