The Controlroom

This is an extensive terminal room, filled with humming equipment and bright computer displays. The walls are lined with monitors. Most show scenic views, of windswept seas and cascading waterfalls, but some show familiar places: Lobby 7, the Infinite Corridor, the gigantic nightlight.

The president of Megalith Corp is sitting here, watching you with worried, yet completely unafraid grey eyes.

"Many of these MUDs were abusing Cyberspace," says the president, "and so we experimented with ways to bring them to ruin. In time, a few hackers attempted to bring us to ruin. And although they managed to destroy much of our equipment, they could not destroy the reality that is Cyberspace. One we caught and turned into a useful little cube; he seems to like it that way. One we caught and imprisoned in eternal bliss. Is that such a bad fate?"

He smiles broadly. It is not a pleasant smile.

"But you are all so persistent, are you not? Pesky. We had not wanted to resort to anything so brash as imprisoning so many minds in Cyberspace, but we had no choice. Really, that was a step that we wanted to take later.

"However, there is no harm in starting the final phase to rendering humanity's foolishness ineffectual. Starting tomorrow, we open wide the floodgates; every MUD, every VR site, will now connect directly to True Cyberspace --- for that is what we are. And human minds will be drawn like flies to the sweet nectar of our cyber paradise. It will be a gradual process; there will be no cries of alarm, only a slow, growing addiction to Cyberspace. Here they will come, and here they will stay --- like you!"


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