George Gatenby Contemplates DOUBT

Some of the very best Shin Buddhist teaching in English today on the net can be found on Reverend George Gatenby’s site, Notes on the Nembutsu.

If you want Buddha-Lite, George Gatenby isn’t for you.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for an honest exposition of the the Dharma of Jodo-Shinshu, I recommend George as a True Teacher of Shinran’s True Teaching.

Two of his recent posts discuss the issue of DOUBT from a Shin Buddhist perspective…by which I mean the perspective of Shinran and Shakyamuni.

Here are the links:

In a day when so much of what is being presented on the web in Shinran’s name is simply not Shinran’s Dharma, George’s website is a treasury of dharma light - the real deal.

NamuAmidaButsu -

Paul R.

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