Trait alloc::fmt::Debug1.0.0 [] [src]

#[lang = "debug_trait"]
pub trait Debug { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error>; }

? formatting.

Debug should format the output in a programmer-facing, debugging context.

Generally speaking, you should just derive a Debug implementation.

When used with the alternate format specifier #?, the output is pretty-printed.

For more information on formatters, see the module-level documentation.

This trait can be used with #[derive] if all fields implement Debug. When derived for structs, it will use the name of the struct, then {, then a comma-separated list of each field's name and Debug value, then }. For enums, it will use the name of the variant and, if applicable, (, then the Debug values of the fields, then ).


Deriving an implementation:

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };

println!("The origin is: {:?}", origin);

Manually implementing:

use std::fmt;

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

impl fmt::Debug for Point {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Point {{ x: {}, y: {} }}", self.x, self.y)

let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };

println!("The origin is: {:?}", origin);

This outputs:

The origin is: Point { x: 0, y: 0 }

There are a number of debug_* methods on Formatter to help you with manual implementations, such as debug_struct.

Debug implementations using either derive or the debug builder API on Formatter support pretty printing using the alternate flag: {:#?}.

Pretty printing with #?:

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };

println!("The origin is: {:#?}", origin);

This outputs:

The origin is: Point {
    x: 0,
    y: 0

Required Methods


Formats the value using the given formatter.


use std::fmt;

struct Position {
    longitude: f32,
    latitude: f32,

impl fmt::Debug for Position {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "({:?}, {:?})", self.longitude, self.latitude)

assert_eq!("(1.987, 2.983)".to_owned(),
           format!("{:?}", Position { longitude: 1.987, latitude: 2.983, }));

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Debug for i64x4

impl Debug for EscapeDefault

impl Debug for NonZeroU16

impl Debug for AtomicU16

impl<'a, T> Debug for Pin<'a, T> where
    T: Debug + ?Sized

impl Debug for InvalidSequence

impl Debug for f64x8

impl Debug for i8x32

impl Debug for f64x4

impl Debug for i16x8

impl<T> Debug for Reverse<T> where
    T: Debug

impl<T> Debug for NonZero<T> where
    T: Zeroable + Debug

impl Debug for NonZeroIsize

impl Debug for i32x16

impl<'a> Debug for PanicInfo<'a>

impl Debug for EscapeDefault

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeToInclusive<Idx> where
    Idx: Debug

impl<T, E> Debug for Result<T, E> where
    E: Debug,
    T: Debug

impl<I, P> Debug for SkipWhile<I, P> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for AtomicI64

impl<'a, T> Debug for Iter<'a, T> where
    T: 'a + Debug

impl Debug for u32x16

impl Debug for b8x64

impl Debug for u8x64

impl Debug for AtomicBool

impl<A, B> Debug for Chain<A, B> where
    A: Debug,
    B: Debug

impl Debug for u16x32

impl Debug for RangeFull

impl<T> Debug for NonNull<T> where
    T: ?Sized

impl Debug for NonZeroI32

impl<I, U, F> Debug for FlatMap<I, U, F> where
    I: Debug,
    U: IntoIterator,
    <U as IntoIterator>::IntoIter: Debug

impl<F> Debug for RepeatWith<F> where
    F: Debug

impl<A, B> Debug for Zip<A, B> where
    A: Debug,
    B: Debug

impl Debug for AtomicI32

impl<I> Debug for Skip<I> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for i32x4

impl Debug for ParseFloatError

impl<I> Debug for Fuse<I> where
    I: Debug

impl<I, St, F> Debug for Scan<I, St, F> where
    I: Debug,
    St: Debug

impl Debug for i32x2

impl Debug for __m128i

impl<T> Debug for ManuallyDrop<T> where
    T: Debug

impl<I> Debug for Cloned<I> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for i16x4

impl Debug for u16x4

impl Debug for i16x2

impl Debug for NonZeroU128

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeTo<Idx> where
    Idx: Debug

impl Debug for u8x4

impl Debug for NonZeroI8

impl Debug for u32x8

impl Debug for BorrowError

impl Debug for u32x4

impl Debug for AtomicI16

impl Debug for AtomicU8

impl Debug for f64x2

impl Debug for NonZeroI128

impl Debug for __m256

impl Debug for b8x4

impl Debug for __m64

impl<T> Debug for Bound<T> where
    T: Debug

impl Debug for AtomicI8

impl Debug for AtomicUsize

impl<I> Debug for StepBy<I> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for Ordering

impl<'a, A> Debug for IterMut<'a, A> where
    A: 'a + Debug

impl Debug for u16x16

impl Debug for Any + 'static

impl<I, F> Debug for Inspect<I, F> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for f32x8

impl Debug for TypeId

impl Debug for NonZeroU32

impl Debug for i8x8

impl Debug for b8x2

impl<H> Debug for BuildHasherDefault<H>

impl<'b, T> Debug for Ref<'b, T> where
    T: Debug + ?Sized

impl<I> Debug for Cycle<I> where
    I: Debug

impl<I> Debug for Enumerate<I> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for u8x2

impl<A> Debug for Repeat<A> where
    A: Debug

impl<T> Debug for AtomicPtr<T>

impl Debug for EscapeUnicode

impl Debug for NonZeroI64

impl Debug for u16x2

impl<T> Debug for Empty<T>

impl Debug for BorrowMutError

impl Debug for EscapeDebug

impl<T> Debug for Cell<T> where
    T: Copy + Debug

impl Debug for NonZeroUsize

impl<I, F> Debug for Map<I, F> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for ParseIntError

impl Debug for NonZeroU8

impl Debug for i8x16

impl Debug for FpCategory

impl Debug for ParseCharError

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeFrom<Idx> where
    Idx: Debug

impl Debug for f32x2

impl Debug for u64x8

impl<Y, R> Debug for GeneratorState<Y, R> where
    R: Debug,
    Y: Debug

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeInclusive<Idx> where
    Idx: Debug

impl Debug for u16x8

impl<T> Debug for Wrapping<T> where
    T: Debug

impl Debug for u8x16

impl Debug for b8x16

impl<I> Debug for DecodeUtf8<I> where
    I: Iterator<Item = u8> + Debug

impl Debug for CharTryFromError

impl<I, P> Debug for Filter<I, P> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for TryFromIntError

impl Debug for u64x2

impl<T> Debug for Discriminant<T>

impl<I, U> Debug for Flatten<I> where
    I: Iterator + Debug,
    U: Iterator + Debug,
    <I as Iterator>::Item: IntoIterator,
    <<I as Iterator>::Item as IntoIterator>::IntoIter == U,
    <<I as Iterator>::Item as IntoIterator>::Item == <U as Iterator>::Item

impl Debug for i16x16

impl<I, P> Debug for TakeWhile<I, P> where
    I: Debug

impl<T> Debug for RefCell<T> where
    T: Debug + ?Sized

impl<T> Debug for IntoIter<T> where
    T: Debug

impl Debug for i8x2

impl<T> Debug for Rev<T> where
    T: Debug

impl Debug for u8x8

impl Debug for f32x4

impl Debug for i32x8

impl Debug for __m256i

impl<T> Debug for PhantomData<T> where
    T: ?Sized

impl Debug for AtomicIsize

impl<'a, A> Debug for Iter<'a, A> where
    A: 'a + Debug

impl Debug for u32x2

impl Debug for i64x2

impl Debug for SipHasher

impl Debug for i16x32

impl<'a> Debug for Location<'a>

impl<'b, T> Debug for RefMut<'b, T> where
    T: Debug + ?Sized

impl Debug for u8x32

impl<T> Debug for Once<T> where
    T: Debug

impl<T> Debug for UnsafeCell<T> where
    T: Debug + ?Sized

impl Debug for NonZeroI16

impl Debug for NoneError

impl Debug for b8x32

impl Debug for Any + 'static + Send

impl Debug for b8x8

impl Debug for u64x4

impl Debug for TryFromSliceError

impl<A> Debug for IntoIter<A> where
    A: Debug

impl<T> Debug for Unique<T> where
    T: ?Sized

impl Debug for __m256d

impl Debug for f32x16

impl Debug for AtomicU64

impl Debug for i64x8

impl Debug for AtomicU32

impl Debug for Ordering

impl<Idx> Debug for Range<Idx> where
    Idx: Debug

impl Debug for Alignment

impl<'a, T> Debug for IterMut<'a, T> where
    T: 'a + Debug

impl<I> Debug for Take<I> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for Duration

impl Debug for __m128d

impl Debug for i8x64

impl Debug for __m128

impl<T> Debug for Option<T> where
    T: Debug

impl Debug for NonZeroU64

impl<I> Debug for Peekable<I> where
    I: Iterator + Debug,
    <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug

impl<I, F> Debug for FilterMap<I, F> where
    I: Debug

impl Debug for i8x4

impl Debug for ToLowercase

impl Debug for UnicodeVersion

impl<I> Debug for DecodeUtf16<I> where
    I: Debug + Iterator<Item = u16>, 

impl<'a> Debug for Utf8LossyChunk<'a>

impl Debug for ToUppercase

impl Debug for DecodeUtf16Error

impl Debug for Utf8Lossy
