The Realization That Nembutsu-faith is All That Matters

Rev. George Gatenby, one of the leaders of the Shin Sangha in Australia, writes wonderfully, and movingly - as a true teacher of Shinran’s True Teaching.

Here is an excerpt:


‘Reverence and a great joy’ cries Shinran of finding Amida Buddha’s shinjin.

It seems to me that he is suggesting the first moment of true discipleship in the Buddha. The phrase reminds us of those first mendicants who heard Shakyamuni turn the wheel of the Dharma for the first time and, in the joy of understanding, took refuge in him as their teacher.

Indeed, in this case, Shinran specifically refers to Shakyamuni. At the same time he quotes from the Larger Sutra, which, the sutra tells us, Shakyamuni delivered on Vulture Peak.

What exactly is the catalyst for this upwelling of joy and reverence? Of course, clearly it is the settling of shinjin, but, as Rennyo shows, it is also the clear understanding of the things that are most vital and important in the matter of our ultimate destiny.

It is the realization that Nembutsu-faith is all that matters. That we need to strive no more. No more contriving, no more trying, no more wasting time on sundry practices.

Zuiken Sensei describes it thus:

Believing does not come after hearing. Peace of mind does not come after believing.

Listen carefully to the call of the Original Vow, which has accomplished namuamidabutsu and also accomplished our hearing of it, believing in it and peace of mind.

If you have listened well, you will be relieved of the heavy burden on your shoulders.

Look! Throughout the universe Amida’s Light is shining unhindered all the time. How deeply inspiring it is! How grateful I am! (On Faith)


You can read George Gatenby’s complete message on his website, here:

I am grateful that there are still true teachers like George, and Eiken Kobai, and Zuiken S. Inagaki willing to communicate the Pure Dharma of Shinran - without adulterating it with their own personal opinions, divergences, embellishments or “improvements”.

If you want to end your suffering at last, accept no substitutes.

Rather, measure the words of everyone who CLAIMS to be a teacher of Jodo Shinshu by the plumbline of Shakyamuni, and Shinran - the dharma Master who was given this Dharma for the Age of Dharma Decline.

NamuAmidaButsu -

Paul R.

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