The Controlroom

This is an extensive terminal room, filled with humming equipment and bright computer displays. The walls are lined with monitors. Most show scenic views, of windswept seas and cascading waterfalls, but some show familiar places: Lobby 7, the Infinite Corridor, the gigantic nightlight.

The president of Megalith Corp is sitting here, watching you with a wide smile.

The door bursts open. You turn, in time to see the SIPB member rush in, the cube right behind him.

"There you are!" says the hacker. He's smiling, too, and it's also nasty. "Congratulations on making it this far! Too bad you'll never escape to warn anyone." He laughs. Near his shoulder, the cube giggles.

This is resembling a bad movie more and more. Or maybe a dream?

In any case, the ideas that pop in your head are:

Wait in silence. But glare.

Go mad and start destroying equipment.

Say, calmly, "You're all crazy."

Go mad and start attacking the president and the hacker, and especially the cube.

"Don't do anything to me! I'll do anything! Heck, I'll even help you!"

Exit back to my homepage.