Macros | Typedefs | Functions
invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h File Reference

Conjugate-Gradient algorithm for a generic Linear Operator. More...

#include "chromabase.h"
#include "linearop.h"
#include "actions/ferm/linop/dslash_w.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define AT_REAL(a)   (a.elem().elem().elem().elem().elem())
#define FIRST_ELEM(a, s)   (&(a.elem(s.start()).elem(0).elem(0).real().elem()))


typedef OLattice< PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex< PScalar< REAL > >, Nc >, Ns > > LFerm
 Highly optimised Conjugate-Gradient (CGNE) algorithm for a Even Odd Preconditioned. More...
typedef OScalar< PScalar< PScalar< RScalar< PScalar< REAL > > > > > LScal
typedef OScalar< PScalar< PScalar< RScalar< PScalar< DOUBLE > > > > > LDble
typedef float v4sf __attribute__((mode(V4SF), aligned(16)))


void InvCG2EvenOddPrecWilsLinOpTHack (const WilsonDslash &D, const LFerm &chi, LFerm &psi, const LScal &mass, const LScal &RsdCG, int MaxCG, int &n_count)
 Conjugate-Gradient (CGNE) algorithm for a generic Linear Operator. More...
void vaxpy3_norm (REAL *Out, REAL *scalep, REAL *InScale, REAL *Add, int n_3vec, REAL *dsum)

Detailed Description

Conjugate-Gradient algorithm for a generic Linear Operator.

Definition in file invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AT_REAL (   a)    (a.elem().elem().elem().elem().elem())

Definition at line 21 of file invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h.


#define FIRST_ELEM (   a,
)    (&(a.elem(s.start()).elem(0).elem(0).real().elem()))

Definition at line 24 of file invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ __attribute__

typedef float v4sf __attribute__((mode(V4SF), aligned(16)))

Definition at line 36 of file invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h.

◆ LDble

typedef OScalar< PScalar < PScalar < RScalar< PScalar < DOUBLE > > > > > LDble

Definition at line 19 of file invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h.

◆ LFerm

typedef OLattice< PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex< PScalar<REAL> >, Nc>, Ns> > LFerm

Highly optimised Conjugate-Gradient (CGNE) algorithm for a Even Odd Preconditioned.

Definition at line 16 of file invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h.

◆ LScal

typedef OScalar< PScalar < PScalar < RScalar< PScalar < REAL > > > > > LScal

Definition at line 18 of file invcg2_timing_hacks_3.h.

Function Documentation

◆ vaxpy3_norm()

void vaxpy3_norm ( REAL *  Out,
REAL *  scalep,
REAL *  InScale,
REAL *  Add,
int  n_3vec,
REAL *  dsum 