Let P = (x,y) and Q := (a,b). Let
Then the slope of the line
Now, we chose an arbitrary interval to be Delta-x. How does the size of Delta-x affect our estimate of the slope of the tangent line? The smaller Delta-x is, the more accurate this approximation is. There is a wonderful animation of this by Douglas Arnold. Look at it here. You can see on the left of the animation how Delta-x decreases, causing the secant line the approach the tangent, where it zooms in on the right. Another animation of this (also from Douglas Arnold) is here.
What we want to do is decrease the size of Delta-x as
much as possible. We do this by taking the limit as
Delta-x approaches zero. In the limit, assuming the limit
exists, we will find the exact slope of the tangent line to the curve at
the given point. This value is the derivative;
This leads to three commonly used ways of expressing the definition of the derivative:
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