Classes | Typedefs
Gauge states


class  Chroma::PeriodicGaugeState< P, Q >
 Periodic version of GaugeState. More...
class  Chroma::CreatePeriodicGaugeState< P, Q >
 Create a periodic gauge connection state. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleGaugeState< P, Q >
 Simple version of GaugeState. More...
class  Chroma::CreateSimpleGaugeState< P, Q >
 Create a simple gauge connection state. More...
class  Chroma::StoutGaugeState< P, Q >
 Stout version of GaugeState. More...
class  Chroma::CreateStoutGaugeState< P, Q >
 Create a stout gauge connection state. More...


typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< CreateGaugeState< multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), CreateGaugeState< multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheCreateGaugeStateFactory
 CreateGaugeState Factory. More...

Detailed Description

Support for gauge states

Typedef Documentation

◆ TheCreateGaugeStateFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<CreateGaugeState<multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>, multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), CreateGaugeState<multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>, multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheCreateGaugeStateFactory

CreateGaugeState Factory.

Definition at line 29 of file gauge_createstate_factory.h.