Classes | Typedefs | Functions


class  Chroma::Baryon2PtBase
 Baryon-Baryon seqsources have a time order phase. More...
class  Chroma::BaryonOperator< T >
 Construct baryon operators. More...
class  Chroma::BaryonSeqSourceBase
 Baryon-Baryon seqsources have a time order phase. More...
struct  Chroma::Delta2PtEnv::Params
 Simple meson 2pt parameters. More...
class  Chroma::Delta2PtEnv::DeltaCorrs
 Decuplet baryon 2pt construction. More...
class  DerivMesonSeqSourceBaseNoDir
 Base class for meson deriv-sequential source construction. More...
class  DerivMesonSeqSourceBaseDir
 Base class for meson deriv-sequential source construction. More...
class  MesA0PionxNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(pionxNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A0xNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a0xNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A02xNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a0_2xNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Pion2xNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(pion_2xNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxNablaA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxNabla_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxNablaT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxNabla_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxNablaESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxNabla_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xNablaA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xNabla_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xNablaT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xNabla_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xNablaESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xNabla_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xNablaA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xNabla_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xNablaT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xNabla_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xNablaESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xNabla_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xNablaA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xNabla_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xNablaT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xNabla_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xNablaT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xNabla_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xNablaESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xNabla_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0PionxDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(pionxD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A0xDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a0xD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A02xDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a0_2xD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Pion2xDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(pion_2xD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xDA2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xD_A2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xDT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xD_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xDESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xD_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xDA2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xD_A2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xDT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xD_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xDESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xD_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxDA2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxD_A2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxDT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxD_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxDESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxD_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xDA2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xD_A2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xDT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xD_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xDT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xD_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xDESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xD_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0PionxBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(pionxB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A0xBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a0xB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A02xBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a0_2xB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Pion2xBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(pion_2xB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxBA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxB_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxBT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxB_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0RhoxBESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxB_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xBA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xB_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xBT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xB_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0Rho2xBESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rho_2xB_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xBA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xB_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(rhoxB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xBT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xB_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0A1xBESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(a1xB_E) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xBA1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xB_A1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xBT1SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xB_T1) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xBT2SeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xB_T2) sequential source. More...
class  MesA0B1xBESeqSrc
 Construct a0-(b1xB_E) sequential source. More...
class  Chroma::DilutionScheme< T >
 Abstract dilution scheme. More...
struct  Chroma::GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::BaryonOperator_t
 Group baryon operator parameters. More...
class  Chroma::GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::GroupBaryonQQQ
struct  Chroma::Hadron2PtContract_t
 The result of hadron 2pt correlators. More...
struct  Chroma::Hadron2PtCorrs_t
 The result of hadron 2pt correlators. More...
class  Chroma::Hadron2PtCorr
 Construct hadron 2pt correlators. More...
struct  Chroma::HadronContractResult_t
 The result of hadron contractions. More...
class  Chroma::HadronContract
 Construct hadron correlators. More...
class  Chroma::HadronSeqSource< T >
 Construct hadron sequential sources. More...
class  Chroma::MesonSeqSourceBase
 Base class for meson sequential source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::MesonSpec2PtEnv::Params
 Simple meson 2pt parameters. More...
class  Chroma::MesonSpec2PtEnv::MesonSpecCorrs
 2pt-mesons but with all 4 spin indices open More...
struct  Chroma::Multipole_t
 Storage structure to hold electric and magnetic multipole moments. More...
struct  Chroma::NoSpinInsertionEnv::Params
 Params for no spin insertion. More...
class  Chroma::NoSpinInsertionEnv::SpinInsert< T >
 No spin insertion. More...
struct  Chroma::PhotonRhoSeqSourceEnv::Params
 Construct a photon sequential sources via LSZ reduction. More...
class  Chroma::PhotonRhoSeqSourceEnv::PhotonRhoSeqSource
class  Chroma::PhotonRhoSeqSourceEnv::PointSplitPhotonRhoSeqSource
struct  Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::SpinMatTsp_t
 The T and Spin struct. More...
struct  Chroma::GeneralBaryonSeqSourceEnv::SpinMatTsp_t
 The T and Spin struct. More...
struct  Chroma::SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::Params
 Simple baryon 2pt parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::BarNuclTCg5
 Nucleon-Nucleon 2pt with general projector and Cg5. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::BarDeltaTsp
 Delta+ - Delta+ 2pt piece with general projector and spin matrix. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::BarDeltaTspSRCspSNK
 Delta+ - Delta+ 2pt piece with general projector and spin matrix. More...
struct  Chroma::SimpleBaryonOperatorEnv::Params
 Simple baryon operator. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryonOperatorEnv::BarNuclCg5
 Nucleon with Cg5. More...
struct  Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::Params
 Simple baryon sequential source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::BarNuclUTCg5
 Nucleon-Nucleon U piece with general projector and Cg5. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::BarNuclDTCg5
 Nucleon-Nucleon D piece with general projector and Cg5. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::BarDeltaUTsp
 Delta+ - Delta+ U piece with general projector and spin matrix. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::BarDeltaDTsp
 Delta+ - Delta+ D piece with general projector and spin matrix. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleHadronOperatorEnv::HadronOperator< T >
 Construct baryon operators. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleHadronOperatorEnv::Baryon
 Baryon Operator. More...
struct  Chroma::SimpleMeson2PtEnv::Params
 Simple meson 2pt parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleMeson2PtEnv::DiagGammaMesonCorrs
 Simple meson 2pt construction - all simple mesons. More...
struct  Chroma::SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params
 Simple meson sequential source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::SimpleMesonSeqSource
 Simple meson sequential source construction. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::PionPionSeqSource
struct  Chroma::SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::Params
 Params for simple spin insertion. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::LeftSpinInsert< T >
 Gamma insertion. More...
class  Chroma::SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::RightSpinInsert< T >
 Gamma insertion. More...
class  Chroma::SpinInsertion< T >
 Base class for spin insertion. More...
struct  Chroma::StochCondContEnv::Params
 Parameter structure. More...
class  Chroma::StochCondContEnv::StochCondCont
 Stochastic quark condensates. More...


typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< BaryonOperator< LatticeFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), BaryonOperator< LatticeFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheWilsonBaryonOperatorFactory
 Sequential source factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< FunctionMap< DumbDisambiguator, SpinMatrix, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), SpinMatrix(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFunctionMapError > > Chroma::BaryonSpinMatrixEnv::TheBarSpinMatFuncMap
 Spin matrix factory. More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< DilutionScheme< LatticeFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), DilutionScheme< LatticeFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheFermDilutionSchemeFactory
 Dilution operator factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< HadronContract, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), HadronContract *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheHadronContractFactory
 Hadron 2pt factory (foundry) More...
typedef void(* Chroma::BBLinkPattern) (bool &DoThisPattern, bool &DoFurtherPatterns, multi1d< unsigned short int > &LinkPattern)
 Used to Set Requested Link Patterns. More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< HadronSeqSource< LatticePropagator >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), HadronSeqSource< LatticePropagator > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheWilsonHadronSeqSourceFactory
 Sequential source factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< SpinInsertion< LatticePropagator >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), SpinInsertion< LatticePropagator > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::ThePropSpinInsertionFactory
 Spin insertion factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< SpinInsertion< LatticeFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), SpinInsertion< LatticeFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheFermSpinInsertionFactory
 Spin insertion factory (foundry) More...


void Chroma::barcompDiquarkSparse (QQQSparse_t &barprop, const QQDiquarkContract_t &diquark, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_3, const multi1d< QQQSpinIndices_t > spin_indices, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int bc_spec)
 Construct all components of a baryon propagator. More...
void Chroma::barcompDiquarkDense (QQQDense_t &barprop, const QQDiquarkContract_t &diquark, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_3, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int bc_spec)
 Construct all components of a baryon propagator. More...
void Chroma::barcompSparse (QQQSparse_t &barprop, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_3, const multi1d< QQQSpinIndices_t > spin_indices, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int bc_spec)
 Construct all components of a baryon propagator. More...
void Chroma::barcomp (QQQDense_t &barprop, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_3, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int bc_spec)
 Construct all components of a baryon propagator. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigma2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &sp)
 Sigma 2-pt. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::xi2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &sp)
 Cascade 2-pt. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::lambda2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &sp)
 Lambda 2-pt. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::lambdaNaive2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &sp)
 Lambda 2-pt. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigmast2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &sp)
 Delta 2-pt. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigmast2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &spSRC, const SpinMatrix &spSNK)
 Delta 2-pt. More...
void Chroma::barhqlq (const LatticePropagator &propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &propagator_2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int bc_spec, bool time_rev, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Heavy-light baryon 2-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::barhqlq (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SftMom &phases, multi3d< DComplex > &barprop)
 Heavy-light baryon 2-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::Qll (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop1, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop2, const multi1d< int > &src_coord, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Lambdaq and SigmaQ 2-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp (LatticeColorMatrix &Qprop, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const multi1d< int > &src_coord, int length, int bc)
 Heavy Quark Propagator. More...
void Chroma::HeavyQuarkPropBack (LatticeColorMatrix &Qprop, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const multi1d< int > &src_coord, int length, int bc)
 Backwards Heavy Quark Propagator. More...
void Chroma::Qll (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const multi1d< int > &src_coord, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Lambdaq and SigmaQ 2-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::baryon (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int bc_spec, bool time_rev, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Baryon 2-pt functions. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::nucl2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &sp)
 Nucleon 2-pt. More...
LatticeComplex Chroma::delta2pt (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const SpinMatrix &T, const SpinMatrix &sp)
 Delta 2-pt. More...
void Chroma::baryon (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const SftMom &phases, multi3d< DComplex > &barprop)
 Baryon 2-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::curcor2 (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int no_vec_cur, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Construct current correlators. More...
void Chroma::curcor3 (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int no_vec_cur, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Construct current correlators. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, Delta2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const Delta2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::ParamsDir &param)
 Reader. More...
void write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::ParamsDir &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DilutionQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DilutionQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
multi2d< multi2d< LatticeComplex > > Chroma::unpackQuark (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator)
 Unpack a quark. More...
void Chroma::QQDiquark (QQDiquarkContract_t &diquark, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2)
 Construct a QQ diquark object. More...
void Chroma::FormFac (FormFac_insertions_t &form, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const LatticePropagator &seq_quark_prop, int gamma_insertion, const SftMom &phases, int t0)
 Compute contractions for current insertion 3-point functions. More...
void Chroma::GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::Params::Qprop_t::Solutions_t &input)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::QllQllPOT (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark1, const LatticePropagator &quark2, const multi1d< int > &src1, const multi1d< int > &src2, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Heavy hadron potentials for SU(2) isospin limit. More...
void Chroma::static_light_su3 (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark1, const LatticePropagator &quark2, const multi1d< int > &src, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Heavy hadron spectrum for SU(3) isospin limit. More...
void Chroma::hybmeson (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &f, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u_smr, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_2, const SftMom &phases, multi1d< int > t_source, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Hybrid meson 2-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::loops (const LatticeFermion &q_source, const LatticeFermion &psi, int length, XMLWriter &xml_gamma, const std::string &xml_tag)
 Fermion loop code. More...
void Chroma::mescomp (multiNd< Complex > &mesprop, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator_2, const SftMom &phases, int t0)
 Construct all components of a meson propagator. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, MesonSpec2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const MesonSpec2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::mesons (const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Meson 2-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::Qlbar (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const multi1d< int > &src_coord, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group, const int bc)
 Heavy-light meson 2-pt function. More...
void Chroma::QlbarBACK (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const multi1d< int > &src_coord, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group, const int bc)
 Heavy-light meson 2-pt function with backwards moving static quark. More...
void Chroma::QlQlPOT (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark1, const LatticePropagator &quark2, const multi1d< int > &src1, const multi1d< int > &src2, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Heavy-light meson potential. More...
void Chroma::SpinTranspose (const LatticePropagator &prop, LatticePropagator &STprop)
 Spin Transpose Function. More...
void Chroma::multipole (const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const LatticePropagator &seq_quark_prop, int GammaInsertion, int max_power, int j_decay, int t0, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Compute contractions for multipole moments. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, Multipole_t &pole)
 Read a Multipole_t. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const Multipole_t &pole)
 Write a Multipole_t. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, NoSpinInsertionEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const NoSpinInsertionEnv::Params &param)
 Parameters for running code. More...
void Chroma::NprVertex (const LatticePropagator &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &U, const unsigned short int MaxNLinks, const BBLinkPattern LinkPattern, QDPFileWriter &qio_file)
 NPR vertices. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, PhotonRhoSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const PhotonRhoSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
void Chroma::QlQl (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator1, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator2, const multi1d< int > &src_coord, const multi1d< int > &snk_coord, const int &bc, const SftMom &phases, XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &xml_group)
 Heavy-light meson 2-pt function. More...
void Chroma::compute_qqbar (multi2d< DPropagator > &qqbar, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_1, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop_2, const SftMom &phases, int t0)
 Meson-Meson 4-pt functions. More...
void Chroma::compute_qqq (multi2d< ThreeQuarks > &qqq, const LatticePropagator &q1, const LatticePropagator &q2, const LatticePropagator &q3, const SftMom &phases, int t0, int bc_spec)
 Baryon-Baryon 2-pt functions (C\gamma_5 diquark) More...
void Chroma::seqPionTest (Complex &pion_src, const LatticePropagator &seq_quark_prop, const multi1d< int > &t_source)
 Test a pion sequential source. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::SpinMatTsp_t &param)
 Read a T and sp struct. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, GeneralBaryonSeqSourceEnv::SpinMatTsp_t &param)
 Read a T and sp struct. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SimpleBaryonOperatorEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SimpleBaryonOperatorEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SimpleMeson2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SimpleMeson2PtEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::Params &param)
 Parameters for running code. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, StochCondContEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const StochCondContEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::stoch_var (multi1d< DComplex > &ferm_loop_sum, multi2d< DComplex > &ferm_loop, multi1d< Real64 > &sigma, multi1d< Real64 > &im_sigma, int t_length, int Nsamp)
 Stochastic variable construction. More...
void Chroma::wall_qprop (LatticePropagator &wall_quark_prop, const LatticePropagator &quark_propagator, const SftMom &phases)
 Construct a wall-sink propagator: More...
void Chroma::wallDeltaFormFac (WallFormFac_formfacs_t &form, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &forw_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &forw_d_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_d_prop, const Propagator &u_x2, const Propagator &d_x2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, bool wall_source)
 Wall-sink delta-> gamma+delta form-factors. More...
void Chroma::wallDeltaPFormFac (WallFormFac_formfacs_t &form, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &forw_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &forw_d_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_d_prop, const Propagator &u_x2, const Propagator &d_x2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, bool wall_source)
 Wall-sink delta <-> gamma+delta form-factors. More...
LatticePropagator Chroma::nonlocalCurrentProp (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, const LatticePropagator &forw_prop, const LatticePropagator &anti_prop)
 Compute nonlocal current propagator. More...
void Chroma::wallFormFacSft (multi1d< WallFormFac_momenta_t > &momenta, const LatticeComplex &corr_local_fn, const LatticeComplex &corr_nonlocal_fn, const SftMom &phases, bool compute_nonlocal, int t0)
 Do slow SFT over hadron correlator data. More...
void Chroma::wallNuclFormFac (WallFormFac_formfacs_t &form, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &forw_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &forw_d_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_d_prop, const Propagator &u_x2, const Propagator &d_x2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, bool wall_source)
 Wall-sink nucleon-> gamma+nucleon form-factors. More...
void Chroma::wallPionFormFac (WallFormFac_formfacs_t &form, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &forw_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &forw_d_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_d_prop, const Propagator &u_x2, const Propagator &d_x2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, bool wall_source)
 Compute contractions for current insertion 3-point functions. More...
void Chroma::wallRhoFormFac (WallFormFac_formfacs_t &form, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &forw_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &forw_d_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_d_prop, const Propagator &u_x2, const Propagator &d_x2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, bool wall_source)
 Wall-sink rho-> gamma+rho form-factors. More...
void Chroma::wallRhoPiFormFac (WallFormFac_formfacs_t &form, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &forw_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_u_prop, const LatticePropagator &forw_d_prop, const LatticePropagator &back_d_prop, const Propagator &u_x2, const Propagator &d_x2, const SftMom &phases, int t0, bool wall_source)
 Wall-sink rho^+ <-> gamma+pi^+ form-factors. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_on_timeslice (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int slice, int mu)
 Volume source of complex Z2 noise. More...
void Chroma::read (BinaryReader &bin, FormFac_momenta_t &mom)
void Chroma::read (BinaryReader &bin, FormFac_insertion_t &mes)
void Chroma::read (BinaryReader &bin, FormFac_insertions_t &form)
void Chroma::write (BinaryWriter &bin, const FormFac_momenta_t &mom)
void Chroma::write (BinaryWriter &bin, const FormFac_insertion_t &mes)
void Chroma::write (BinaryWriter &bin, const FormFac_insertions_t &form)

Detailed Description

Measure hadronic observables like spectroscopy, form-factors, structure functions. Also source construction routines.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BBLinkPattern

typedef void(* Chroma::BBLinkPattern)(bool &DoThisPattern, bool &DoFurtherPatterns, multi1d< int > &LinkPattern)

Used to Set Requested Link Patterns.

Definition at line 54 of file BuildingBlocks_w.h.

◆ TheBarSpinMatFuncMap

typedef SingletonHolder< FunctionMap<DumbDisambiguator, SpinMatrix, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), SpinMatrix (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFunctionMapError> > Chroma::BaryonSpinMatrixEnv::TheBarSpinMatFuncMap

Spin matrix factory.

Definition at line 30 of file baryon_spinmat_funcmap_w.h.

◆ TheFermDilutionSchemeFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<DilutionScheme<LatticeFermion>, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), DilutionScheme<LatticeFermion>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheFermDilutionSchemeFactory

Dilution operator factory (foundry)

Definition at line 25 of file dilution_scheme_factory.h.

◆ TheFermSpinInsertionFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<SpinInsertion<LatticeFermion>, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), SpinInsertion<LatticeFermion>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheFermSpinInsertionFactory

Spin insertion factory (foundry)

Definition at line 35 of file spin_insertion_factory.h.

◆ TheHadronContractFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<HadronContract, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), HadronContract* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheHadronContractFactory

Hadron 2pt factory (foundry)

Definition at line 25 of file hadron_contract_factory.h.

◆ ThePropSpinInsertionFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<SpinInsertion<LatticePropagator>, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), SpinInsertion<LatticePropagator>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::ThePropSpinInsertionFactory

Spin insertion factory (foundry)

Definition at line 24 of file spin_insertion_factory.h.

◆ TheWilsonBaryonOperatorFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<BaryonOperator<LatticeFermion>, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), BaryonOperator<LatticeFermion>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheWilsonBaryonOperatorFactory

Sequential source factory (foundry)

Definition at line 26 of file baryon_operator_factory_w.h.

◆ TheWilsonHadronSeqSourceFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<HadronSeqSource<LatticePropagator>, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), HadronSeqSource<LatticePropagator>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheWilsonHadronSeqSourceFactory

Sequential source factory (foundry)

Definition at line 25 of file seqsource_factory_w.h.

Function Documentation

◆ barcomp()

void Chroma::barcomp ( QQQDense_t barprop,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_3,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  bc_spec 

Construct all components of a baryon propagator.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

In all baryons the colour components are contracted with the totally antisymmetric 'tensor' eps(a,b,c) = antisym_tensor(a,b,c).

barpropbaryon correlation function (in real space) ( Write )
quark_propagator_1quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_2quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_3quark propagator ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta ( Read )
t0coordinates of source in decay direction ( Read )
bc_specboundary condition for spectroscopy ( Read )

Definition at line 167 of file

References bc_spec, Chroma::QQQDense_t::corrs, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), Chroma::QQQDense_t::length, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::START_CODE(), and t0.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQQQEnv::InlineMeas::operator()().

◆ barcompDiquarkDense()

void Chroma::barcompDiquarkDense ( QQQDense_t barprop,
const QQDiquarkContract_t diquark,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_3,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  bc_spec 

Construct all components of a baryon propagator.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

In all baryons the colour components are contracted with the totally antisymmetric 'tensor' eps(a,b,c) = antisym_tensor(a,b,c).

barpropbaryon correlation function (in real space) ( Write )
diquarkdiquark ( Read )
quark_propagator_3quark propagator ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta ( Read )
t0coordinates of source in decay direction ( Read )
bc_specboundary condition for spectroscopy ( Read )

Definition at line 109 of file

References bc_spec, Chroma::QQDiquarkContract_t::comp, Chroma::QQQDense_t::corrs, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), Chroma::QQQDense_t::length, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t0, Chroma::unpackQuark(), and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQQQDiquarkEnv::InlineMeas::operator()().

◆ barcompDiquarkSparse()

void Chroma::barcompDiquarkSparse ( QQQSparse_t barprop,
const QQDiquarkContract_t diquark,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_3,
const multi1d< QQQSpinIndices_t spin_indices,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  bc_spec 

Construct all components of a baryon propagator.

Construct some components of a baryon propagator.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

In all baryons the colour components are contracted with the totally antisymmetric 'tensor' eps(a,b,c) = antisym_tensor(a,b,c).

barpropbaryon correlation function (in real space) ( Write )
diquarkdiquark ( Read )
quark_propagator_3quark propagator ( Read )
spin_indicesholds list of source/sink spin indices ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta ( Read )
t0coordinates of source in decay direction ( Read )
bc_specboundary condition for spectroscopy ( Read )

Definition at line 30 of file

References bc_spec, Chroma::QQDiquarkContract_t::comp, Chroma::QQQSparse_t::corrs, Chroma::d, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), Chroma::i, Chroma::QQQSparse_t::length, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, Chroma::unpackQuark(), and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQQQDiquarkEnv::InlineMeas::operator()().

◆ barcompSparse()

void Chroma::barcompSparse ( QQQSparse_t barprop,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_3,
const multi1d< QQQSpinIndices_t spin_indices,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  bc_spec 

Construct all components of a baryon propagator.

Construct some components of a baryon propagator.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

In all baryons the colour components are contracted with the totally antisymmetric 'tensor' eps(a,b,c) = antisym_tensor(a,b,c).

barpropbaryon correlation function (in real space) ( Write )
quark_propagator_1quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_2quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_3quark propagator ( Read )
spin_indicesholds list of source/sink spin indices ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta ( Read )
t0coordinates of source in decay direction ( Read )
bc_specboundary condition for spectroscopy ( Read )

Definition at line 66 of file

References bc_spec, Chroma::QQQSparse_t::corrs, Chroma::d, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), Chroma::i, Chroma::QQQSparse_t::length, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, and t0.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQQQEnv::InlineMeas::operator()().

◆ barhqlq() [1/2]

void Chroma::barhqlq ( const LatticePropagator &  propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  propagator_2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  bc_spec,
bool  time_rev,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Heavy-light baryon 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct baryon propagators for the Proton and the Delta^+ with degenerate "u" and "d" quarks, as well as the Lambda for, in addition, a degenerate "s" quark. For these degenerate quarks, the Lambda is degenerate with the Proton, but we keep it for compatibility with the sister routine that treats non-degenerate quarks.

The routine optionally computes time-charge reversed baryons and adds them in for increased statistics.

propagator_1"s" quark propagator ( Read )
propagator_2"u" quark propagator ( Read )
t0cartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
bc_specboundary condition for spectroscopy ( Read )
time_revadd in time reversed contribution if true ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 170 of file

References bc_spec, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::numToMom(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::q1_tmp, Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::q2_tmp, Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineHadSpec::func().

◆ barhqlq() [2/2]

void Chroma::barhqlq ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SftMom phases,
multi3d< DComplex > &  barprop 

Heavy-light baryon 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

WARNING: No symmetrization over the spatial part of the wave functions # is performed. Therefore, if this routine is called with # "shell-sink" quark propagators of different widths the # resulting octet baryons may have admixters of excited # decouplet baryons with mixed symmetric spatial wave functions, # and vice-versa!!! #

Construct heavy-light baryon propagators with two "u" quarks and one separate "s" quark for the Sigma^+, the Lambda and the Sigma^{*+}. In the Lambda we take the "u" and "d" quark as degenerate!

The routine also computes time-charge reversed baryons and adds them in for increased statistics.

quark_propagator_1"s" quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_2"u" quark propagator ( Read )
barpropbaryon propagator ( Modify )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
b(t) = > < b(t_source, 0) b(t + t_source, x) >



For the Sigma^+ we take

|S_1, s_z=1/2> = (s C gamma_5 u) "u_up"

for the Lambda

|L_1, s_z=1/2> = 2*(u C gamma_5 d) "s_up" + (s C gamma_5 d) "u_up"

  • (u C gamma_5 s) "d_up"

and for the Sigma^{*+}

|S*_1, s_z=3/2> = 2*(s C gamma_- u) "u_up" + (u C gamma_- u) "s_up".

We have put "q_up" in quotes, since this is meant in the Dirac basis, not in the 'DeGrand-Rossi' chiral basis used in the program! In gamma_- we ignore a factor sqrt(2).

For all baryons we compute a 'B_2' that differs from the 'B_1' above by insertion of a gamma_4 between C and the gamma_{5,-}. And finally, we also compute the non-relativistic baryons, 'B_3', which up to a factor 1/2 are just the difference B_1 - B_2, as can be seen by projecting to the "upper" components in the Dirac basis, achieved by (1 + gamma_4)/2 q, for quark q.

The Sigma^+_k is baryon 3*(k-1), the Lambda_k is baryon 3*(k-1)+1 and the Sigma^{+}_k is baryon 3(k-1)+2.

We are using a chiral basis for the Dirac matrices (gamma_5 diagonal). Therefore a spin-up quark in the Dirac basis corresponds to 1/sqrt(2) * ( - q_1 - q_3 ) in this chiral basis. We shall neglect the sign and the 1/sqrt(2) here. The projection on "spin_up" is done with the projector "T".

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

WARNING: No symmetrization over the spatial part of the wave functions # is performed. Therefore, if this routine is called with # "shell-sink" quark propagators of different widths the # resulting octet baryons may have admixters of excited # decouplet baryons with mixed symmetric spatial wave functions, # and vice-versa!!! # # WARNING 2: The time reversal will be wrong if both quark propagators # are identical! #

Construct heavy-light baryon propagators with two "u" quarks and one separate "s" quark for the Sigma^+, the Lambda and the Sigma^{*+}. In the Lambda we take the "u" and "d" quark as degenerate!

The routine also computes time-charge reversed baryons and adds them in for increased statistics.

quark_propagator_1"s" quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_2"u" quark propagator ( Read )
barpropbaryon propagator ( Modify )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
b(t) = > < b(t_source, 0) b(t + t_source, x) >



For the Sigma^+ we take

|S_1, s_z=1/2> = (s C gamma_5 u) "u_up"

for the Lambda

|L_1, s_z=1/2> = 2*(u C gamma_5 d) "s_up" + (s C gamma_5 d) "u_up"

  • (u C gamma_5 s) "d_up"

and for the Sigma^{*+}

|S*_1, s_z=3/2> = 2*(s C gamma_- u) "u_up" + (u C gamma_- u) "s_up".

We have put "q_up" in quotes, since this is meant in the Dirac basis, not in the 'DeGrand-Rossi' chiral basis used in the program! In gamma_- we ignore a factor sqrt(2).

For all baryons we compute a 'B_2' that differs from the 'B_1' above by insertion of a gamma_4 between C and the gamma_{5,-}. And finally, we also compute the non-relativistic baryons, 'B_3', which up to a factor 1/2 are just the difference B_1 - B_2, as can be seen by projecting to the "upper" components in the Dirac basis, achieved by (1 + gamma_4)/2 q, for quark q.

The Sigma^+_k is baryon 3*(k-1), the Lambda_k is baryon 3*(k-1)+1 and the Sigma^{+}_k is baryon 3(k-1)+2.

We are using a chiral basis for the Dirac matrices (gamma_5 diagonal). Therefore a spin-up quark in the Dirac basis corresponds to 1/sqrt(2) * ( - q_1 - q_3 ) in this chiral basis. We shall neglect the sign and the 1/sqrt(2) here. The projection on "spin_up" is done with S_proj.

Definition at line 341 of file

References Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg4m(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5g4(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5NR(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5NRnegPar(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cgm(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::CgmNR(), Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::lambda2pt(), Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::lambdaNaive2pt(), Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigma2pt(), Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigmast2pt(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Tmixed(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::TmixedNegPar(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Tunpol(), and Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::xi2pt().

◆ baryon() [1/2]

void Chroma::baryon ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  bc_spec,
bool  time_rev,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Baryon 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct baryon propagators for the Proton and the Delta^+ with degenerate "u" and "d" quarks, as well as the Lambda for, in addition, a degenerate "s" quark. For these degenerate quarks, the Lambda is degenerate with the Proton, but we keep it for compatibility with the sister routine that treats non-degenerate quarks.

The routine optionally computes time-charge reversed baryons and adds them in for increased statistics.

quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
t0cartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
bc_specboundary condition for spectroscopy ( Read )
time_revadd in time reversed contribution if true ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct baryon propagators for the Proton and the Delta^+ with degenerate "u" and "d" quarks, as well as the Lambda for, in addition, a degenerate "s" quark. For these degenerate quarks, the Lambda is degenerate with the Proton, but we keep it for compatibility with the sister routine that treats non-degenerate quarks. multi3d<DComplex>& bardisp1;

The routine optionally computes time-charge reversed baryons and adds them in for increased statistics.

quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
t0cartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
bc_specboundary condition for spectroscopy ( Read )
time_revadd in time reversed contribution if true ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 38 of file

References bc_spec, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::numToMom(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::q1_tmp, Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineSpectrum::func().

◆ baryon() [2/2]

void Chroma::baryon ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const SftMom phases,
multi3d< DComplex > &  barprop 

Baryon 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct baryon propagators for the Proton and the Delta^+ with degenerate "u" and "d" quarks, as well as the Lambda for, in addition, a degenerate "s" quark. For these degenerate quarks, the Lambda is degenerate with the Proton, but we keep it for compatibility with the sister routine that treats non-degenerate quarks.

quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
barpropbaryon propagator ( Modify )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
b(t) = > < b(t_source, 0) b(t + t_source, x) >



For the Proton we take

|P_1, s_z=1/2> = (d C gamma_5 u) "u_up"

for the Lambda

|L_1, s_z=1/2> = 2*(u C gamma_5 d) "s_up" + (s C gamma_5 d) "u_up"

  • (u C gamma_5 s) "d_up"

and for the Delta^+

|D_1, s_z=3/2> = 2*(d C gamma_- u) "u_up" + (u C gamma_- u) "d_up".

We have put "q_up" in quotes, since this is meant in the Dirac basis, not in the 'DeGrand-Rossi' chiral basis used in the program!

For all baryons we compute a 'B_2' that differs from the 'B_1' above by insertion of a gamma_4 between C and the gamma_{5,-}. And finally, we also compute the non-relativistic baryons, 'B_3', which up to a factor 1/2 are just the difference B_1 - B_2, as can be seen by projecting to the "upper" components in the Dirac basis, achieved by (1 + gamma_4)/2 q, for quark q.

The Proton_k is baryon 3*(k-1), the Lambda_k is baryon 3*(k-1)+1 and the Delta^+_k is baryon 3*(k-1)+2.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct baryon propagators for the Proton and the Delta^+ with degenerate "u" and "d" quarks, as well as the Lambda for, in addition, a degenerate "s" quark. For these degenerate quarks, the Lambda is degenerate with the Proton, but we keep it for compatibility with the sister routine that treats non-degenerate quarks.

quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
barpropbaryon propagator ( Modify )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
b(t) = > < b(t_source, 0) b(t + t_source, x) >



For the Proton we take

|P_1, s_z=1/2> = (d C gamma_5 u) "u_up"

for the Lambda

|L_1, s_z=1/2> = 2*(u C gamma_5 d) "s_up" + (s C gamma_5 d) "u_up"

  • (u C gamma_5 s) "d_up"

and for the Delta^+

|D_1, s_z=3/2> = 2*(d C gamma_- u) "u_up" + (u C gamma_- u) "d_up".

We have put "q_up" in quotes, since this is meant in the Dirac basis, not in the 'DeGrand-Rossi' chiral basis used in the program!

For all baryons we compute a 'B_2' that differs from the 'B_1' above by insertion of a gamma_4 between C and the gamma_{5,-}. And finally, we also compute the non-relativistic baryons, 'B_3', which up to a factor 1/2 are just the difference B_1 - B_2, as can be seen by projecting to the "upper" components in the Dirac basis, achieved by (1 + gamma_4)/2 q, for quark q.

The Proton_k is baryon 3*(k-1), the Lambda_k is baryon 3*(k-1)+1 and the Delta^+_k is baryon 3*(k-1)+2.

Definition at line 229 of file

References Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::C(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg4gk(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg4m(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5g4(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5NR(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5NRnegPar(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cgk(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::CgkNR(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cgm(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::CgmNR(), Chroma::delta2pt(), Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::nucl2pt(), Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Tmixed(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::TmixedNegPar(), and Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Tunpol().

◆ compute_qqbar()

void Chroma::compute_qqbar ( multi2d< DPropagator > &  qqbar,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0 

Meson-Meson 4-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct meson-meson propagators The two propagators can be identical or different.

qqbar– the 2-quark propagator ( Write )
quark_prop_1– first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2– second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
t0– timeslice coordinate of the source ( Read )
phases– object holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
     \                               +
qqbar(p,t)=> [g5 q2(t_src;t + t_src,x) g5] g5 q1(t+t_src,x;t_src) * exp(ipx)



This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct meson-meson propagators The two propagators can be identical or different.

qqbar– the 2-quark propagator ( Write )
quark_prop_1– first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2– second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
t0– timeslice coordinate of the source ( Read )
phases– object holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
     \                               +
qqbar(p,t)=> [g5 q2(t_src;t + t_src,x) g5] g5 q1(t+t_src,x;t_src) * exp(ipx)



Definition at line 98 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::G5, Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, and t0.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQQQNucNuc::func().

◆ compute_qqq()

void Chroma::compute_qqq ( multi2d< ThreeQuarks > &  qqq,
const LatticePropagator &  q1,
const LatticePropagator &  q2,
const LatticePropagator &  q3,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  bc_spec 

Baryon-Baryon 2-pt functions (C\gamma_5 diquark)

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Definition at line 44 of file

References bc_spec, Chroma::END_CODE(), std::tr1::f1, std::tr1::f2, std::tr1::f3, Chroma::i, Chroma::QuarkIndex::NotEnd(), Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::PropToFerm(), Chroma::s(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, and t0.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQQQNucNuc::func().

◆ curcor2()

void Chroma::curcor2 ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  no_vec_cur,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Construct current correlators.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

The two propagators can be identical or different.

This includes the "rho_1--rho_2" correlators used for O(a) improvement

For use with "rotated" propagators we added the possibility of also computing the local std::vector current, when no_vec_cur = 4. In this case the 3 local currents come last.

ugauge field ( Read )
quark_prop_1first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0timeslice coordinate of the source ( Read )
no_vec_curnumber of std::vector current types, 3 or 4 ( Read )
xmlnamelist file object ( Read )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
cc(t) = > < m(t_source, 0) c(t + t_source, x) >



This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

The two propagators can be identical or different.

This includes the "rho_1--rho_2" correlators used for O(a) improvement

For use with "rotated" propagators we added the possibility of also computing the local std::vector current, when no_vec_cur = 4. In this case the 3 local currents come last.

ugauge field ( Read )
quark_prop_1first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0timeslice coordinate of the source ( Read )
no_vec_curnumber of std::vector current types, 3 or 4 ( Read )
xmlnamelist file object ( Read )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
cc(t) = > < m(t_source, 0) c(t + t_source, x) >



Definition at line 44 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, Chroma::G5, Chroma::SftMom::getDir(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), j_decay, Chroma::k, n, Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineHadSpec::func(), and Chroma::InlineSpectrum::func().

◆ curcor3()

void Chroma::curcor3 ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
int  no_vec_cur,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Construct current correlators.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

The two propagators can be identical or different.

This includes the "rho_1--rho_2" correlators used for O(a) improvement

For use with "rotated" propagators we added the possibility of also computing the local std::vector current, when no_vec_cur = 4. In this case the 3 local currents come last.

ugauge field ( Read )
quark_prop_1first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0timeslice coordinate of the source ( Read )
no_vec_curnumber of std::vector current types, 3 or 4 ( Read )
xmlnamelist file object ( Read )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
cc(t) = > < m(t_source, 0) c(t + t_source, x) >



◆ delta2pt()

LatticeComplex Chroma::delta2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  sp 

Delta 2-pt.

Definition at line 159 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark, sp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::baryon().

◆ FormFac()

void Chroma::FormFac ( FormFac_insertions_t form,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const LatticePropagator &  seq_quark_prop,
int  gamma_insertion,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0 

Compute contractions for current insertion 3-point functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

formstructures holding formfactors ( Write )
ugauge fields (used for non-local currents) ( Read )
quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
seq_quark_propsequential quark propagator ( Read )
gamma_insertionextra gamma insertion at source ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0cartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )

Definition at line 92 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::FormFac_insertions_t::formFac, FORWARD, Chroma::G5, mu, Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::SftMom::numToMom(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by main(), and Chroma::InlineBar3ptfn::operator()().

◆ gaussian_on_timeslice()

void Chroma::gaussian_on_timeslice ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  slice,
int  mu 

Volume source of complex Z2 noise.

Diluted Gauusian-source.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

aSource fermion

This type of source is required to compute disconnected diagrams. The source is complex Z2 noise, hence there is an additional normalization factor of 1/sqrt(2). Timeslice source of complex gaussian noise

aSource fermion
slicetime slice
mudirection of slice

This type of source is useful for computing hadronic decay like diagrams.

QUARK MASS DEPENDENCE OF HADRON MASSES FROM LATTICE QCD. By UKQCD Collaboration (M. Foster et al.) Published in Phys.Rev.D59:074503,1999 e-Print Archive: hep-lat/9810021

Definition at line 49 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), mu, Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ HeavyQuarkProp()

void Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp ( LatticeColorMatrix &  Qprop,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const multi1d< int > &  src_coord,
int  length,
int  bc 

Heavy Quark Propagator.

This constructs the propagator for a spinless Wilson-Line propagating from the point src_coord forward in time, and vanishing on previous time-slices.

QpropWilson-Line (write)
uGauge Field (Read)
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
lengthTime length Added:
bcBoundary condition = +/- 1 (p,ap bcs) or 0 for Dirichlet (no wraparound, default)

This constructs the propagator for a spinless Wilson-Line propagating from the point src_coord forward in time, and vanishing on previous time-slices.

QpropWilson-Line (write)
uGauge Field (Read)
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )

Definition at line 149 of file

References BACKWARD, bc, Nd, Chroma::one, t, Chroma::transpose(), and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::Qlbar(), Chroma::Qll(), Chroma::QllQllPOT(), Chroma::QlQl(), Chroma::QlQlPOT(), and Chroma::static_light_su3().

◆ HeavyQuarkPropBack()

void Chroma::HeavyQuarkPropBack ( LatticeColorMatrix &  Qprop,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const multi1d< int > &  src_coord,
int  length,
int  bc 

Backwards Heavy Quark Propagator.

This constructs the propagator for a spinless Wilson-Line propagating from the point src_coord BACKWARD in time, and vanishing on later time-slices.

QpropWilson-Line (write)
uGauge Field (Read)
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
bc=0 Boundary condition (default 0 = Dirichlet, otherwise +/-1)

This constructs the propagator for a spinless Wilson-Line propagating from the point src_coord backward in time, and vanishing on later time-slices.

QpropWilson-Line (write)
uGauge Field (Read)
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )

This is all wrong. I have to rethink this whole deal... Sigh.

Definition at line 207 of file

References bc, FORWARD, Nd, Chroma::one, t, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::QlbarBACK(), and Chroma::QlQl().

◆ hybmeson()

void Chroma::hybmeson ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  f,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u_smr,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_2,
const SftMom phases,
multi1d< int >  t_source,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Hybrid meson 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

First we construct a hybrid pion and 3 hybrid rho's, followed by an exotic 0^{+-}, an exotic 0^{–} and finally 2*3 exotic 1^{-+}'s.

ffield strength tensor ( Read )
u_smrthe SMEARED gauge field, used in constructing the f's
quark_prop_1first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
t_sourcecartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
m(t) = > < m(t_source, 0) m(t + t_source, x) >



This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

First we construct a hybrid pion and 3 hybrid rho's, followed by an exotic 0^{+-}, an exotic 0^{–} and finally 2*3 exotic 1^{-+}'s.

ffield strength tensor ( Read )
u_smrthe SMEARED gauge field, used in constructing the f's
quark_prop_1first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
t_sourcecartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
m(t) = > < m(t_source, 0) m(t + t_source, x) >



Definition at line 73 of file

References BACKWARD, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, Chroma::G5, Chroma::SftMom::getDir(), j, j_decay, Chroma::k, Chroma::InlinePropAndMatElemDistillation2Env::local::localInnerProduct(), m, n, Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::print_disp(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t0, t_source, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineSpectrum::func().

◆ lambda2pt()

LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::lambda2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  sp 

Lambda 2-pt.

Definition at line 50 of file

References Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark, and sp.

Referenced by Chroma::barhqlq().

◆ lambdaNaive2pt()

LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::lambdaNaive2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  sp 

Lambda 2-pt.

Definition at line 74 of file

References Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark, and sp.

Referenced by Chroma::barhqlq().

◆ loops()

void Chroma::loops ( const LatticeFermion &  q_source,
const LatticeFermion &  psi,
int  length,
XMLWriter &  xml_gamma,
const std::string &  xml_tag 

Fermion loop code.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Compute fermion loops via noise source

q_source– noise source
psi– M^{-1} on source
length– length of lattice in time direction
xml– namelist file object ( Read )
xml_tag– std::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
   \          dagger
m(t) = > < Source Gamma quark_solution >



where Gamma is a Dirac gamma matrix.

Definition at line 53 of file

References Chroma::InlinePropAndMatElemDistillation2Env::local::innerProduct(), Nd, Chroma::pop(), Chroma::psi, Chroma::push(), t, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by main().

◆ mescomp()

void Chroma::mescomp ( multiNd< Complex > &  mesprop,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0 

Construct all components of a meson propagator.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

In all mesons the colour components are contracted leaving only the spin components.

mespropmeson correlation function (in real space) ( Write )
quark_propagator_1quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_2quark propagator ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta ( Read )
t0coordinates of source in decay direction ( Read )

Definition at line 50 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::G5, Chroma::SftMom::getDir(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), j_decay, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::START_CODE(), and t0.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineQQbar::operator()().

◆ mesons()

void Chroma::mesons ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop_2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Meson 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct meson propagators The two propagators can be identical or different.

quark_prop_1first quark propagator ( Read )
quark_prop_2second (anti-) quark propagator ( Read )
t0timeslice coordinate of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Write )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )
m(t) = > < m(t_source, 0) m(t + t_source, x) >



Definition at line 111 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::G5, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::SftMom::numToMom(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineSpectrum::func(), and main().

◆ multipole()

void Chroma::multipole ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const LatticePropagator &  seq_quark_prop,
int  GammaInsertion,
int  max_power,
int  j_decay,
int  t0,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Compute contractions for multipole moments.

quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
seq_quark_propsequential quark propagator ( Read )
GammaInsertionextra gamma matrix insertion ( Read )
max_powermax value of L ( Read )
j_decaydirection of decay ( Read )
t0cartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Write )
xml_groupstd::string used for writing xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 325 of file

References Chroma::Multipole_t::corr, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::G5, Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), j_decay, Chroma::Multipole_t::j_decay, Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, t0, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineMultipole::func().

◆ nonlocalCurrentProp()

LatticePropagator Chroma::nonlocalCurrentProp ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  mu,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  anti_prop 

Compute nonlocal current propagator.

The form of J_mu = (1/2)*[psibar(x+mu)*U^dag_mu*(1+gamma_mu)*psi(x) - psibar(x)*U_mu*(1-gamma_mu)*psi(x+mu)]

ugauge fields ( Read )
mudirection ( Read )
forw_propforward propagator ( Read )
anti_propanti-quark version of forward propagator ( Read )
nonlocal current propagator

Definition at line 28 of file

References FORWARD, mu, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::wallPionFormFac(), Chroma::wallRhoFormFac(), and Chroma::wallRhoPiFormFac().

◆ NprVertex()

void Chroma::NprVertex ( const LatticePropagator &  F,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  U,
const unsigned short int  MaxNLinks,
const BBLinkPattern  LinkPattern,
QDPFileWriter &  qio_file 

NPR vertices.

Definition at line 184 of file

References Chroma::AddLinks(), Chroma::BkwdFrwd(), and F.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineNprVertex::func().

◆ nucl2pt()

LatticeComplex Chroma::nucl2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  sp 

Nucleon 2-pt.

Definition at line 140 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark, sp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::baryon().

◆ Qlbar()

void Chroma::Qlbar ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const multi1d< int > &  src_coord,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const int  bc 

Heavy-light meson 2-pt function.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct propagators for a heavy-light pseudoscalar meson. In the heavy quark limit the D and the D* are degenerate.
The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-1/2 light quark

ugauge field (Read)
quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )
bcboundary condition (default = 0 --> Dirichlet)

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct propagators for a heavy-light pseudoscalar meson. In the heavy quark limit the D and the D* are degenerate.
The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-1/2 light quark

ugauge field (Read)
quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )
bcboundary condition (default = 0, dirichlet)

Definition at line 32 of file

References bc, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp(), Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineHeavyLightCont::func(), Chroma::InlineSpectrumQll::func(), and Chroma::InlineStaticLightSpec::func().

◆ QlbarBACK()

void Chroma::QlbarBACK ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const multi1d< int > &  src_coord,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group,
const int  bc 

Heavy-light meson 2-pt function with backwards moving static quark.

Heavy-light meson 2-pt function for backwards propagating static quark.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct propagators for a heavy-light pseudoscalar meson. In the heavy quark limit the D and the D* are degenerate.
The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-1/2 light quark

ugauge field (Read)
quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )
bcboundary condition (default = 0 --> Dirichlet)

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct propagators for a heavy-light pseudoscalar meson. In the heavy quark limit the D and the D* are degenerate.
The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-1/2 light quark

ugauge field (Read)
quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )
bcboundary condition (default = 0, dirichlet)

Definition at line 111 of file

References bc, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::HeavyQuarkPropBack(), Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineHeavyLightCont::func().

◆ Qll() [1/2]

void Chroma::Qll ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_prop2,
const multi1d< int > &  src_coord,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Lambdaq and SigmaQ 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct baryon propagators for the LambdaQ and SigmaQ(*) with degenerate "u" and "d" quarks. In the heavy quark limit the Sigma and Sigma* are degenerate. The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-0 diquark and a spin-1 diquark.

ugauge field (Read)
quark_prop1quark propagator 1 ( Read )
quark_prop2quark propagator 2 ( Read )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 33 of file

References Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp(), Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineSpectrumQll::func(), Chroma::InlineStaticLightSpec::func(), and Chroma::Qll().

◆ Qll() [2/2]

void Chroma::Qll ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const multi1d< int > &  src_coord,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Lambdaq and SigmaQ 2-pt functions.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct baryon propagators for the LambdaQ and SigmaQ(*) with degenerate "u" and "d" quarks. In the heavy quark limit the Sigma and Sigma* are degenerate. The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-0 diquark and a spin-1 diquark.

ugauge field (Read)
quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
phasesholds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 123 of file

References Chroma::Qll(), and Chroma::u.

◆ QllQllPOT()

void Chroma::QllQllPOT ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark2,
const multi1d< int > &  src1,
const multi1d< int > &  src2,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Heavy hadron potentials for SU(2) isospin limit.

Heavy hadron potentials.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

ugauge field (Read)
quark1quark propagator, src at 0 ( Read )
quark2quark propagator, src at R ( Read )
src1cartesian coordinates of one source "0"( Read )
src2cartesian coordinates of the other source "R" ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

ugauge field (Read)
quark1quark propagator ( Read )
quark2quark propagator ( Read )
src1cartesian coordinates of one source ( Read )
src2cartesian coordinates of the other source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 38 of file

References Chroma::bcontract(), Chroma::c1contract(), Chroma::c4contract(), Chroma::c4J2corr(), Chroma::c5J2corr(), Chroma::c6J2corr(), Chroma::c7contract(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5(), Chroma::d1contract(), Chroma::d2J32corr(), Chroma::d3J32corr(), Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::G5, Chroma::HBQfunc(), Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp(), Chroma::i, Chroma::lambdabcontract(), Chroma::m1contract(), Chroma::m2contract(), Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::sigmabpluscontract(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineStaticLightSpec::func().

◆ QlQl()

void Chroma::QlQl ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator2,
const multi1d< int > &  src_coord,
const multi1d< int > &  snk_coord,
const int &  bc,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Heavy-light meson 2-pt function.

Heavy-light 3-pt function.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-1/2 light quark This generates with two quark propagators all three-point functions, with all 16 gamma matrix insertions, of the form:

Mat1 = Sc(z-y) [Gamma] Su(y-z) gamma5 Mat2 = Sb(x-z) gamma5 Ss(z-x) [Gamma]

And we output the 16 gamma's, all possible trace combinations (1 or 2 color traces and 1 or 2 spin traces

ugauge field (Read)
quark_propagator1quark propagator1 ( Read )
quark_propagator2quark propagator2 ( Read )
heavy_quark_propagator1heavy quark propagator1 ( Read; Opt, if not static )
heavy_quark_propagator2heavy quark propagator2 ( Read; Opt, if not static )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
snk_coordcartesian coordinates of the sink ( Read )
heavy_srccartesian coordinates of the heavy quark if not static ( Read ) Not needed if both are static or both are not static.
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )
bcif there, the bc's for the static quark props...

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating a spin-1/2 light quark This generates with two quark propagators all three-point functions, with all 16 gamma matrix insertions.

ugauge field (Read)
quark_propagator1quark propagator1 ( Read )
quark_propagator2quark propagator2 ( Read )
src_coordcartesian coordinates of the source ( Read )
snk_coordcartesian coordinates of the sink ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )
bcif included, this is the boundary condition for the static quarks.

Definition at line 44 of file

References bc, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp(), Chroma::HeavyQuarkPropBack(), Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineHeavyLightCont::func().

◆ QlQlPOT()

void Chroma::QlQlPOT ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark2,
const multi1d< int > &  src1,
const multi1d< int > &  src2,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Heavy-light meson potential.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Construct propagators for two heavy mesons in all combinations of spin up and spin down light degrees of freedom.. In the heavy quark limit the D and the D* are degenerate.
The heavy quark is inserted in the infinitely heavy quark limit by a Wilson-Line without spin indices. We are effectively propagating two spin-1/2 light degrees of freedom.

ugauge field (Read)
quark1quark propagator ( Read )
quark2quark propagator ( Read )
src1cartesian coordinates of one source ( Read )
src2cartesian coordinates of the other source ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 45 of file

References BACKWARD, Chroma::d, Chroma::END_CODE(), FORWARD, Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp(), Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::r, Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::SpinTranspose(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::tmp, Chroma::transpose(), Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineStaticLightSpec::func().

◆ QQDiquark()

void Chroma::QQDiquark ( QQDiquarkContract_t diquark,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2 

Construct a QQ diquark object.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

In all baryons the colour components are contracted with the totally antisymmetric 'tensor' eps(a,b,c) = antisym_tensor(a,b,c).

diquarkdiquark object (in real space) ( Write )
quark_propagator_1quark propagator ( Read )
quark_propagator_2quark propagator ( Read )

Definition at line 58 of file

References Chroma::QQDiquarkContract_t::comp, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::START_CODE(), and Chroma::unpackQuark().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineDiquarkEnv::InlineMeas::operator()().

◆ read() [1/21]

void Chroma::read ( BinaryReader &  bin,
FormFac_insertion_t mes 

◆ read() [2/21]

void Chroma::read ( BinaryReader &  bin,
FormFac_insertions_t form 

◆ read() [3/21]

void Chroma::read ( BinaryReader &  bin,
FormFac_momenta_t mom 

◆ read() [4/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
Delta2PtEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 16 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [5/21]

void read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params &  param 


◆ read() [6/21]

void read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::ParamsDir &  param 


◆ read() [7/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DilutionQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 19 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [8/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
GeneralBaryonSeqSourceEnv::SpinMatTsp_t param 

◆ read() [9/21]

void Chroma::GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::Params::Qprop_t::Solutions_t input 

◆ read() [10/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
MesonSpec2PtEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 16 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [11/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
Multipole_t pole 

Read a Multipole_t.

◆ read() [12/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
NoSpinInsertionEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 14 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [13/21]

Reader void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
PhotonRhoSeqSourceEnv::Params param 

Definition at line 12 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [14/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::Params param 


◆ read() [15/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
SimpleBaryonOperatorEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 22 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [16/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 17 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [17/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::SpinMatTsp_t param 

◆ read() [18/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
SimpleMeson2PtEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 14 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [19/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 14 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [20/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 14 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [21/21]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
StochCondContEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 17 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ seqPionTest()

void Chroma::seqPionTest ( Complex &  pion_src,
const LatticePropagator &  seq_quark_prop,
const multi1d< int > &  t_source 

Test a pion sequential source.

For the case of a pion, we have evaluated as the sequential source

H(y, 0; tx, p) = \sum exp{ip.x} U(y,x) \gamma_5 D(x,0) \gamma_5

Thus we can see that

Tr H(0,0; tx, p) = \sum_x exp{ip.x} Tr[ U^dagger(x,0) D(x,0)]

which is just the conjugate of the pion correlator at momentum p and timslice tx


pion_srcthe sequential propagator evaluated at t_source (Write)
seq_quark_propthe sequential propagator ( Read )
t_sourcethe coordinates of the source ( Read )

Definition at line 33 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::START_CODE(), and t_source.

◆ sigma2pt()

LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigma2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  sp 

◆ sigmast2pt() [1/2]

LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigmast2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  sp 

◆ sigmast2pt() [2/2]

LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::sigmast2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  spSRC,
const SpinMatrix &  spSNK 

Delta 2-pt.

Definition at line 116 of file

References Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark.

◆ SpinTranspose()

void Chroma::SpinTranspose ( const LatticePropagator &  prop,
LatticePropagator &  STprop 

Spin Transpose Function.

This is a dumb way of taking the spin transpose of a propagator, while leaving all other indices untouched...suggested to us by Bob Edwards

propinput propagator
STpropspin transposed propagator

Definition at line 276 of file

References Chroma::i, j, and prop.

Referenced by Chroma::QlQlPOT().

◆ static_light_su3()

void Chroma::static_light_su3 ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  quark1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark2,
const multi1d< int > &  src,
const SftMom phases,
XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  xml_group 

Heavy hadron spectrum for SU(3) isospin limit.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

ugauge field (Read)
quark1light quark propagator ( Read )
quark2strange quark propagator ( Read )
srccartesian coordinates of one source "0"( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )
xmlxml file object ( Read )
xml_groupgroup name for xml data ( Read )

Definition at line 30 of file

References Chroma::bcontract(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMats::Cg5(), Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::G5, Chroma::HBQfunc(), Chroma::HeavyQuarkProp(), Chroma::lambdabcontract(), Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::pop(), Chroma::push(), Chroma::sigmabpluscontract(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, Chroma::u, and Chroma::write().

Referenced by Chroma::InlineHeavyHadSpec::func().

◆ stoch_var()

void Chroma::stoch_var ( multi1d< DComplex > &  ferm_loop_sum,
multi2d< DComplex > &  ferm_loop,
multi1d< Real64 > &  sigma,
multi1d< Real64 > &  im_sigma,
int  t_length,
int  Nsamp 

Stochastic variable construction.

This routine averages timeslice sums of fermion disconnected loop operators over the number of stochastic sources. It also calculates the standard deviation on the mean of the real and imaginary parts of these operators.

ferm_loop_sumsum over stochastice samples of timeslice disconnected fermion loop operators
ferm_loopThe timeslice operators for EACH stochastic sample
sigmastandard deviation on the mean of the real part of the operator
im_sigmasame as above for imaginary part
t_lengthlength of lattice in time dir
NsampNumber of stochastic samples.

Definition at line 32 of file

References Chroma::i, Chroma::s(), t, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::staggered_loops::dump(), and Chroma::stoch_conn_corr::dump().

◆ unpackQuark()

multi2d< multi2d< LatticeComplex > > Chroma::unpackQuark ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator)

Unpack a quark.

We need this fast, so at the expense of a lot of memory we will expose all the color/spin indices of each propagator into a temporary

Definition at line 18 of file

Referenced by Chroma::barcompDiquarkDense(), Chroma::barcompDiquarkSparse(), and Chroma::QQDiquark().

◆ wall_qprop()

void Chroma::wall_qprop ( LatticePropagator &  wall_quark_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator,
const SftMom phases 

Construct a wall-sink propagator:

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

Each time slice will have one non-zero entry, with the propagator summed over the entire time slice.

wall_quark_propwall-sink quark propagator ( Write )
quark_propagatorquark propagator ( Read )
phasesobject holds list of momenta and Fourier phases ( Read )

Definition at line 25 of file

References copymask(), Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::getDir(), Chroma::SftMom::getSet(), j_decay, mu, Nd, Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineSpectrum::func(), and Chroma::InlineSpectrumQll::func().

◆ wallDeltaFormFac()

void Chroma::wallDeltaFormFac ( WallFormFac_formfacs_t form,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_d_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_d_prop,
const Propagator &  u_x2,
const Propagator &  d_x2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
bool  wall_source 

Wall-sink delta-> gamma+delta form-factors.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

formMega-structure holding form-factors ( Write )
ugauge fields (used for non-local currents) ( Read )
forw_u_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_u_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
forw_d_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_d_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
u_x2forward U quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
d_x2forward D quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0time slice of the source ( Read )
wall_sourcetrue if using a wall source ( Read )

Referenced by main().

◆ wallDeltaPFormFac()

void Chroma::wallDeltaPFormFac ( WallFormFac_formfacs_t form,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_d_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_d_prop,
const Propagator &  u_x2,
const Propagator &  d_x2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
bool  wall_source 

Wall-sink delta <-> gamma+delta form-factors.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

formMega-structure holding form-factors ( Write )
ugauge fields (used for non-local currents) ( Read )
forw_u_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_u_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
forw_d_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_d_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
u_x2forward U quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
d_x2forward D quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0time slice of the source ( Read )
wall_sourcetrue if using a wall source ( Read )

Referenced by main().

◆ wallFormFacSft()

void Chroma::wallFormFacSft ( multi1d< WallFormFac_momenta_t > &  momenta,
const LatticeComplex &  corr_local_fn,
const LatticeComplex &  corr_nonlocal_fn,
const SftMom phases,
bool  compute_nonlocal,
int  t0 

Do slow SFT over hadron correlator data.

momentamomenta structure ( Modify )
corr_local_fncontracted local current insertion ( Read )
corr_nonlocal_fncontracted nonlocal current insertion ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
compute_nonlocalcompute the nonlocal current stuff?? ( Read )
t0time-slice of the source ( Read )
momentamomenta structure ( Modify )
corr_local_fncontracted local current insertion ( Read )
corr_nonlocal_fncontracted nonlocal current insertion ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
compute_nonlocalcompute the nonlocal current stuff?? ( Read )
t0time slice of the source ( Read )

Definition at line 54 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::SftMom::numMom(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::SftMom::numToMom(), Chroma::SftMom::sft(), Chroma::START_CODE(), t, and t0.

Referenced by Chroma::wallPionFormFac(), Chroma::wallRhoFormFac(), and Chroma::wallRhoPiFormFac().

◆ wallNuclFormFac()

void Chroma::wallNuclFormFac ( WallFormFac_formfacs_t form,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_d_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_d_prop,
const Propagator &  u_x2,
const Propagator &  d_x2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
bool  wall_source 

Wall-sink nucleon-> gamma+nucleon form-factors.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

formMega-structure holding form-factors ( Write )
ugauge fields (used for non-local currents) ( Read )
forw_u_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_u_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
forw_d_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_d_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
u_x2forward U quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
d_x2forward D quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0time slice of the source ( Read )
wall_sourcetrue if using a wall source ( Read )

Referenced by main().

◆ wallPionFormFac()

void Chroma::wallPionFormFac ( WallFormFac_formfacs_t form,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_d_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_d_prop,
const Propagator &  u_x2,
const Propagator &  d_x2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
bool  wall_source 

Compute contractions for current insertion 3-point functions.

Wall-sink pi^+-> gamma+pi^+ form-factors.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

formMega-structure holding form-factors ( Write )
ugauge fields (used for non-local currents) ( Read )
forw_u_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_u_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
forw_d_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_d_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
u_x2forward U quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
d_x2forward D quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0time slice of the source ( Read )
wall_sourcetrue if using a wall source ( Read )

Definition at line 31 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::formfac, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::formfac_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::formfac_name, Chroma::G5, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::gamma_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::gamma_value, Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::insertion, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::lorentz, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::lorentz_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::momenta, mu, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::mu, Nd, Chroma::nonlocalCurrentProp(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::proj_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::proj_name, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::projector, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::WallFormFac_formfacs_t::quark, Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::quark_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::quark_name, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::snk_gamma, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::src_gamma, Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::WallFormFac_formfacs_t::subroutine, t0, Chroma::u, and Chroma::wallFormFacSft().

Referenced by main().

◆ wallRhoFormFac()

void Chroma::wallRhoFormFac ( WallFormFac_formfacs_t form,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_d_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_d_prop,
const Propagator &  u_x2,
const Propagator &  d_x2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
bool  wall_source 

Wall-sink rho-> gamma+rho form-factors.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

formMega-structure holding form-factors ( Write )
ugauge fields (used for non-local currents) ( Read )
forw_u_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_u_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
forw_d_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_d_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
u_x2forward U quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
d_x2forward D quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0time slice of the source ( Read )
wall_sourcetrue if using a wall source ( Read )

Definition at line 32 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::formfac, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::formfac_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::formfac_name, Chroma::G5, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::gamma_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::gamma_value, Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::insertion, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::lorentz, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::lorentz_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::momenta, mu, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::mu, Nd, Chroma::nonlocalCurrentProp(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::proj_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::proj_name, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::projector, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::WallFormFac_formfacs_t::quark, Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::quark_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::quark_name, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::snk_gamma, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::src_gamma, Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::WallFormFac_formfacs_t::subroutine, t0, Chroma::u, and Chroma::wallFormFacSft().

Referenced by main().

◆ wallRhoPiFormFac()

void Chroma::wallRhoPiFormFac ( WallFormFac_formfacs_t form,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_u_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  forw_d_prop,
const LatticePropagator &  back_d_prop,
const Propagator &  u_x2,
const Propagator &  d_x2,
const SftMom phases,
int  t0,
bool  wall_source 

Wall-sink rho^+ <-> gamma+pi^+ form-factors.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

formMega-structure holding form-factors ( Write )
ugauge fields (used for non-local currents) ( Read )
forw_u_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_u_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
forw_d_propforward U quark propagator ( Read )
back_d_propbackward D quark propagator ( Read )
u_x2forward U quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
d_x2forward D quark propagator evaluated at sink ( Read )
phasesfourier transform phase factors ( Read )
t0time slice of the source ( Read )
wall_sourcetrue if using a wall source ( Read )

Definition at line 31 of file

References Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::formfac, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::formfac_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::formfac_name, Chroma::G5, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::gamma_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::gamma_value, Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::insertion, Chroma::WallFormFac_formfac_t::lorentz, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::lorentz_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::momenta, mu, Chroma::WallFormFac_insertion_t::mu, Nd, Chroma::nonlocalCurrentProp(), Chroma::SftMom::numSubsets(), Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::proj_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_projector_t::proj_name, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::projector, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::WallFormFac_formfacs_t::quark, Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::quark_ctr, Chroma::WallFormFac_quark_t::quark_name, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::snk_gamma, Chroma::WallFormFac_lorentz_t::src_gamma, Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::WallFormFac_formfacs_t::subroutine, t0, Chroma::u, and Chroma::wallFormFacSft().

Referenced by main().

◆ write() [1/19]

void Chroma::write ( BinaryWriter &  bin,
const FormFac_insertion_t mes 

◆ write() [2/19]

void Chroma::write ( BinaryWriter &  bin,
const FormFac_insertions_t form 

◆ write() [3/19]

void Chroma::write ( BinaryWriter &  bin,
const FormFac_momenta_t mom 

◆ write() [4/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const Delta2PtEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 23 of file

References Chroma::Delta2PtEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [5/19]

void write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params &  param 


◆ write() [6/19]

void write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DerivMesonSeqSourceEnv::ParamsDir &  param 


◆ write() [7/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DilutionQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [8/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::Params param 


◆ write() [9/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const MesonSpec2PtEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 23 of file

References Chroma::MesonSpec2PtEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [10/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const Multipole_t pole 

◆ write() [11/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const NoSpinInsertionEnv::Params param 

Parameters for running code.


Definition at line 21 of file

References Chroma::NoSpinInsertionEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [12/19]

Writer void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const PhotonRhoSeqSourceEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [13/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const SimpleBaryon2PtEnv::Params param 


◆ write() [14/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const SimpleBaryonOperatorEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [15/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 24 of file

References Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [16/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const SimpleMeson2PtEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 21 of file

References Chroma::SimpleMeson2PtEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [17/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 21 of file

References Chroma::SimpleMesonSeqSourceEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [18/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::Params param 

Parameters for running code.


Definition at line 21 of file

References Chroma::SimpleSpinInsertionEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [19/19]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const StochCondContEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 24 of file

References Chroma::StochCondContEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ xi2pt()

LatticeComplex Chroma::Baryon2PtContractions::xi2pt ( const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_1,
const LatticePropagator &  quark_propagator_2,
const SpinMatrix &  T,
const SpinMatrix &  sp 

Cascade 2-pt.

Sigma 2-pt.

Definition at line 34 of file

References Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark, and sp.

Referenced by Chroma::barhqlq().