Trait alloc::allocator::Alloc
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
An implementation of Alloc
can allocate, reallocate, and
deallocate arbitrary blocks of data described via Layout
Some of the methods require that a memory block be currently allocated via an allocator. This means that:
the starting address for that memory block was previously returned by a previous call to an allocation method (
) or reallocation method (realloc
, orrealloc_array
), and -
the memory block has not been subsequently deallocated, where blocks are deallocated either by being passed to a deallocation method (
) or by being passed to a reallocation method (see above) that returnsOk
A note regarding zero-sized types and zero-sized layouts: many
methods in the Alloc
trait state that allocation requests
must be non-zero size, or else undefined behavior can result.
However, some higher-level allocation methods (
) are well-defined on zero-sized types and can optionally support them: it is left up to the implementor whether to returnErr
, or to returnOk
with some pointer. -
If an
implementation chooses to returnOk
in this case (i.e. the pointer denotes a zero-sized inaccessible block) then that returned pointer must be considered "currently allocated". On such an allocator, all methods that take currently-allocated pointers as inputs must accept these zero-sized pointers, without causing undefined behavior. -
In other words, if a zero-sized pointer can flow out of an allocator, then that allocator must likewise accept that pointer flowing back into its deallocation and reallocation methods.
Some of the methods require that a layout fit a memory block. What it means for a layout to "fit" a memory block means (or equivalently, for a memory block to "fit" a layout) is that the following two conditions must hold:
The block's starting address must be aligned to
. -
The block's size must fall in the range
[use_min, use_max]
, where:-
, and -
is the capacity that was (or would have been) returned when (if) the block was allocated via a call toalloc_excess
Note that:
the size of the layout most recently used to allocate the block is guaranteed to be in the range
[use_min, use_max]
, and -
a lower-bound on
can be safely approximated by a call tousable_size
. -
if a layout
fits a memory block (denoted byptr
) currently allocated via an allocatora
, then it is legal to use that layout to deallocate it, i.e.a.dealloc(ptr, k);
The Alloc
trait is an unsafe
trait for a number of reasons, and
implementors must ensure that they adhere to these contracts:
Pointers returned from allocation functions must point to valid memory and retain their validity until at least the instance of
is dropped itself. -
It's undefined behavior if global allocators unwind. This restriction may be lifted in the future, but currently a panic from any of these functions may lead to memory unsafety. Note that as of the time of this writing allocators not intending to be global allocators can still panic in their implementation without violating memory safety.
queries and calculations in general must be correct. Callers of this trait are allowed to rely on the contracts defined on each method, and implementors must ensure such contracts remain true.
Note that this list may get tweaked over time as clarifications are made in the future. Additionally global allocators may gain unique requirements for how to safely implement one in the future as well.
Required Methods
unsafe fn alloc(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<*mut u8, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Returns a pointer meeting the size and alignment guarantees of
If this method returns an Ok(addr)
, then the addr
will be non-null address pointing to a block of storage
suitable for holding an instance of layout
The returned block of storage may or may not have its contents initialized. (Extension subtraits might restrict this behavior, e.g. to ensure initialization to particular sets of bit patterns.)
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result
if the caller does not ensure that layout
has non-zero size.
(Extension subtraits might provide more specific bounds on behavior, e.g. guarantee a sentinel address or a null pointer in response to a zero-size allocation request.)
Returning Err
indicates that either memory is exhausted or
does not meet allocator's size or alignment
Implementations are encouraged to return Err
on memory
exhaustion rather than panicking or aborting, but this is not
a strict requirement. (Specifically: it is legal to
implement this trait atop an underlying native allocation
library that aborts on memory exhaustion.)
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
allocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn dealloc(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout)
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Deallocate the memory referenced by ptr
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure all of the following:
must denote a block of memory currently allocated via this allocator, -
must fit that block of memory, -
In addition to fitting the block of memory
, the alignment of thelayout
must match the alignment used to allocate that block of memory.
Provided Methods
fn oom(&mut self, AllocErr) -> !
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Allocator-specific method for signaling an out-of-memory condition.
aborts the thread or process, optionally performing
cleanup or logging diagnostic information before panicking or
is meant to be used by clients unable to cope with an
unsatisfied allocation request (signaled by an error such as
), and wish to abandon computation rather
than attempt to recover locally. Such clients should pass the
signaling error value back into oom
, where the allocator
may incorporate that error value into its diagnostic report
before aborting.
Implementations of the oom
method are discouraged from
infinitely regressing in nested calls to oom
. In
practice this means implementors should eschew allocating,
especially from self
(directly or indirectly).
Implementations of the allocation and reallocation methods
(e.g. alloc
, alloc_one
, realloc
) are discouraged from
panicking (or aborting) in the event of memory exhaustion;
instead they should return an appropriate error from the
invoked method, and let the client decide whether to invoke
this oom
method in response.
fn usable_size(&self, layout: &Layout) -> (usize, usize)
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Returns bounds on the guaranteed usable size of a successful
allocation created with the specified layout
In particular, if one has a memory block allocated via a given
allocator a
and layout k
where a.usable_size(k)
(l, u)
, then one can pass that block to a.dealloc()
with a
layout in the size range [l, u].
(All implementors of usable_size
must ensure that
l <= k.size() <= u
Both the lower- and upper-bounds (l
and u
are provided, because an allocator based on size classes could
misbehave if one attempts to deallocate a block without
providing a correct value for its size (i.e., one within the
range [l, u]
Clients who wish to make use of excess capacity are encouraged
to use the alloc_excess
and realloc_excess
instead, as
this method is constrained to report conservative values that
serve as valid bounds for all possible allocation method
However, for clients that do not wish to track the capacity
returned by alloc_excess
locally, this method is likely to
produce useful results.
unsafe fn realloc(
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<*mut u8, AllocErr>
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<*mut u8, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Returns a pointer suitable for holding data described by
, meeting its size and alignment guarantees. To
accomplish this, this may extend or shrink the allocation
referenced by ptr
to fit new_layout
If this returns Ok
, then ownership of the memory block
referenced by ptr
has been transferred to this
allocator. The memory may or may not have been freed, and
should be considered unusable (unless of course it was
transferred back to the caller again via the return value of
this method).
If this method returns Err
, then ownership of the memory
block has not been transferred to this allocator, and the
contents of the memory block are unaltered.
For best results, new_layout
should not impose a different
alignment constraint than layout
. (In other words,
should equal layout.align()
.) However,
behavior is well-defined (though underspecified) when this
constraint is violated; further discussion below.
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure all of the following:
must be currently allocated via this allocator, -
must fit theptr
(see above). (Thenew_layout
argument need not fit it.) -
must have size greater than zero. -
the alignment of
is non-zero.
(Extension subtraits might provide more specific bounds on behavior, e.g. guarantee a sentinel address or a null pointer in response to a zero-size allocation request.)
Returns Err
only if new_layout
does not match the
alignment of layout
, or does not meet the allocator's size
and alignment constraints of the allocator, or if reallocation
otherwise fails.
(Note the previous sentence did not say "if and only if" -- in
particular, an implementation of this method can return Ok
if new_layout.align() != old_layout.align()
; or it can
return Err
in that scenario, depending on whether this
allocator can dynamically adjust the alignment constraint for
the block.)
Implementations are encouraged to return Err
on memory
exhaustion rather than panicking or aborting, but this is not
a strict requirement. (Specifically: it is legal to
implement this trait atop an underlying native allocation
library that aborts on memory exhaustion.)
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
reallocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn alloc_zeroed(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<*mut u8, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Behaves like alloc
, but also ensures that the contents
are set to zero before being returned.
This function is unsafe for the same reasons that alloc
Returning Err
indicates that either memory is exhausted or
does not meet allocator's size or alignment
constraints, just as in alloc
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
allocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn alloc_excess(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<Excess, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Behaves like alloc
, but also returns the whole size of
the returned block. For some layout
inputs, like arrays, this
may include extra storage usable for additional data.
This function is unsafe for the same reasons that alloc
Returning Err
indicates that either memory is exhausted or
does not meet allocator's size or alignment
constraints, just as in alloc
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
allocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn realloc_excess(
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<Excess, AllocErr>
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<Excess, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Behaves like realloc
, but also returns the whole size of
the returned block. For some layout
inputs, like arrays, this
may include extra storage usable for additional data.
This function is unsafe for the same reasons that realloc
Returning Err
indicates that either memory is exhausted or
does not meet allocator's size or alignment
constraints, just as in realloc
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
reallocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn grow_in_place(
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<(), CannotReallocInPlace>
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<(), CannotReallocInPlace>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Attempts to extend the allocation referenced by ptr
to fit new_layout
If this returns Ok
, then the allocator has asserted that the
memory block referenced by ptr
now fits new_layout
, and thus can
be used to carry data of that layout. (The allocator is allowed to
expend effort to accomplish this, such as extending the memory block to
include successor blocks, or virtual memory tricks.)
Regardless of what this method returns, ownership of the
memory block referenced by ptr
has not been transferred, and
the contents of the memory block are unaltered.
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure all of the following:
must be currently allocated via this allocator, -
must fit theptr
(see above); note thenew_layout
argument need not fit it, -
must not be less thanlayout.size()
, -
must equallayout.align()
Returns Err(CannotReallocInPlace)
when the allocator is
unable to assert that the memory block referenced by ptr
could fit layout
Note that one cannot pass CannotReallocInPlace
to the oom
method; clients are expected either to be able to recover from
failures without aborting, or to fall back on
another reallocation method before resorting to an abort.
unsafe fn shrink_in_place(
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<(), CannotReallocInPlace>
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout
) -> Result<(), CannotReallocInPlace>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Attempts to shrink the allocation referenced by ptr
to fit new_layout
If this returns Ok
, then the allocator has asserted that the
memory block referenced by ptr
now fits new_layout
, and
thus can only be used to carry data of that smaller
layout. (The allocator is allowed to take advantage of this,
carving off portions of the block for reuse elsewhere.) The
truncated contents of the block within the smaller layout are
unaltered, and ownership of block has not been transferred.
If this returns Err
, then the memory block is considered to
still represent the original (larger) layout
. None of the
block has been carved off for reuse elsewhere, ownership of
the memory block has not been transferred, and the contents of
the memory block are unaltered.
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure all of the following:
must be currently allocated via this allocator, -
must fit theptr
(see above); note thenew_layout
argument need not fit it, -
must not be greater thanlayout.size()
(and must be greater than zero), -
must equallayout.align()
Returns Err(CannotReallocInPlace)
when the allocator is
unable to assert that the memory block referenced by ptr
could fit layout
Note that one cannot pass CannotReallocInPlace
to the oom
method; clients are expected either to be able to recover from
failures without aborting, or to fall back
on another reallocation method before resorting to an abort.
fn alloc_one<T>(&mut self) -> Result<NonNull<T>, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Allocates a block suitable for holding an instance of T
Captures a common usage pattern for allocators.
The returned block is suitable for passing to the
methods of this allocator.
Note to implementors: If this returns Ok(ptr)
, then ptr
must be considered "currently allocated" and must be
acceptable input to methods such as realloc
or dealloc
even if T
is a zero-sized type. In other words, if your
implementation overrides this method in a manner
that can return a zero-sized ptr
, then all reallocation and
deallocation methods need to be similarly overridden to accept
such values as input.
Returning Err
indicates that either memory is exhausted or
does not meet allocator's size or alignment constraints.
For zero-sized T
, may return either of Ok
or Err
, but
will not yield undefined behavior.
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
allocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn dealloc_one<T>(&mut self, ptr: NonNull<T>)
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Deallocates a block suitable for holding an instance of T
The given block must have been produced by this allocator,
and must be suitable for storing a T
(in terms of alignment
as well as minimum and maximum size); otherwise yields
undefined behavior.
Captures a common usage pattern for allocators.
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure both:
must denote a block of memory currently allocated via this allocator -
the layout of
must fit that block of memory.
fn alloc_array<T>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<NonNull<T>, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Allocates a block suitable for holding n
instances of T
Captures a common usage pattern for allocators.
The returned block is suitable for passing to the
methods of this allocator.
Note to implementors: If this returns Ok(ptr)
, then ptr
must be considered "currently allocated" and must be
acceptable input to methods such as realloc
or dealloc
even if T
is a zero-sized type. In other words, if your
implementation overrides this method in a manner
that can return a zero-sized ptr
, then all reallocation and
deallocation methods need to be similarly overridden to accept
such values as input.
Returning Err
indicates that either memory is exhausted or
[T; n]
does not meet allocator's size or alignment
For zero-sized T
or n == 0
, may return either of Ok
, but will not yield undefined behavior.
Always returns Err
on arithmetic overflow.
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
allocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn realloc_array<T>(
&mut self,
ptr: NonNull<T>,
n_old: usize,
n_new: usize
) -> Result<NonNull<T>, AllocErr>
&mut self,
ptr: NonNull<T>,
n_old: usize,
n_new: usize
) -> Result<NonNull<T>, AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Reallocates a block previously suitable for holding n_old
instances of T
, returning a block suitable for holding
instances of T
Captures a common usage pattern for allocators.
The returned block is suitable for passing to the
methods of this allocator.
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure all of the following:
must be currently allocated via this allocator, -
the layout of
[T; n_old]
must fit that block of memory.
Returning Err
indicates that either memory is exhausted or
[T; n_new]
does not meet allocator's size or alignment
For zero-sized T
or n_new == 0
, may return either of Ok
, but will not yield undefined behavior.
Always returns Err
on arithmetic overflow.
Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an
reallocation error are encouraged to call the allocator's oom
method, rather than directly invoking panic!
or similar.
unsafe fn dealloc_array<T>(
&mut self,
ptr: NonNull<T>,
n: usize
) -> Result<(), AllocErr>
&mut self,
ptr: NonNull<T>,
n: usize
) -> Result<(), AllocErr>
🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (allocator_api
the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked slightly, especially to possibly take into account the types being stored to make room for a future tracing garbage collector
Deallocates a block suitable for holding n
instances of T
Captures a common usage pattern for allocators.
This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure both:
must denote a block of memory currently allocated via this allocator -
the layout of
[T; n]
must fit that block of memory.
Returning Err
indicates that either [T; n]
or the given
memory block does not meet allocator's size or alignment
Always returns Err
on arithmetic overflow.
impl Alloc for Heap