

void Chroma::block (LatticeColorMatrix &u_block, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int bl_level, const Real &BlkAccu, int BlkMax, int j_decay)
 Construct block links. More...
void Chroma::fuzglue (XMLWriter &xml_out, const std::string &xml_group, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int j_decay, const Real &BlkAccu, int BlkMax)
 Compute 'fuzzy' (blocked) glueball correlation functions. More...
void Chroma::fuzwilp (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int j_decay, int tmax, int n_smear, const Real &sm_fact, const Real &BlkAccu, int BlkMax, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Calculate ape-fuzzed Wilson loops. More...
void Chroma::gluecor (XMLWriter &xml_out, const std::string &xml_group, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const SftMom &phases, int bl_level)
 Construct 0++, 2++ and 1+- glueball correlation functions from fuzzy links. More...
template<typename Q >
void Chroma::MesPlq_t (const multi1d< Q > &u, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq, Double &link)
 Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1. More...
template<typename Q >
void Chroma::MesPlq_t (const multi1d< Q > &u, Double &w_plaq, Double &s_plaq, Double &t_plaq, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq, Double &link)
 Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1. More...
void Chroma::MesPlq (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &u, Double &w_plaq, Double &s_plaq, Double &t_plaq, Double &link)
 Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1. More...
template<typename Q >
void Chroma::MesPlq_t (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group, const multi1d< Q > &u)
 Print the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1. More...
void Chroma::MesPlq (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &u, Double &w_plaq, Double &s_plaq, Double &t_plaq, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq, Double &link)
 Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1. More...
void Chroma::MesPlq (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &u)
 Print the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1. More...
void Chroma::polycor (XMLWriter &xml_out, const std::string &xml_group, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const SftMom &phases, int bl_level)
 Construct Polyakov loop correlation functions from fuzzy links. More...
template<typename Q >
void Chroma::polylp_t (const multi1d< Q > &u, DComplex &poly_loop, int mu)
 Compute Polyakov loop. More...
template<typename Q >
void Chroma::polylp_t (const multi1d< Q > &u, multi1d< DComplex > &poly_loop)
 Compute Polyakov loop. More...
void Chroma::polylp (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &u, DComplex &poly_loop, int mu)
 Compute Polyakov loop. More...
void Chroma::polylp (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &u, multi1d< DComplex > &poly_loop)
 Compute Polyakov loop. More...
void Chroma::qactden (LatticeReal &lract, LatticeReal &lrqtop, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u)
 Measure the lattice density of the lattice energy and the naive topological charge. More...
void Chroma::qtop_naive (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const Real k5, Double &qtop)
 Compute topological charge. More...
void Chroma::wilslp (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int j_decay, int t_dir, int kind, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Calculate Wilson loops. More...
void Chroma::wilson_flow (XMLWriter &xml, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int nstep, Real wflow_eps, int t_dir, const multi1d< bool > &smear_in_this_dirP)
 Compute the Wilson flow. More...
void Chroma::Wloop (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_11, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_12, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_13, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_14)
 Return the value of the 11, 12, 13, 14 Wilson loops. More...
void Chroma::Wloop_bent (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int nu, int eta, Double &ans)
 Return the value of the bent 12 Wilson loops. More...
void Chroma::Wloop_really_bent (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu1, int mu2, int mu3, Double &ans)
 Return the value of the really bent Wilson loops of length 6. More...
void Chroma::Wloop_really_bent (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, Double &ans)
 Return the value of the really bent Wilson loops of length 6. More...
void Chroma::Wloop_bent (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, Double &ans)
 Return the value of the bent 12 Wilson loops. More...
void Chroma::Wloop (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_22, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_23)
 Return the value of the 22, 23, Wilson loops. More...
void Chroma::Wloop (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, Double &w_11, Double &s_11, Double &t_11, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_11, Double &w_12, Double &s_12, Double &t_12, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_12, Double &w_13, Double &s_13, Double &t_13, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_13, Double &w_14, Double &s_14, Double &t_14, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_14)
 Return the value of the average Wilson loops normalized to 1. More...
void Chroma::Wloop (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, Double &w_11, Double &s_11, Double &t_11, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_11, Double &w_12, Double &s_12, Double &t_12, multi2d< Double > &plane_plaq_12)
 Return the value of the average Wilson loops normalized to 1. More...
void Chroma::Wloop (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u)
 Print the value of the average Wilso loops normalized to 1. More...

Detailed Description

Measure gluonic observables like plaquette, wilson loops (fuzzed), glueball correlations, topological charge, polyakov loops

Function Documentation

◆ block()

void Chroma::block ( LatticeColorMatrix &  u_block,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  mu,
int  bl_level,
const Real &  BlkAccu,
int  BlkMax,
int  j_decay 

Construct block links.

Construct block links from: x x x---—x | | _______ | | | \ | | | \ | | = x + \ x | | / | | | / | | | /______ | x x x---—x

projected back onto SU(Nc)

Warning: this works only for Nc = 2 and 3 !

u_blockblocked gauge field ( Write )
ugauge field ( Read )
mudirection of blocked gauge field ( Read )
bl_levelblocking level (of the u's) ( Read )
BlkAccuaccuracy in fuzzy link projection ( Read )
BlkMaxmaximum number of iterations in fuzzy link projection ( Read )
j_decayno staple in direction j_decay ( Read )

Definition at line 42 of file

References BACKWARD, bad, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, j_decay, mu, Nd, nu, numbad, Chroma::reunit(), Chroma::REUNITARIZE_LABEL, Chroma::shift2(), Chroma::START_CODE(), su2_index, Chroma::su3proj(), sum, tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::QDPCloverTermT< T, U >::create(), Chroma::BAGELCloverTerm::create(), Chroma::SSEDCloverTerm::create(), Chroma::function_ldagdlinv_build(), Chroma::fuzglue(), Chroma::BAGELCloverTerm::ldagdlinv(), Chroma::SSEDCloverEnv::lDagDLInvSiteLoop(), and Chroma::QDPCloverEnv::LDagDLInvSiteLoop().

◆ fuzglue()

void Chroma::fuzglue ( XMLWriter &  xml_out,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  j_decay,
const Real &  BlkAccu,
int  BlkMax 

Compute 'fuzzy' (blocked) glueball correlation functions.

Driver for computation of 'fuzzy' (blocked) glueball correlation functions using Tepers 'fuzzying' method.

Warning: this works only for Nd = 4 ! (Construction of glueball states) Warning: this works only for Nc = 2 and 3 ! (Projection of blocked links)

xml_outxml file object ( Write )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
ugauge field ( Read )
j_decaydirection along which the exponentrial is allowed to decay ( Read )
BlkAccuaccuracy in fuzzy link projection ( Read )
BlkMaxmaximum number of iterations in fuzzy link projection ( Read )

Definition at line 32 of file

References Chroma::block(), Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::gluecor(), j_decay, mu, Nd, Chroma::polycor(), Chroma::START_CODE(), and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::monte().

◆ fuzwilp()

void Chroma::fuzwilp ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  j_decay,
int  tmax,
int  n_smear,
const Real &  sm_fact,
const Real &  BlkAccu,
int  BlkMax,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Calculate ape-fuzzed Wilson loops.

Computes time-like APE_fuzzed Wilson loops, including non-planar loops,

This version makes APE-smeared links with no blocking as required for potential clculations

Warning: This version is VERY Slow as it has non-recursive shifting of some link products Warning: this works only for Nc = 2 and 3 ! (Projection of smeared/blocked links)

Warning: this version assumes the space-like directions (perpendicular to j_decay) to have equal length.

ugauge field ( Read )
j_decay'time' direction for 'fuzzed' Wilson loops ( Read )
tmaxmaximum time-extent loops ( Read )
n_smearnumber of applying smearing to the gauge links ( Read )
sm_fact"smearing" factor = weight of old link w. r. to staples ( Read )
BlkAccuaccuracy in fuzzy link projection ( Read )
BlkMaxmaximum number of iterations in fuzzy link projection ( Read )

Computes time-like APE_fuzzed Wilson loops, including non-planar loops,

This version makes APE-smeared links with no blocking as required for potential clculations

Warning: This version is VERY Slow as it has non-recursive shifting of some link products Search for 'cap' on loop values to control no of loops calculated Warning: this works only for Nc = 2 and 3 ! (Projection of smeared/blocked links)

Warning: this version assumes the space-like directions (perpendicular to j_decay) to have equal length.

ugauge field ( Read )
j_decay'time' direction for 'fuzzed' Wilson loops ( Read )
tmaxmaximum time-extent loops ( Read )
n_smearnumber of applying smearing to the gauge links ( Read )
sm_fact"smearing" factor = weight of old link w. r. to staples ( Read )
BlkAccuaccuracy in fuzzy link projection ( Read )
BlkMaxmaximum number of iterations in fuzzy link projection ( Read )

Definition at line 38 of file

References Chroma::APE_Smear(), BACKWARD, FORWARD, Chroma::i, j_decay, link, mu, n, Nd, nu, Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::r, rdummy, Chroma::s(), Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, t, tmp_1, tmp_2, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by main(), and Chroma::InlineFuzzedWilsonLoop::operator()().

◆ gluecor()

void Chroma::gluecor ( XMLWriter &  xml_out,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const SftMom phases,
int  bl_level 

Construct 0++, 2++ and 1+- glueball correlation functions from fuzzy links.

Construct 0++, 2++ and 1+- glueball correlation functions from fuzzy links at blocking level bl_level and Write them in XML format.

Warning: this works only for Nd = 4 !

xml_outxml file object ( Write )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
u(blocked) gauge field ( Read )
bl_levelblocking level ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )

Definition at line 29 of file

References dummy, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, Chroma::SftMom::getDir(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), Chroma::i, j_decay, mu, Nd, nu, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), plaq, Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::shift2(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::fuzglue().

◆ MesPlq() [1/3]

void Chroma::MesPlq ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &  u,
Double &  w_plaq,
Double &  s_plaq,
Double &  t_plaq,
Double &  link 

Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1.

ugauge field (Read)
w_plaqplaquette average (Write)
s_plaqspace-like plaquette average (Write)
t_plaqtime-like plaquette average (Write)
linkspace-time average link (Write)

Definition at line 173 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), link, Chroma::MesPlq(), s_plaq, Chroma::START_CODE(), t_plaq, Chroma::u, and w_plaq.

◆ MesPlq() [2/3]

void Chroma::MesPlq ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &  u,
Double &  w_plaq,
Double &  s_plaq,
Double &  t_plaq,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq,
Double &  link 

Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1.

ugauge field (Read)
w_plaqplaquette average (Write)
s_plaqspace-like plaquette average (Write)
t_plaqtime-like plaquette average (Write)
plane_plaqplane plaquette average (Write)
linkspace-time average link (Write)

Definition at line 146 of file

References link, Chroma::MesPlq_t(), s_plaq, t_plaq, Chroma::u, and w_plaq.

◆ MesPlq() [3/3]

void Chroma::MesPlq ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &  u 

Print the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1.

xmlplaquette average (Write)
ugauge field (Read)

Definition at line 267 of file

References Chroma::MesPlq_t(), and Chroma::u.

◆ MesPlq_t() [1/3]

template<typename Q >
void Chroma::MesPlq_t ( const multi1d< Q > &  u,
Double &  w_plaq,
Double &  s_plaq,
Double &  t_plaq,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq,
Double &  link 

Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1.

ugauge field (Read)
w_plaqplaquette average (Write)
s_plaqspace-like plaquette average (Write)
t_plaqtime-like plaquette average (Write)
plane_plaqplane plaquette average (Write)
linkspace-time average link (Write)

Definition at line 107 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), link, Chroma::MesPlq(), mu, Nd, nu, s_plaq, Chroma::START_CODE(), t_plaq, Chroma::tDir(), Chroma::tmp, Chroma::u, w_plaq, and Chroma::zero.

◆ MesPlq_t() [2/3]

template<typename Q >
void Chroma::MesPlq_t ( const multi1d< Q > &  u,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq,
Double &  link 

Return the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1.

ugauge field (Read)
plane_plaqplane plaquette average (Write)
linkspace-time average link (Write)

Definition at line 27 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, link, mu, Nd, nu, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, Chroma::tmp, tmp_1, Chroma::u, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::MesPlq().

◆ MesPlq_t() [3/3]

template<typename Q >
void Chroma::MesPlq_t ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const multi1d< Q > &  u 

Print the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1.

xmlplaquette average (Write)
xml_groupxml file object ( Read )
ugauge field (Read)

Definition at line 206 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), link, Chroma::MesPlq(), Nd, Chroma::polylp(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), s_plaq, Chroma::START_CODE(), t_plaq, Chroma::u, w_plaq, and Chroma::write().

◆ polycor()

void Chroma::polycor ( XMLWriter &  xml_out,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const SftMom phases,
int  bl_level 

Construct Polyakov loop correlation functions from fuzzy links.

Construct Polyakov loop correlation functions from fuzzy links at blocking level bl_level in the directions orthogonal to j_decay and Write them in (pseudo) XML format.

xml_outxml file object ( Write )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
u(blocked) gauge field ( Read )
block_lattblock lattice size ( Read )
bl_levelblocking level ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )

Definition at line 28 of file

References dummy, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, Chroma::SftMom::getDir(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), Chroma::i, j_decay, mu, n, Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::shift2(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, tmp_1, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::fuzglue().

◆ polylp() [1/2]

void Chroma::polylp ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &  u,
DComplex &  poly_loop,
int  mu 

Compute Polyakov loop.

ugauge field (Read)
poly_loopPolyakov loop average in direction mu (Write)
mudirection of Polyakov loop (Read)

Definition at line 40 of file

References mu, Chroma::polylp_t(), and Chroma::u.

Referenced by main(), Chroma::MesPlq_t(), Chroma::monte(), Chroma::InlinePolyakovLoopEnv::InlineMeas::operator()(), and Chroma::polylp_t().

◆ polylp() [2/2]

void Chroma::polylp ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF3 > &  u,
multi1d< DComplex > &  poly_loop 

Compute Polyakov loop.

ugauge field (Read)
poly_loopPolyakov loop average (Write)

Definition at line 71 of file

References Chroma::polylp_t(), and Chroma::u.

◆ polylp_t() [1/2]

template<typename Q >
void Chroma::polylp_t ( const multi1d< Q > &  u,
DComplex &  poly_loop,
int  mu 

Compute Polyakov loop.

ugauge field (Read)
poly_loopPolyakov loop average in direction mu (Write)
mudirection of Polyakov loop (Read)

Definition at line 20 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, mu, n, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::polylp().

◆ polylp_t() [2/2]

template<typename Q >
void Chroma::polylp_t ( const multi1d< Q > &  u,
multi1d< DComplex > &  poly_loop 

Compute Polyakov loop.

ugauge field (Read)
poly_loopPolyakov loop average (Write)

Definition at line 58 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), mu, Nd, Chroma::polylp(), Chroma::START_CODE(), and Chroma::u.

◆ qactden()

void Chroma::qactden ( LatticeReal &  lract,
LatticeReal &  lrqtop,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u 

Measure the lattice density of the lattice energy and the naive topological charge.

lrqtoptopological charge density (Write)
lractaction to continuum instanton action density (Write)
ugauge field (Read)

Definition at line 20 of file

References BACKWARD, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, lract, lrqtop, mu1, mu2, Nd, nu1, nu2, plaq_tmp, qtop_tmp, Chroma::START_CODE(), tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, Chroma::twopi, Chroma::u, u_clov1, u_clov2, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQActDenEnv::InlineMeas::operator()().

◆ qtop_naive()

void Chroma::qtop_naive ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const Real  k5,
Double &  qtop 

Compute topological charge.

Compute top charge.

ugauge field (Read)
k5improvement parameter (Read)
qtoptopological charge (Write)

Definition at line 24 of file

References BACKWARD, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, mu1, mu2, Nd, nu1, nu2, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), qtop, qtop_tmp, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, tmp_1, tmp_2, Chroma::twopi, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQTopEnv::InlineMeas::operator()().

◆ wilslp()

void Chroma::wilslp ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  j_decay,
int  t_dir,
int  kind,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Calculate Wilson loops.

Calculates, depending on option, (1) "space-like" planar
Wilson loops in the directions perpendicular to j_decay
that have equal length, (2) "time-like" planar Wilson loops with time direction j_decay and space directions the
perpendicular ones that have equal length and (3) off-axis "time-like" Wilson loops along 3 paricular paths in the
space directions that have equal length.

ugauge field (Read)
j_decaydecay direction (Read)
t_dirtime direction (Read)
kindbinary-combined YES/NO [1/0] of the three options (Read)
e.g. kind = 2 gives planar t-like, kind=6 is planar + off-axis: sqrt(2), sqrt(5), sqrt(3)

Definition at line 32 of file

References Chroma::axGauge(), BACKWARD, copymask(), dummy, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, Chroma::i, j, j_decay, Chroma::k, mu, Nd, nu, Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::r, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, t, tmp_2, tmp_3, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineWilsonLoop::func(), main(), and Chroma::monte().

◆ wilson_flow()

void Chroma::wilson_flow ( XMLWriter &  xml,
multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  nstep,
Real  wflow_eps,
int  t_dir,
const multi1d< bool > &  smear_in_this_dirP 

Compute the Wilson flow.

xmlwilson flow (Write)
ugauge field (Read)
nstepnumber of steps (Read)
wflow_epssize of step (Read)
t_dirtime direction (Read) FIXME This comment does not match the code any more.

Definition at line 184 of file

References Chroma::i, Chroma::measure_wilson_gauge(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::u, Chroma::wilson_flow_one_step(), and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineWilsonFlowEnv::InlineMeas::func(), and main().

◆ Wloop() [1/5]

void Chroma::Wloop ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
Double &  w_11,
Double &  s_11,
Double &  t_11,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_11,
Double &  w_12,
Double &  s_12,
Double &  t_12,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_12 

Return the value of the average Wilson loops normalized to 1.

ugauge field (Read)
w_plaqplaquette average (Write)
s_plaqspace-like plaquette average (Write)
t_plaqtime-like plaquette average (Write)
plane_plaqplane plaquette average (Write)

Definition at line 422 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), mu, Nd, nu, Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::tDir(), Chroma::u, Chroma::Wloop(), and Chroma::zero.

◆ Wloop() [2/5]

void Chroma::Wloop ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
Double &  w_11,
Double &  s_11,
Double &  t_11,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_11,
Double &  w_12,
Double &  s_12,
Double &  t_12,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_12,
Double &  w_13,
Double &  s_13,
Double &  t_13,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_13,
Double &  w_14,
Double &  s_14,
Double &  t_14,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_14 

Return the value of the average Wilson loops normalized to 1.

ugauge field (Read)
w_plaqplaquette average (Write)
s_plaqspace-like plaquette average (Write)
t_plaqtime-like plaquette average (Write)
plane_plaqplane plaquette average (Write)

Definition at line 337 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), mu, Nd, nu, Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::tDir(), Chroma::u, Chroma::Wloop(), and Chroma::zero.

◆ Wloop() [3/5]

void Chroma::Wloop ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_11,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_12,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_13,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_14 

Return the value of the 11, 12, 13, 14 Wilson loops.

ugauge field (Read)
plane_plaqplane plaquette average (Write)
linkspace-time average link (Write)

compute the 1x1 Wilson loop

compute the 1x2 Wilson loop

compute the 1x3 Wilson loop

compute the 1x4 Wilson loop

Definition at line 32 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, mu, Nd, nu, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineStaggeredSpectrum::func(), and Chroma::Wloop().

◆ Wloop() [4/5]

void Chroma::Wloop ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_22,
multi2d< Double > &  plane_plaq_23 

Return the value of the 22, 23, Wilson loops.

ugauge field (Read)
plane_plaq_22plane 2x2 Wilson loops average (Write)
plane_plaq_23plane 2x3 Wilson loops average (Write)

compute the 2x2 Wilson loop

compute the 2x3 Wilson loop

Definition at line 266 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, mu, Nd, nu, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, tmp2, tmp3, and Chroma::u.

◆ Wloop() [5/5]

void Chroma::Wloop ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u 

Print the value of the average Wilso loops normalized to 1.

Print the value of the average plaquette normalized to 1.

xmlplaquette average (Write)
xml_groupxml file object ( Read )
ugauge field (Read)
xmlplaquette average (Write)
ugauge field (Read)

Definition at line 486 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::u, Chroma::Wloop(), Chroma::Wloop_bent(), Chroma::Wloop_really_bent(), and Chroma::write().

◆ Wloop_bent() [1/2]

void Chroma::Wloop_bent ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
Double &  ans 

Return the value of the bent 12 Wilson loops.

averaged over directions.

ugauge field (Read)
ansbent rectangle (Write)

Definition at line 232 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::u, and Chroma::Wloop_bent().

◆ Wloop_bent() [2/2]

void Chroma::Wloop_bent ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  mu,
int  nu,
int  eta,
Double &  ans 

Return the value of the bent 12 Wilson loops.

ugauge field (Read)
mudirection for plane 0 (Read)
nudirection for plane 0 (Read)
etadirection for plane 1 (Read)
sigmadirection for plane 1 (Read)
ansbent rectangle (Write)

Definition at line 109 of file

References BACKWARD, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::eta, FORWARD, mu, nu, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, Chroma::u, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::Wloop(), and Chroma::Wloop_bent().

◆ Wloop_really_bent() [1/2]

void Chroma::Wloop_really_bent ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
Double &  ans 

Return the value of the really bent Wilson loops of length 6.

ugauge field (Read)
ansreally bent rectangle (Write)

Definition at line 195 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::u, Chroma::Wloop_really_bent(), and Chroma::zero.

◆ Wloop_really_bent() [2/2]

void Chroma::Wloop_really_bent ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  mu1,
int  mu2,
int  mu3,
Double &  ans 

Return the value of the really bent Wilson loops of length 6.

ugauge field (Read)
mu1direction 1 (Read)
mu2direction 2 (Read)
mu3direction 3 (Read)
ansreally bent rectangle (Write)

Definition at line 161 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, mu1, mu2, Chroma::START_CODE(), sum, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::Wloop(), and Chroma::Wloop_really_bent().