Classes | Typedefs | Functions


struct  Chroma::StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir
 Deriv meson source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::RightNablaDisplace< T >
 Construct (right Nabla) source. More...
struct  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir
 Deriv meson source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::RightNablaDisplace< T >
 Construct (right Nabla) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::RightDDisplace< T >
 Construct (right D) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::RightBDisplace< T >
 Construct (right B) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::RightEDisplace< T >
 Construct (right E) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::RightLapDisplace< T >
 Construct (right Laplacian) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesPionxNablaT1Displace< T >
 Construct (PionxNabla_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA0xNablaT1Displace< T >
 Construct (A0xNabla_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA02xNablaT1Displace< T >
 Construct (A0_2xNabla_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxNablaA1Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxNabla_A1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxNablaT1Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxNabla_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxNablaT2Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxNabla_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xNablaA1Displace< T >
 Construct (A1xNabla_A1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xNablaT2Displace< T >
 Construct (A1xNabla_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xNablaEDisplace< T >
 Construct (A1xNabla_E) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesB1xNablaT1Displace< T >
 Construct (B1xNabla_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA02xDT2Displace< T >
 Construct (A0_2xD_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xDA2Displace< T >
 Construct (A1xD_A2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xDEDisplace< T >
 Construct (A1xD_E) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xDT1Displace< T >
 Construct (A1xD_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xDT2Displace< T >
 Construct (A1xD_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesB1xDA2Displace< T >
 Construct (B1xD_A2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesB1xDEDisplace< T >
 Construct (B1xD_E) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesB1xDT1Displace< T >
 Construct (B1xD_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesB1xDT2Displace< T >
 Construct (B1xD_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxDA2Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxD_A2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxDT1Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxD_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxDT2Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxD_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesPionxDT2Displace< T >
 Construct (PionxD_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesPionxBT1Displace< T >
 Construct (PionxB_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxBT1Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxB_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxBT2Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxB_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xBA1Displace< T >
 Construct (A1xB_A1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xBT1Displace< T >
 Construct (RhoxB_T1) source. More...
class  Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xBT2Displace< T >
 Construct (A1xB_T2) source. More...
class  Chroma::LinkSmearing
 Base class for link smearing. More...
class  Chroma::StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::StaggeredScalarOp< T >
 Construct staggered scalar flavored sources. More...
class  Chroma::StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::StaggeredPseudoScalarOp< T >
 Construct staggered pseudo scalar flavored sources. More...
class  Chroma::StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::StaggeredVectorOp< T >
 Construct staggered std::vector flavored sources. More...
class  Chroma::StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::StaggeredAxialVectorOp< T >
 Construct staggered axial std::vector flavored sources. More...
class  Chroma::StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::StaggeredTensorOp< T >
 Construct tensor flavored sources. More...
struct  Chroma::DiluteZNEigVecQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Random complex Z(N) sources using dilution. More...
class  Chroma::DiluteZNEigVecQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Random complex Z(N) sources using dilution. More...
struct  Chroma::DiluteGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Random complex Z(N) sources using dilution. More...
class  Chroma::DiluteGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Random complex Z(N) sources using dilution. More...
struct  Chroma::DiluteZNQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Random complex Z(N) sources using dilution. More...
class  Chroma::DiluteZNQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Random complex Z(N) sources using dilution. More...
struct  Chroma::MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 MomWall source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 MomWall source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::NormShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Point source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::NormShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Shell source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::FixedDir_t
 Structure holding directions. More...
struct  Chroma::PartialWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 PartialWall source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::PartialWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 PartialWall source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::PointQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Point source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::PointQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Point source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::PointQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params
 Point sink parameters. More...
class  Chroma::PointQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::SourceSmear< T >
 Point source smearing. More...
struct  Chroma::RandZ2WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Random Z2 wall source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::RandZ2WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Random Z2 wall source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::RandZNWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Random ZN wall source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::RandZNWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Random ZN wall source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::SFPointQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 SFPoint source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SFPointQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Point source construction for Schroedinger functional. More...
struct  Chroma::SFShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Point source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SFShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Shell source construction for Schroedinger Functional. More...
struct  Chroma::SFWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Wall source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SFWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Wall source construction for Schroedinger Functional. More...
struct  Chroma::SFWaveQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Wave source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::SFWaveQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Wave source construction for Schroedinger Functional. More...
struct  Chroma::ShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Point source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::ShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Shell source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::ShellQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params
 Point source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::ShellQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::SourceSmearing< T >
 Shell source smearing. More...
struct  Chroma::ShellZnGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Point source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::ShellZnGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Shell source construction. More...
class  Chroma::QuarkSourceConstruction< T >
 Base class for quark source construction. More...
struct  Chroma::WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params
 Wall source parameters. More...
class  Chroma::WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >
 Wall source construction. More...


typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< QuarkSourceConstruction< LatticePropagator >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), QuarkSourceConstruction< LatticePropagator > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::ThePropSourceConstructionFactory
 Propagator source factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< QuarkSourceConstruction< LatticeStaggeredPropagator >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), QuarkSourceConstruction< LatticeStaggeredPropagator > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheStagPropSourceConstructionFactory
 Propagator source factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< QuarkSourceConstruction< LatticeFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader &, const std::string &), QuarkSourceConstruction< LatticeFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheFermSourceConstructionFactory
 Propagator source factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< QuarkSourceSink< LatticePropagator >, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), QuarkSourceSink< LatticePropagator > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::ThePropSourceSmearingFactory
 Propagator source smearing factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< QuarkSourceSink< LatticeStaggeredPropagator >, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), QuarkSourceSink< LatticeStaggeredPropagator > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheStagPropSourceSmearingFactory
 Propagator source smearing factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< QuarkSourceSink< LatticeFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), QuarkSourceSink< LatticeFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheFermSourceSmearingFactory
 Propagator source smearing factory (foundry) More...


void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ExternalFieldEnv::LinearElectricParams &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ExternalFieldEnv::LinearElectricParams &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ExternalFieldEnv::LinearElectricParams &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir &param)
 Writer. More...
LatticeColorVector Chroma::leftRightNabla (const LatticeColorVector &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length, int mom)
 Apply first deriv to the right onto source. More...
LatticePropagator Chroma::rightB (const LatticePropagator &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length)
 Apply "D_i" operator to the right onto source. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsTwoIndex &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsTwoIndex &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsOneIndex &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsOneIndex &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_on_parity (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int parity)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_color_src (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int color_index)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_color_src_on_slice (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int color_index, int slice, int mu)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_color_src_on_parity (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int color_index, int parity)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_parity_src_on_slice (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int parity, int slice, int mu)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_on_mod_timeslice (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int slice, int mu, int seperation)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_on_corner (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int corner_index)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_corner_on_dbl_slice (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int corner_index, int slice, int mu)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_corner_on_mod_dbl_slice (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int corner_index, int slice, int mu, int seperation)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::gaussian_color_src_on_mod_slice (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int color_index, int slice, int mu, int seperation)
 Diluted Gauusian-source. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DiluteZNEigVecQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DiluteZNEigVecQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DiluteGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DiluteGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, DiluteZNQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const DiluteZNQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::boxfil (LatticeFermion &a, int color_index, int spin_index)
 Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0 within a volume. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, NormShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const NormShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, PartialWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const PartialWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, PointQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const PointQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, PointQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const PointQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, RandZ2WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const RandZ2WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, RandZNWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const RandZNWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ShellQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ShellQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ShellZnGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ShellZnGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
void Chroma::srcfil (LatticeFermion &a, const multi1d< int > &coord, int color_index, int spin_index)
 Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0. More...
void Chroma::srcfil (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, const multi1d< int > &coord, int color_index)
 Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0. More...
void Chroma::srcfil (LatticeColorVector &a, const multi1d< int > &coord, int color_index)
 Fill a specific color index with 1.0. More...
void Chroma::walfil (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a, int slice, int mu, int color_index, int src_index)
 Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0 on a wall. More...
void Chroma::walfil (LatticeFermion &a, int slice, int mu, int color_index, int spin_index)
 Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0 on a wall. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...
template<typename T >
void Chroma::z2_src_t (T &a)
 Volume source of complex Z2 noise. More...
void Chroma::z2_src (LatticeFermion &a, int slice, int mu)
 Timeslice source of complex Z2 noise. More...
void Chroma::z2_src (LatticeFermion &a)
 Z2-source. More...
void Chroma::z2_src (LatticeStaggeredFermion &a)
 Z2-source. More...
void Chroma::zN_src (LatticeFermion &a, int N)
 Volume source of Z(N) noise. More...
Complex Chroma::zN_rng (int N)
 Z(N)-rng. More...

Detailed Description

This include file supports various types of quark sources

Typedef Documentation

◆ TheFermSourceConstructionFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<QuarkSourceConstruction<LatticeFermion>, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), QuarkSourceConstruction<LatticeFermion>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheFermSourceConstructionFactory

Propagator source factory (foundry)

Definition at line 46 of file source_const_factory.h.

◆ TheFermSourceSmearingFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<QuarkSourceSink<LatticeFermion>, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), QuarkSourceSink<LatticeFermion>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheFermSourceSmearingFactory

Propagator source smearing factory (foundry)

Definition at line 52 of file source_smearing_factory.h.

◆ ThePropSourceConstructionFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<QuarkSourceConstruction<LatticePropagator>, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), QuarkSourceConstruction<LatticePropagator>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::ThePropSourceConstructionFactory

Propagator source factory (foundry)

Definition at line 24 of file source_const_factory.h.

◆ ThePropSourceSmearingFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<QuarkSourceSink<LatticePropagator>, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), QuarkSourceSink<LatticePropagator>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::ThePropSourceSmearingFactory

Propagator source smearing factory (foundry)

Definition at line 26 of file source_smearing_factory.h.

◆ TheStagPropSourceConstructionFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<QuarkSourceConstruction<LatticeStaggeredPropagator>, std::string, TYPELIST_2(XMLReader&, const std::string&), QuarkSourceConstruction<LatticeStaggeredPropagator>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheStagPropSourceConstructionFactory

Propagator source factory (foundry)

Definition at line 35 of file source_const_factory.h.

◆ TheStagPropSourceSmearingFactory

typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory<QuarkSourceSink<LatticeStaggeredPropagator>, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), QuarkSourceSink<LatticeStaggeredPropagator>* (*)(XMLReader&, const std::string&, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&), StringFactoryError> > Chroma::TheStagPropSourceSmearingFactory

Propagator source smearing factory (foundry)

Definition at line 39 of file source_smearing_factory.h.

Function Documentation

◆ boxfil()

void Chroma::boxfil ( LatticeFermion &  a,
int  color_index,
int  spin_index 

Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0 within a volume.

Definition at line 30 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::END_CODE(), Chroma::one, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::START_CODE(), and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >::operator()().

◆ gaussian_color_src()

void Chroma::gaussian_color_src ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  color_index 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 80 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_color_src_on_mod_slice()

void Chroma::gaussian_color_src_on_mod_slice ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  color_index,
int  slice,
int  mu,
int  seperation 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 309 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), mu, Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_color_src_on_parity()

void Chroma::gaussian_color_src_on_parity ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  color_index,
int  parity 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 122 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_color_src_on_slice()

void Chroma::gaussian_color_src_on_slice ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  color_index,
int  slice,
int  mu 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 99 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), mu, Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::compute_quark_propagator_s(), and Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_corner_on_dbl_slice()

void Chroma::gaussian_corner_on_dbl_slice ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  corner_index,
int  slice,
int  mu 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 228 of file

References Chroma::a, coord(), Chroma::gaussian(), mu, Nd, Chroma::PropIndexTodelta(), Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_corner_on_mod_dbl_slice()

void Chroma::gaussian_corner_on_mod_dbl_slice ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  corner_index,
int  slice,
int  mu,
int  seperation 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 269 of file

References Chroma::a, coord(), Chroma::gaussian(), mu, Nd, Chroma::PropIndexTodelta(), Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_on_corner()

void Chroma::gaussian_on_corner ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  corner_index 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 192 of file

References Chroma::a, coord(), Chroma::gaussian(), Nd, Chroma::PropIndexTodelta(), Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_on_mod_timeslice()

void Chroma::gaussian_on_mod_timeslice ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  slice,
int  mu,
int  seperation 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 177 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), mu, Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_on_parity()

void Chroma::gaussian_on_parity ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  parity 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 60 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ gaussian_parity_src_on_slice()

void Chroma::gaussian_parity_src_on_slice ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  parity,
int  slice,
int  mu 

Diluted Gauusian-source.

Definition at line 150 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::gaussian(), mu, Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source().

◆ leftRightNabla()

LatticeColorVector Chroma::leftRightNabla ( const LatticeColorVector &  F,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  mu,
int  length,
int  mom 

Apply first deriv to the right onto source.

$\nabla_\mu f(x) = U_\mu(x)f(x+\mu) - U_{-\mu}(x)f(x-\mu)$

$\f \nabla_\mu F(x) $ */ LatticeColorVector rightNabla(const LatticeColorVector& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length) { return rightNablaT<LatticeColorVector>(F, u, mu, length); } Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticeFermion rightNabla(const LatticeFermion& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length) { return rightNablaT<LatticeFermion>(F, u, mu, length); } Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticePropagator rightNabla(const LatticePropagator& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length) { return rightNablaT<LatticePropagator>(F, u, mu, length); } Apply a right derivative path to a lattice field /*! \ingroup smear */ template<typename T> T rightNablaT(const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, const T& psi, int displacement_length, const multi1d<int>& path) { if (displacement_length < 0) { QDPIO::cerr << __func__ << ": invalid length=" << displacement_length << std::endl; QDP_abort(1); } T chi; chi = psi; for(int i=0; i < path.size(); ++i) { if (path[i] > 0) { int disp_dir = path[i] - 1; int disp_len = displacement_length; chi = rightNablaT<T>(chi, u, disp_dir, disp_len); } else if (path[i] <= 0) { QDPIO::cerr << __func__ << ": invalid path dir=" << path[i] << std::endl; QDP_abort(1); } } return chi; } Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticeColorVector rightNabla(const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, const LatticeColorVector& chi, int length, const multi1d<int>& path) { return rightNablaT<LatticeColorVector>(u, chi, length, path); } Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticeColorMatrix rightNabla(const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, const LatticeColorMatrix& chi, int length, const multi1d<int>& path) { return rightNablaT<LatticeColorMatrix>(u, chi, length, path); } Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticeFermion rightNabla(const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, const LatticeFermion& chi, int length, const multi1d<int>& path) { return rightNablaT<LatticeFermion>(u, chi, length, path); } Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticePropagator rightNabla(const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, const LatticePropagator& chi, int length, const multi1d<int>& path) { return rightNablaT<LatticePropagator>(u, chi, length, path); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apply a left-right derivative to a lattice field /*! \ingroup smear */ template<typename T> T leftRightNablaT(const T& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length, int mom) { Real angle = twopi*mom / Real(Layout::lattSize()[mu]); Complex phase = cmplx(cos(angle),sin(angle)); return (Real(1) + conj(phase))*displace<T>(u, F, -length, mu, QDP::all) - (Real(1) + phase)*displace<T>(u, F, length, mu, QDP::all); } Apply left-right deriv to the right onto source /*! \ingroup sources $\right\nabla_\mu f(x) = U_\mu(x)f(x+\mu) - U_{-\mu}(x)f(x-\mu) $ $\left\nabla_\mu f(x) = f(x+\mu)U_{-\mu}(x) - f(x-\mu)U_\mu(x-\mu) $ \return $\f (\left\nabla_\mu - \right\nabla_\mu) F(x)$

$\nabla_\mu f(x) = U_\mu(x)f(x+\mu) - U_{-\mu}(x)f(x-\mu)$

$\f \nabla_\mu F(x) $ */ LatticeColorVector rightNabla(const LatticeColorVector& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length); Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticeFermion rightNabla(const LatticeFermion& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length); Apply first deriv to the right onto source LatticePropagator rightNabla(const LatticePropagator& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apply left-right deriv to the right onto source /*! \ingroup sources $\right\nabla_\mu f(x) = U_\mu(x)f(x+\mu) - U_{-\mu}(x)f(x-\mu) $ $\left\nabla_\mu f(x) = f(x+\mu)U_{-\mu}(x) - f(x-\mu)U_\mu(x-\mu) $ \return $\f (\left\nabla_\mu - \right\nabla_\mu) F(x)$

Definition at line 415 of file

References F, mu, and Chroma::u.

Referenced by Chroma::DispSolnCache::displaceObject(), and Chroma::InlineGlueMatElemColorVecEnv::InlineMeas::func().

◆ read() [1/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 20 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [2/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir param 


Definition at line 34 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [3/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DiluteGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 26 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [4/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DiluteZNEigVecQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 32 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [5/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
DiluteZNQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 27 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [6/24]

void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams param 

◆ read() [7/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams param 


◆ read() [8/24]

void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
ExternalFieldEnv::LinearElectricParams param 

◆ read() [9/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 15 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [10/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
NormShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 28 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [11/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
PartialWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 17 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [12/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
PointQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 22 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [13/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
PointQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 21 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [14/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
RandZ2WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 14 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [15/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
RandZNWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 28 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [16/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
ShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 28 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [17/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
ShellQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 27 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [18/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
ShellZnGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 30 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [19/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 15 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [20/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir param 


Definition at line 29 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [21/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 15 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ read() [22/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsOneIndex param 


◆ read() [23/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsTwoIndex param 


◆ read() [24/24]

void Chroma::read ( XMLReader &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 15 of file

References Chroma::tmp.

◆ rightB()

LatticePropagator Chroma::rightB ( const LatticePropagator &  F,
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u,
int  mu,
int  length 

Apply "D_i" operator to the right onto source.

$D_i = s_{ijk}\nabla_j\nabla_k$

where $s_{ijk} = +1 \quad\forall i\ne j, j\ne k, i \ne k$

$\f F(z,0) D_\mu\f$ */ LatticePropagator rightD(const LatticePropagator& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length) { LatticePropagator tmp = zero;

// Slow implementation - to speed up could compute once the \nabla_j deriv for(int j=0; j < 3; ++j) for(int k=0; k < 3; ++k) { if (symTensor3d(mu,j,k) != 0) tmp += rightNabla(rightNabla(F,u,j,length), u,k,length); }

return tmp; }

Apply "B_i" operator to the right onto source /*!

$B_i = \epsilon_{ijk}\nabla_j\nabla_k$

$\f F(z,0) B_\mu\f$

$D_i = s_{ijk}\nabla_j\nabla_k$

where $s_{ijk} = +1 \quad\forall i\ne j, j\ne k, i \ne k$

$\f D_\mu F(z,0) $ */ LatticePropagator rightD(const LatticePropagator& F, const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>& u, int mu, int length); Apply "B_i" operator to the right onto source /*! \ingroup smear $@_fakenlB_i = \epsilon_{ijk}\nabla_j\nabla_k\f$
$\f B_\mu F(z,0)

Definition at line 549 of file

References Chroma::antiSymTensor3d(), F, j, Chroma::k, mu, Chroma::rightNabla(), Chroma::tmp, Chroma::u, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::RightBDisplace< T >::operator()(), Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesPionxBT1Displace< T >::operator()(), Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxBT1Displace< T >::operator()(), Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesRhoxBT2Displace< T >::operator()(), Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xBA1Displace< T >::operator()(), Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xBT1Displace< T >::operator()(), and Chroma::DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::MesA1xBT2Displace< T >::operator()().

◆ srcfil() [1/3]

void Chroma::srcfil ( LatticeColorVector &  a,
const multi1d< int > &  coord,
int  color_index 

Fill a specific color index with 1.0.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

aSource lattice Color Vector
coordLattice coordinate
color_indexColor index

Definition at line 54 of file

References Chroma::a, coord(), Chroma::one, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), and Chroma::zero.

◆ srcfil() [2/3]

void Chroma::srcfil ( LatticeFermion &  a,
const multi1d< int > &  coord,
int  color_index,
int  spin_index 

◆ srcfil() [3/3]

void Chroma::srcfil ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
const multi1d< int > &  coord,
int  color_index 

Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0.

Fill a specific color index with 1.0.

This routine is specific to Staggered fermions!

aSource fermion
coordLattice coordinate
color_indexColor index

This routine is specific to Staggered fermions!

aSource lattice Color Vector
coordLattice coordinate
color_indexColor index

Definition at line 81 of file

References Chroma::a, coord(), Chroma::one, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), and Chroma::zero.

◆ walfil() [1/2]

void Chroma::walfil ( LatticeFermion &  a,
int  slice,
int  mu,
int  color_index,
int  spin_index 

Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0 on a wall.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

aSource fermion
slicetime slice
mudirection of slice
color_indexColor index
spin_indexSpin index

Definition at line 24 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::END_CODE(), mu, Chroma::one, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

◆ walfil() [2/2]

void Chroma::walfil ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a,
int  slice,
int  mu,
int  color_index,
int  src_index 

Fill a specific color and spin index with 1.0 on a wall.

This routine is specific to Staggered fermions!

Fill a specific color index with 1.0, on sites at the corners of the cubes in a slice

aSource fermion (write)
slicetime slice
mudirection of slice
color_indexColor index
src_indexIndex which defines which corner of a cube on the source time slice you want your source to be on. The std::mapping from src_index to site is lexicographic, i.e: 0 is (0,0,0), 1 is (1,0,0), 2 is (0,1,0), 3 is (1,1,0), 4 is (0,0,1), 5 is (1,0,1), 6 is (0,1,1) and 7 is (1,1,1).

This is probably not the cleverest way to do this and realistically you are not interested in all the sources at once so you have to be careful to call this routine with the right index.

This routine is specific to Staggered fermions!

Fill a specific color index with 1.0, on sites in a slice where everything has even coordinates.

aSource fermion (write)
slicetime slice
mudirection of slice
color_indexColor index
src_indexIndex which defines which corner of a cube on the source time slice you want your source to be on. The std::mapping from src_index to site is lexicographic, i.e: 0 is (0,0,0), 1 is (1,0,0), 2 is (0,1,0), 3 is (1,1,0), 4 is (0,0,1), 5 is (1,0,1), 6 is (0,1,1) and 7 is (1,1,1).

Definition at line 36 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::END_CODE(), m, mu, Nd, Chroma::one, Chroma::QDP_error_exit(), Chroma::START_CODE(), Chroma::tmp, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by create_stagg_source(), Chroma::SFWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >::operator()(), Chroma::SFWaveQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >::operator()(), Chroma::WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >::operator()(), and Chroma::SFpcac().

◆ write() [1/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [2/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir param 

◆ write() [3/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DiluteGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [4/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DiluteZNEigVecQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [5/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const DiluteZNQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [6/25]

void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams param 

◆ write() [7/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const ExternalFieldEnv::ConstantMagneticParams param 


◆ write() [8/25]

void Chroma::ExternalFieldEnv::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const ExternalFieldEnv::LinearElectricParams param 

◆ write() [9/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const ExternalFieldEnv::LinearElectricParams param 


◆ write() [10/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 22 of file

References Chroma::MomWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [11/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const NormShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [12/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const PartialWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [13/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const PointQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 29 of file

References Chroma::PointQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [14/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const PointQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 28 of file

References Chroma::PointQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ write() [15/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const RandZ2WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [16/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const RandZNWallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [17/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const ShellQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [18/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const ShellQuarkSourceSmearingEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [19/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const ShellZnGridQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [20/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [21/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const StaggeredDerivQuarkDisplacementEnv::ParamsDir param 

◆ write() [22/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::Params param 

◆ write() [23/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsOneIndex param 


◆ write() [24/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const StaggeredQuarkFlavorOpEnv::ParamsTwoIndex param 


◆ write() [25/25]

void Chroma::write ( XMLWriter &  xml,
const std::string &  path,
const WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params param 


Definition at line 22 of file

References Chroma::WallQuarkSourceConstEnv::Params::writeXML().

◆ z2_src() [1/3]

void Chroma::z2_src ( LatticeFermion &  a)


Definition at line 53 of file

References Chroma::a.

Referenced by Chroma::fill_volume_source(), main(), and Chroma::z2_src().

◆ z2_src() [2/3]

void Chroma::z2_src ( LatticeFermion &  a,
int  slice,
int  mu 

Timeslice source of complex Z2 noise.


This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

aSource fermion
slicetime slice
mudirection of slice

This type of source is useful for computing hadronic decay like diagrams.

QUARK MASS DEPENDENCE OF HADRON MASSES FROM LATTICE QCD. By UKQCD Collaboration (M. Foster et al.) Published in Phys.Rev.D59:074503,1999 e-Print Archive: hep-lat/9810021

Definition at line 86 of file

References Chroma::a, mu, Chroma::tmp, Chroma::z2_src(), and Chroma::zero.

◆ z2_src() [3/3]

void Chroma::z2_src ( LatticeStaggeredFermion &  a)


Definition at line 60 of file

References Chroma::a.

◆ z2_src_t()

template<typename T >
void Chroma::z2_src_t ( T a)

Volume source of complex Z2 noise.

This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

aSource fermion

This type of source is required to compute disconnected diagrams. The source is complex Z2 noise, hence there is an additional normalization factor of 1/sqrt(2).

Definition at line 27 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::c, and Chroma::zero.

◆ zN_rng()

Complex Chroma::zN_rng ( int  N)

◆ zN_src()

void Chroma::zN_src ( LatticeFermion &  a,
int  N 

Volume source of Z(N) noise.


This routine is specific to Wilson fermions!

aSource fermion
NThe N in Z(N)

This type of source is required to compute disconnected diagrams. The source is complex Z(N) noise, hence there is an additional normalization factor of 1/sqrt(N) or somesuch.

Definition at line 41 of file

References Chroma::a, Chroma::c, Chroma::twopi, and Chroma::zero.

Referenced by Chroma::InlineStochBaryon::func(), Chroma::InlineStochMeson::func(), Chroma::DilutionQuarkSourceConstEnv::ConstDilutionScheme::init(), main(), Chroma::DiluteZNQuarkSourceConstEnv::SourceConst< T >::operator()(), Chroma::StochCondContEnv::StochCondCont::operator()(), and Chroma::GroupBaryonOperatorEnv::GroupBaryonQQQ::operator()().