You are in the SIPB Office, W20-557, logged into Snorkelwacker.

You deploy the virus. Then, your job done, you go to the nearest 24-hour convenience store, buy a full supply of food and drink and go hide in one of the obscure nooks of MIT (and there are many) for a few days.

It helps to have seen all the files on the machine pertaining to just how many people in law-enforcement and government that Megalith Corp. controlled. You even skimmed the piles of files on people within the company, including the hacker and even the cube. Strange, though, how the president's file contained almost no real information. He supposedly went to a small college you've never heard of, has no listed family, and has no address --- only a phone number, email address, and Cyberspace site address. The pictures --- bits of footage, press photos, and so on --- show him exactly as you saw him in the CyberMUD.

And another thought bothers you: Did the cube tell you that crucial piece of information on purpose? Did it somehow know that you had recovered the ability to logout, and thus timed its "slip" accordingly?

You think about all these things as you hide.

Eventually, you crawl out of your hiding place long enough to get a shower. In the process, you hear the news....

The news.

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