Cities The Boulevard, Langford Land |
EcoCity Journal Regularly reports on sustainable community issues. 485 Leatherfern Place |
Environment and Urbanization The premier journal devoted to environmental issues in cities published by the International Institute for Environment and Development. Published twice yearly. 3 Endsleigh Street Tel: 44-171-388-2117 Email: humans@iied.org Website: http://www.iied.org/eandu Subscriptions: 1 year institutions: 36 or US$62; 1 year individuals: 22 or US$38. (Inquire about special rates for Third World countries, students, NGOs and teaching/ training institutions.) |
HABITAT International |
Journal of Urban Design Scholarly journal on theory, research, and practice in urban design, development, and the environment. Three issues per year. Carfax Publishing Limited Email: sales@carfax.com.uk Subscriptions per year: institutional: US$198/122; individual: US$54/32 |
Journal of Urban Technology Publishes articles on the effects of new technologies on urban environment. Carfax Publishing Limited Email: sales@carfax.com.uk |
Local Environment Academic journal that reports on international experience with local environmental management. School of Urban Development Email: b.evans@sbu.ac.uk |
Planning Regularly contains articles on urban environmental planning and management, with a U.S. focus. 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1600 Website: http://www.planning.org |
Third World Planning Review Often contains articles focusing on urban environmental issues in developing countries. P.O. Box 147 Tel: 44-51-794-2235 |
The Urban Ecologist Forum for reporting and comment on sustainable cities. Urban Ecology Tel: 1-510-251-6330 Email: ueedit@aol.com |
Urban Ecosystems International journal devoted to scientific investigations of the ecology of urban environments and their policy implications. Subscriptions: Tel: 44-1264-342-713 Email: chsub@itps.co.uk |