RiverRat  - An MIT iCampus project http://web.mit.edu/riverrat/

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RiverRat Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
riverrat.BasicServerFinished prototype - Provides a framework for building RiverRat servers
riverrat.BoatFinished prototype - Provides a data type that contains all the information about a given Boat in a Race
riverrat.testing.DelayedInputStreamLicensed under the Apache License
riverrat.DynamicMarkFinished Prototype - A Mark that has a position sensor onboard
riverrat.testing.FakeServerFinished prototype - Provides a framework for building fake RiverRat servers for testing various components
riverrat.FixFinished prototype - Provides a data type for position data, and is designed to fit all the data provided by a GPS reciever in a single update
riverrat.LiveRaceFinished prototype - A Race which has only live (realtime) data
riverrat.LiveServerEmpty - A type of RiverRat server that provides data in realtime
riverrat.MapFinished prototype - Provides a data type for building Maps that translate latitude/longitude data to x/y screen data
riverrat.MarkFinished prototype - Provides all the information about a Mark in a Race
riverrat.testing.NMEAFakeServerFinished prototype - A FakeServer that takes data from a text file with NMEA sentences
riverrat.NoSuchObjectExceptionFinished prototype - A RuntimeException that is thrown when something tries to update an object that doesn't exist
riverrat.PlaybackRaceEmpty - A Race which has only played back (non-realtime) data
riverrat.PlaybackServerEmpty - A type of RiverRat server that provides data played back from a database of past (and even currently progressing) RiverRat races
riverrat.RaceFinished prototype - Handles all the data involved with a specific Race, and handles the communications API used to recieve the XML stream pushed by the Radio Server/Content Server
riverrat.RaceObjectFinished prototype - Provides a generalized object for physical objects involved in a Race
riverrat.RadioListenerUnder construction - Spawns a new thread and opens up a connection to a Radio connected to a serial terminal server
riverrat.RiverRatClientEmpty - Provides a framework for building RiverRat clients that use a network socket XML stream listener and some basic services
riverrat.RiverRatDemoFinished prototype - The prototype for the RiverRat 2D GUI
riverrat.RiverRatDemo.ViewMenuFinished prototype - This class encloses the View Menu, and makes it easier to add different menus to the application
riverrat.RiverRatExceptionFinished prototype - Provides a general class for RiverRat exceptions
riverrat.RiverRatGLSome playing around with using the Java OpenGL classes to create a 3D RiverRat GUI
riverrat.RiverRatListenerFinished prototype - Spawns a new thread and opens up a connection to a Radio Server pushing data
riverrat.RiverRatLoggerEmpty - A type of RiverRat client that takes an XML stream and logs it to a native XML database
riverrat.ServerFinished prototype - The Server class spawns new Threads with BasicServers (or subclasses) to handle clients
riverrat.StaticMarkFinished prototype - A Mark that does not have a position sensor onboard, and cannot be updated
riverrat.StaticMarkExceptionFinished prototype - A RuntimeException that is thrown when something tries to update a StaticMark
riverrat.testing.StreamLoggerFinished prototype - Logs the XML stream to a file
riverrat.testing.XMLFakeServerFinished prototype - A FakeServer that takes data from an XML file

Brought to you by the RiverRat team.